LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/AH/Hardware/ExtendedInputOutput - AnalogMultiplex.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: b8a30b4b7040ae1abf162fd0a258beaa2de43626 Lines: 50 50 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 21:28:55 Functions: 18 23 78.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* ✔ */
       2             : 
       3             : #pragma once
       4             : 
       5             : #include "ExtendedInputOutput.hpp"
       6             : #include "StaticSizeExtendedIOElement.hpp"
       7             : #include <AH/Containers/Array.hpp>
       8             : #include <stdlib.h>
       9             : 
      10             : BEGIN_AH_NAMESPACE
      11             : 
      12             : /**
      13             :  * @brief   A class for reading multiplexed analog inputs.
      14             :  *          Supports 74HC4067, 74HC4051, etc.
      15             :  * 
      16             :  * You can use many multiplexers on the same address lines if each of the 
      17             :  * multiplexers has a different enable line.
      18             :  * 
      19             :  * @tparam  N 
      20             :  *          The number of address lines.
      21             :  * 
      22             :  * @ingroup AH_ExtIO
      23             :  */
      24             : template <uint8_t N>
      25             : class AnalogMultiplex : public StaticSizeExtendedIOElement<1 << N> {
      26             :   public:
      27             :     /**
      28             :      * @brief   Create a new AnalogMultiplex object on the given pins.
      29             :      * 
      30             :      * @param   analogPin
      31             :      *          The analog input pin connected to the output of the multiplexer.
      32             :      * @param   addressPins
      33             :      *          An array of the pins connected to the address lines of the
      34             :      *          multiplexer. (Labeled S0, S1, S2 ... in the datasheet.)
      35             :      * @param   enablePin
      36             :      *          The digital output pin connected to the enable pin of the
      37             :      *          multiplexer. (Labeled Ē in the datasheet.)  
      38             :      *          If you don't need the enable pin, you can use NO_PIN, which is 
      39             :      *          the default.
      40             :      */
      41          10 :     AnalogMultiplex(pin_t analogPin, const Array<pin_t, N> &addressPins,
      42             :                     pin_t enablePin = NO_PIN)
      43          10 :         : analogPin(analogPin), addressPins(addressPins), enablePin(enablePin) {
      44          10 :     }
      45             : 
      46             :     /**
      47             :      * @brief   Set the pin mode of the analog input pin.  
      48             :      *          This allows you to enable the internal pull-up resistor, for
      49             :      *          use with buttons or open-collector outputs.
      50             :      * 
      51             :      * @note    This applies to all pins of this multiplexer.  
      52             :      *          This affects all pins of the multiplexer, because it has only
      53             :      *          a single common pin.  
      54             :      * 
      55             :      * @param   pin
      56             :      *          (Unused)
      57             :      * @param   mode
      58             :      *          The new mode of the input pin: 
      59             :      *          either INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP.
      60             :      */
      61             :     void pinMode(pin_int_t pin, PinMode_t mode) override;
      62             : 
      63             :     /**
      64             :      * @copydoc pinMode
      65             :      */
      66             :     void pinModeBuffered(pin_int_t pin, PinMode_t mode) override;
      67             : 
      68             :     /**
      69             :      * @brief   The digitalWrite function is not implemented because writing an
      70             :      *          output to a multiplexer is not useful.
      71             :      */
      72             :     void digitalWrite(pin_int_t, PinStatus_t) override // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
      73             :         __attribute__((deprecated)) {}                 // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
      74             : 
      75             :     /**
      76             :      * @copydoc digitalWrite
      77             :      */
      78             :     void digitalWriteBuffered(pin_int_t, PinStatus_t) override // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
      79             :         __attribute__((deprecated)) {}                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
      80             : 
      81             :     /**
      82             :      * @brief   Read the digital state of the given input.
      83             :      * 
      84             :      * @param   pin
      85             :      *          The multiplexer's pin number to read from.
      86             :      */
      87             :     PinStatus_t digitalRead(pin_int_t pin) override;
      88             : 
      89             :     /**
      90             :      * @copydoc digitalRead
      91             :      */
      92             :     PinStatus_t digitalReadBuffered(pin_int_t pin) override;
      93             : 
      94             :     /**
      95             :      * @brief   Read the analog value of the given input.
      96             :      * 
      97             :      * @param   pin
      98             :      *          The multiplexer's pin number to read from.
