Control Surface  1.1.1
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
Hardware Utilities

Classes used for debouncing buttons, incrementing/decrementing push buttons, scanning switch matrices, filtering analog input, etc. More...

Collaboration diagram for Hardware Utilities:


class  Button
 A class for reading and debouncing buttons and switches. More...
class  ButtonMatrix< nb_rows, nb_cols >
 A class that reads the states of a button matrix. More...
class  FilteredAnalog< Precision, FilterShiftFactor, FilterType, AnalogType, IncRes >
 A class that reads and filters an analog input. More...
class  IncrementButton
 A class for buttons that increment some counter or setting. More...
class  IncrementDecrementButtons
 A class for buttons that increment and decrement some counter or setting. More...
class  DotBarDisplayLEDs< N >
 A class for LED bars. More...
class  LEDs< N >
 A class for collections of LEDs that can display ranges. More...
class  MAX7219SevenSegmentDisplay
 A class for 8-digit 7-segment displays with a MAX7219 driver. More...

Detailed Description

Classes used for debouncing buttons, incrementing/decrementing push buttons, scanning switch matrices, filtering analog input, etc.