Control Surface main
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
No Matches


This is an example on how to attach your own callbacks for receiving MIDI input. This example has fine-grained callbacks, i.e. one for each message type (Note On, Note Off, Control Change, System Exclusive ...).

Boards: 🛈
AVR, AVR USB, Nano Every, Due, Nano 33 IoT, Nano 33 BLE, UNO R4, Pi Pico, Teensy 3.x, ESP32, ESP8266






See also

Written by PieterP, 2021-06-26

#include <Control_Surface.h> // Include the Control Surface library
// The MIDI over USB interface to use
// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks<MyMIDI_Callbacks> {
// Note how this ^ name is identical to the argument used here ^
void onNoteOff(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Note Off: " << channel << ", note " << note << ", velocity "
<< velocity << ", " << cable << endl;
void onNoteOn(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Note On: " << channel << ", note " << note << ", velocity "
<< velocity << ", " << cable << endl;
void onKeyPressure(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t pressure,
Cable cable) {
Serial << "Key Pressure: " << channel << ", note " << note << ", pressure "
<< pressure << ", " << cable << endl;
void onControlChange(Channel channel, uint8_t controller, uint8_t value,
Cable cable) {
Serial << "Control Change: " << channel << ", controller " << controller
<< ", value " << value << ", " << cable << endl;
void onProgramChange(Channel channel, uint8_t program, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Program Change: " << channel << ", program " << program << ", "
<< cable << endl;
void onChannelPressure(Channel channel, uint8_t pressure, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Channel Pressure: " << channel << ", pressure " << pressure
<< ", " << cable << endl;
void onPitchBend(Channel channel, uint16_t bend, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Pitch Bend: " << channel << ", bend " << bend << ", " << cable
<< endl;
Serial << F("System Exclusive: [") << se.length << "] "
<< AH::HexDump(, se.length) << ", " << se.cable << endl;
void onTimeCodeQuarterFrame(uint8_t data, Cable cable) {
Serial << "MTC Quarter Frame: " << data << ", " << cable << endl;
void onSongPosition(uint16_t beats, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Song Position Pointer: " << beats << ", " << cable << endl;
void onSongSelect(uint8_t songnumber, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Song Select: " << songnumber << ", " << cable << endl;
void onTuneRequest(Cable cable) {
Serial << "Tune Request: " << cable << endl;
void onClock(Cable cable) { Serial << "Timing Clock: " << cable << endl; }
void onStart(Cable cable) { Serial << "Start: " << cable << endl; }
void onContinue(Cable cable) { Serial << "Continue: " << cable << endl; }
void onStop(Cable cable) { Serial << "Stop: " << cable << endl; }
void onActiveSensing(Cable cable) {
Serial << "Active Sensing: " << cable << endl;
void onSystemReset(Cable cable) {
Serial << "System Reset: " << cable << endl;
} callback;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // For printing the messages
midi.begin(); // Initialize the MIDI interface
midi.setCallbacks(callback); // Attach the custom callback
void loop() {
midi.update(); // Continuously handle MIDI input
The main header file that includes all Control-Surface header files.
A type-safe class for MIDI USB Cable numbers.
Definition Cable.hpp:13
A type-safe class for MIDI channels.
Definition Channel.hpp:13
void onTimeCodeQuarterFrame(uint8_t data, Cable cable)
void onPitchBend(Channel channel, uint16_t bend, Cable cable)
void onSystemReset(Cable cable)
void onSystemExclusive(SysExMessage message)
void onActiveSensing(Cable cable)
void onProgramChange(Channel channel, uint8_t program, Cable cable)
void onNoteOff(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable)
void onNoteOn(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable)
void onControlChange(Channel channel, uint8_t controller, uint8_t value, Cable cable)
void onSongPosition(uint16_t beats, Cable cable)
void onTuneRequest(Cable cable)
void onSongSelect(uint8_t songnumber, Cable cable)
void onKeyPressure(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t pressure, Cable cable)
void onChannelPressure(Channel channel, uint8_t pressure, Cable cable)
void update() override
Poll the backend (if necessary) and invoke the callbacks for any received MIDI messages,...
void begin() override
void setCallbacks(MIDI_Callbacks *cb)
Set the callbacks that will be called when a MIDI message is received.
A class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection.
const uint8_t * data