LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/AH/Containers - Updatable.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: b8a30b4b7040ae1abf162fd0a258beaa2de43626 Lines: 32 32 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 21:28:55 Functions: 31 46 67.4 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* ✔ */
       2             : 
       3             : #pragma once
       4             : 
       5             : #include <AH/Containers/CRTP.hpp>
       6             : #include <AH/Containers/LinkedList.hpp>
       7             : #include <AH/Error/Error.hpp>
       8             : #include <AH/STL/type_traits>
       9             : #include <AH/STL/utility> // std::forward
      10             : #include <AH/Settings/SettingsWrapper.hpp>
      11             : #include <stddef.h>
      12             : 
      13             : BEGIN_AH_NAMESPACE
      14             : 
      15             : /**
      16             :  * @brief   A super class for object that have to be updated regularly.
      17             :  * 
      18             :  * All instances of this class are kept in a linked list, so it's easy to 
      19             :  * iterate over all of them to update them.  
      20             :  * 
      21             :  * This version uses static polymorphism using the Curiously Recurring Template
      22             :  * Pattern. This requires less virtual function calls.  
      23             :  * (Only the destructor is virtual.)
      24             :  * 
      25             :  * @nosubgrouping
      26             :  */
      27             : template <class Derived>
      28             : class UpdatableCRTP : public DoublyLinkable<Derived> {
      29             : 
      30             :   public:
      31             : #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
      32             : #pragma GCC diagnostic push
      33             : #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes"
      34             : #endif
      35             : 
      36             :     // When a Derived instance is constructed, the base class constructor
      37             :     // UpdatableCRTP is called first. Because the Derived constructor hasn't
      38             :     // been run yet, the dynamic type is just Updatable, not yet Derived.
      39             :     // The undefined behavior sanitizer checks this dynamic type when the this
      40             :     // pointer is casted to Derived using the CRTP macro, and thus causes an
      41             :     // error.
      42             :     // The constructor only casts and stores the pointer, it doesn't dereference
      43             :     // it to call any of Derived methods, so I don't think that it's undefined
      44             :     // behavior (and I don't know of a better way to do this).
      45             :     // Also see
      46             : 
      47             :   protected:
      48             :     /// Constructor: create an Updatable and add it to the linked list of
      49             :     /// instances.
      50         395 :     UpdatableCRTP() __attribute__((no_sanitize("undefined"))) {
      51         395 :         updatables.append(CRTP(Derived));
      52         395 :     }
      53             : 
      54             :     UpdatableCRTP(const UpdatableCRTP &)
      55             :         __attribute__((no_sanitize("undefined")))
      56             :         : DoublyLinkable<Derived>() {
      57             :         updatables.append(CRTP(Derived));
      58             :     }
      59             :     UpdatableCRTP &operator=(const UpdatableCRTP &) { return *this; }
      60             : 
      61             :     UpdatableCRTP(UpdatableCRTP &&) __attribute__((no_sanitize("undefined"))) {
      62             :         updatables.append(CRTP(Derived));
      63             :     }
      64             :     UpdatableCRTP &operator=(UpdatableCRTP &&) { return *this; }
      65             : 
      66             :   public:
      67             :     /// Destructor: remove the updatable from the linked list of instances.
