Control Surface pin-t-adl
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino


This is an example that demonstrates the use of Banks.

AVR, AVR USB, Due, Nano 33 IoT, Nano 33 BLE, Pi Pico, Teensy 3.x

Banks allow you to use a single control for many different actions. By changing the bank setting, you can change the address of a MIDI Element.

In this example, we will use two potentiometers to control the volume of eight MIDI channels by using four banks.

The setup is as follows:

═══════════   ─╮             ═════════════════
 Channel 1     │              Potentiometer 1
──────────     │  Bank 1      ────────────────
 Channel 2     │              Potentiometer 2
═══════════   ─┤             ═════════════════
 Channel 3     │              Potentiometer 1
──────────     │  Bank 2      ────────────────
 Channel 4     │              Potentiometer 2
═══════════   ─┤             ═════════════════
 Channel 5     │              Potentiometer 1
──────────     │  Bank 3      ────────────────
 Channel 6     │              Potentiometer 2
═══════════   ─┤             ═════════════════
 Channel 7     │              Potentiometer 1
──────────     │  Bank 4      ────────────────
 Channel 8     │              Potentiometer 2
═══════════   ─╯             ═════════════════

When Bank 1 is selected, Potentiometer 1 controls Channel 1, and Potentiometer 2 controls Channel 2.
When Bank 2 is selected, Potentiometer 1 controls Channel 3, and Potentiometer 2 controls Channel 4.
When Bank 3 is selected, Potentiometer 1 controls Channel 5, and Potentiometer 2 controls Channel 6.
When Bank 4 is selected, Potentiometer 1 controls Channel 7, and Potentiometer 2 controls Channel 8.

To select the active bank, you can either use the Bank::select method, or you can use one of the many Selectors.
In this example, we'll use an IncrementDecrementSelector. It has one push button to increment the bank setting, and one push button to decrement the bank setting.

To display which bank is currently active, you can use the Selectors with LED feedback in the Selectors LEDs module, or you can write your own callback that gets called when the setting changes. The latter is demonstrated in the Custom-Selector-Callback.ino example.

For more information about banks, have a look at the “How do banks work?” FAQ page, it includes a nice animation.


Connect the left terminal of the potentiometer to ground, and the right one to VCC.
The internal pull-up resistors for the buttons will be enabled automatically.


Written by PieterP, 2020-02-04

#include <Control_Surface.h> // Include the Control Surface library
// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate four Banks, with two tracks per bank.
// Compare these numbers to the diagram above.
Bank<4> bank(2);
// │ └───── number of tracks per bank
// └───────────── number of banks
// Instantiate a Bank selector to control which one of the four Banks is active.
bank, // Bank to manage
{2, 3}, // push button pins (increment, decrement)
Wrap::Wrap, // Wrap around
// Wrapping around means that if you're in Bank 4 and you press the increment
// button, you wrap back around to Bank 1. Similarly, if you're in Bank 1 and
// you press the decrement button, you wrap back around to Bank 4.
// The alternative to Wrap::Wrap is Wrap::Clamp. In that case, pressing the
// increment button when you're in Bank 4 won't do anything, you'll stay in
// Bank 4. If you're in Bank 1 and press the decrement button, you'll stay in
// Bank 1.
// Instantiate two potentiometers for the volume controls.
Bankable::CCPotentiometer potentiometer1 {
{bank, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL}, // bank configuration
A0, // analog pin
Bankable::CCPotentiometer potentiometer2 {
{bank, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL}, // bank configuration
A1, // analog pin
// The addresses specified here are the addresses for the first Bank.
// The addresses used in the other Banks are derived from these base addresses
// by adding the number of tracks of the bank to the base address.
// For example, in Bank 1, the first potentiometer will send on Channel 1,
// in Bank 2, the first potentiometer will send on Channel 1 + 2 = Channel 3,
// because 2 is the number of tracks in the Bank.
// The bank setting can affect the Channel (as in this example), the address, or
// the MIDI USB Cable Number. You can change this behavior by changing the
// BankType in the bank configuration above to `BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS` or
// `BankType::CHANGE_CABLENB`.
void setup() {
Control_Surface.begin(); // Initialize Control Surface
void loop() {
Control_Surface.loop(); // Update the Control Surface
Change the offset of the channel number of the element.
Definition: BankConfig.hpp:21
constexpr Channel CHANNEL_2
Definition: Channel.hpp:119
constexpr Channel CHANNEL_1
Definition: Channel.hpp:118
The main header file that includes all Control-Surface header files.
Control_Surface_ & Control_Surface
A predefined instance of the Control Surface to use in the Arduino sketches.
@ Wrap
When the maximum (minimum) setting is reached, wrap around to the minimum (maximum) setting.
A class that groups Bankable MIDI Output Elements and Bankable MIDI Input Elements,...
Definition: Bank.hpp:91
A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader,...
void begin()
Initialize the Control_Surface.
void loop()
Update all MIDI elements, send MIDI events and read MIDI input.
Selector with two buttons (one to increment, one to decrement).
A class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection.
constexpr uint8_t Channel_Volume