Control Surface pin-t-adl
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino


This is an example on how to attach your own callbacks for receiving MIDI input data.

AVR, AVR USB, Nano Every, Due, Nano 33 IoT, Nano 33 BLE, Pi Pico, Teensy 3.x, ESP32, ESP8266






Written by PieterP, 2019-08-07

#include <Control_Surface.h> // Include the Control Surface library
bool channelMessageCallback(ChannelMessage cm) {
Serial << F("Channel message: ") << hex //
<< cm.header << ' ' << cm.data1 << ' ' << cm.data2 //
<< dec << F(" on cable ") << cm.cable.getOneBased() << endl;
return true; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
// and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
// If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
// return false.
bool sysExMessageCallback(SysExMessage se) {
Serial << F("System Exclusive message: [") << se.length << "] " //
<< AH::HexDump(, se.length) //
<< F(" on cable ") << se.cable.getOneBased() << endl;
return true; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
// and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
// If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
// return false.
bool sysCommonMessageCallback(SysCommonMessage sc) {
Serial << F("System Common message: ") << hex //
<< sc.header << ' ' << sc.data1 << ' ' << sc.data2 //
<< dec << F(" on cable ") << sc.cable.getOneBased() << endl;
return true; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
// and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
// If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
// return false.
bool realTimeMessageCallback(RealTimeMessage rt) {
Serial << F("Real-time message: ") //
<< hex << rt.message << dec //
<< F(" on cable ") << rt.cable.getOneBased() << endl;
return true; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
// and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
// If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
// return false.
void setup() {
Control_Surface.setMIDIInputCallbacks(channelMessageCallback, //
sysExMessageCallback, //
sysCommonMessageCallback, //
realTimeMessageCallback); //
// If you don't need all four callbacks, you can pass `nullptr` instead of a
// function pointer
void loop() {
The main header file that includes all Control-Surface header files.
Control_Surface_ & Control_Surface
A predefined instance of the Control Surface to use in the Arduino sketches.
constexpr uint8_t getOneBased() const
Get the cable as an integer.
Definition: Cable.hpp:36
void setMIDIInputCallbacks(ChannelMessageCallback channelMessageCallback, SysExMessageCallback sysExMessageCallback, SysCommonMessageCallback sysCommonMessageCallback, RealTimeMessageCallback realTimeMessageCallback)
Set the MIDI input callbacks.
void begin()
Initialize the Control_Surface.
void loop()
Update all MIDI elements, send MIDI events and read MIDI input.
A class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection.
Print & hex(Print &printer)
Definition: PrintStream.cpp:62
Print & endl(Print &printer)
Definition: PrintStream.cpp:27
Print & dec(Print &printer)
Definition: PrintStream.cpp:77
uint8_t data2
First MIDI data byte.
uint8_t header
MIDI status byte (message type and channel).
uint8_t data1
First MIDI data byte.
Cable cable
USB MIDI cable number;.
const uint8_t * data