      68         395 :     virtual ~UpdatableCRTP() __attribute__((no_sanitize("undefined"))) {
      69         395 :         if (updatables.couldContain(CRTP(Derived)))
      70         379 :             updatables.remove(CRTP(Derived));
      71         790 :     }
      72             : 
      73             : #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
      74             : #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
      75             : #endif
      76             : 
      77             :   public:
      78             :     /// @name Main initialization and updating methods
      79             :     /// @{
      80             : 
      81             :     template <class... Args>
      82             :     static void __attribute__((always_inline))
      83             :     applyToAll(void (Derived::*method)(Args...), Args... args) {
      84         167 :         for (auto &el : updatables)
      85          57 :             (el.*method)(args...);
      86             :     }
      87             : 
      88             :     /// @}
      89             : 
      90             :   public:
      91             :     /// @name Enabling and disabling updatables
      92             :     /// @{
      93             : 
      94             :     /// Enable this updatable: insert it into the linked list of instances,
      95             :     /// so it gets updated automatically
      96          17 :     void enable() {
      97          17 :         if (isEnabled()) {
      98           1 :             ERROR(F("Error: This element is already enabled."), 0x1212);
      99             :             return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     100             :         }
     101          16 :         updatables.append(CRTP(Derived));
     102             :     }
     103             : 
     104             :     /// Disable this updatable: remove it from the linked list of instances,
     105             :     /// so it no longer gets updated automatically
     106          33 :     void disable() {
     107          33 :         if (!isEnabled()) {
     108           1 :             ERROR(F("Error: This element is already disabled."), 0x1213);
     109             :             return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     110             :         }
     111          32 :         updatables.remove(CRTP(Derived));
     112             :     }
     113             : 
     114             :     /**
     115             :      * @brief   Check if this updatable is enabled.
     116             :      * 
     117             :      * @note    Assumes that the updatable is not added to a different linked 
     118             :      *          list by the user.
     119             :      */
     120          98 :     bool isEnabled() const {
     121          98 :         return updatables.couldContain(CRTP(const Derived));
     122             :     }
     123             : 
     124             :     /// @copydoc enable()
     125             :     static void enable(UpdatableCRTP *element) { element->enable(); }
     126             :     /// @copydoc enable()
     127          16 :     static void enable(UpdatableCRTP &element) { element.enable(); }
     128             :     /// @copydoc enable()
     129             :     template <class U, size_t N>
     130           1 :     static void enable(U (&array)[N]) {
     131          17 :         for (U &el : array)
     132          16 :             enable(el);
     133           1 :     }
     134             : 
     135             :     /// @copydoc disable()
     136             :     static void disable(UpdatableCRTP *element) { element->disable(); }
     137             :     /// @copydoc disable()
     138          32 :     static void disable(UpdatableCRTP &element) { element.disable(); }
     139             :     /// @copydoc disable()
     140             :     template <class U, size_t N>
     141           2 :     static void disable(U (&array)[N]) {
     142          34 :         for (U &el : array)
     143          32 :             disable(el);
     144           2 :     }
     145             : 
     146             :     /// Move down this element in the list.
     147          67 :     void moveDown() { updatables.moveDown(CRTP(Derived)); }
     148             : 
     149             :     /// @}
     150             : 
     151             :   protected:
     152             :     static DoublyLinkedList<Derived> updatables;
     153             : };
     154             : 
     155             : template <class Derived>
     156             : DoublyLinkedList<Derived> UpdatableCRTP<Derived>::updatables;
     157             : 
     158             : struct NormalUpdatable {};
     159             : 
     160             : /**
     161             :  * @brief   A super class for object that have to be updated regularly.
     162             :  * 
     163             :  * All instances of this class are kept in a linked list, so it's easy to 
     164             :  * iterate over all of them to update them.
     165             :  * 
     166             :  * @nosubgrouping
     167             :  */
     168             : template <class T = NormalUpdatable>
     169             : class Updatable : public UpdatableCRTP<Updatable<T>> {
     170             :   public:
     171             :     /// @name Main initialization and updating methods
     172             :     /// @{
     173             : 
     174             :     /// Initialize this updatable.
     175             :     virtual void begin() = 0;
     176             : 
     177             :     /// Update this updatable.
     178             :     virtual void update() = 0;
     179             : 
     180             :     /// Begin all enabled instances of this class
     181             :     /// @see    begin()
     182           7 :     static void beginAll() { Updatable::applyToAll(&Updatable::begin); }
     183             : 
     184             :     /// Update all enabled instances of this class
     185             :     /// @see    update()
     186          26 :     static void updateAll() { Updatable::applyToAll(&Updatable::update); }
     187             : 
     188             :     /// @}
     189             : };
     190             : 
     191             : END_AH_NAMESPACE

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15