Control Surface  1.2.0
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
Namespaces | Variables
DebugMIDI_Interface.cpp File Reference
#include "DebugMIDI_Interface.hpp"
#include <AH/PrintStream/PrintStream.hpp>
+ Include dependency graph for DebugMIDI_Interface.cpp:

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static const char NoteOff [] = "Note Off "
static const char NoteOn [] = "Note On "
static const char KeyPressure [] = "Key Pressure "
static const char ControlChange [] = "Control Change "
static const char ProgramChange [] = "Program Change "
static const char ChannelPressure [] = "Channel Pressure"
static const char PitchBend [] = "Pitch Bend "
static const FlashString_t MIDIStatusTypeNames []