      99             :      */
     100             :     analog_t analogRead(pin_int_t pin) override;
     101             : 
     102             :     /**
     103             :      * @copydoc analogRead
     104             :      */
     105             :     analog_t analogReadBuffered(pin_int_t pin) override;
     106             : 
     107             :     /**
     108             :      * @brief   The analogWrite function is not implemented because writing an
     109             :      *          output to a multiplexer is not useful.
     110             :      */
     111             :     void analogWrite(pin_int_t, analog_t) override // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     112             :         __attribute__((deprecated)) {}             // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     113             : 
     114             :     /**
     115             :      * @copydoc analogWrite
     116             :      */
     117             :     void analogWriteBuffered(pin_int_t, analog_t) override // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     118             :         __attribute__((deprecated)) {}                     // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     119             : 
     120             :     /**
     121             :      * @brief   Initialize the multiplexer: set the pin mode of the address pins
     122             :      *          and the enable pin to output mode.
     123             :      */
     124             :     void begin() override;
     125             : 
     126             :     /**
     127             :      * @brief   No periodic updating of the state is necessary, all actions are 
     128             :      *          carried out when the user calls analogRead or digitalRead.
     129             :      */
     130             :     void updateBufferedOutputs() override {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     131             : 
     132             :     /**
     133             :      * @brief   No periodic updating of the state is necessary, all actions are 
     134             :      *          carried out when the user calls analogRead or digitalRead.
     135             :      */
     136             :     void updateBufferedInputs() override {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     137             : 
     138             :     /**
     139             :      * @brief   Specify whether to discard the first analog reading after 
     140             :      *          changing the address lines (enabled by default).
     141             :      */
     142           1 :     void discardFirstReading(bool discardFirstReading_) {
     143           1 :         this->discardFirstReading_ = discardFirstReading_;
     144           1 :     }
     145             : 
     146             :   protected:
     147             :     const pin_t analogPin;
     148             :     const Array<pin_t, N> addressPins;
     149             :     const pin_t enablePin;
     150             :     bool discardFirstReading_ = true;
     151             : 
     152             :     /**
     153             :      * @brief   Write the pin number/address to the address pins of the 
     154             :      *          multiplexer.
     155             :      * 
     156             :      * @param   address
     157             :      *          The address to select.
     158             :      */
     159             :     void setMuxAddress(uint8_t address);
     160             : 
     161             :     /**
     162             :      * @brief   Select the correct address and enable the multiplexer.
     163             :      * 
     164             :      * @param   address
     165             :      *          The address to select.
     166             :      */
     167             :     void prepareReading(uint8_t address);
     168             : 
     169             :     /**
     170             :      * @brief   Disable the multiplexer.
     171             :      */
     172             :     void afterReading();
     173             : 
     174             :     // The enable pin is active low.
     175             :     constexpr static auto MUX_ENABLED = LOW;
     176             :     constexpr static auto MUX_DISABLED = HIGH;
     177             : };
     178             : 
     179             : /**
     180             :  * @brief   An alias for AnalogMultiplex<4> to use with CD74HC4067 analog 
     181             :  *          multiplexers.
     182             :  * 
     183             :  * @ingroup AH_ExtIO
     184             :  */
     185             : using CD74HC4067 = AnalogMultiplex<4>;
     186             : 
     187             : /**
     188             :  * @brief   An alias for AnalogMultiplex<3> to use with CD74HC4051 analog 
     189             :  *          multiplexers.
     190             :  * 
     191             :  * @ingroup AH_ExtIO
     192             :  */
     193             : using CD74HC4051 = AnalogMultiplex<3>;
     194             : 
     195             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
     196             : 
     197             : template <uint8_t N>
     198           2 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::pinMode(pin_int_t, PinMode_t mode) {
     199           2 :     ExtIO::pinMode(analogPin, mode);
     200           2 : }
     201             : 
     202             : template <uint8_t N>
     203           1 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::pinModeBuffered(pin_int_t p, PinMode_t mode) {
     204           1 :     AnalogMultiplex<N>::pinMode(p, mode);
     205           1 : }
     206             : 
     207             : template <uint8_t N>
     208           3 : PinStatus_t AnalogMultiplex<N>::digitalRead(pin_int_t pin) {
     209           3 :     prepareReading(static_cast<uint8_t>(pin));
     210           3 :     PinStatus_t result = ExtIO::digitalRead(analogPin);
     211           3 :     afterReading();
     212           3 :     return result;
     213             : }
     214             : 
     215             : template <uint8_t N>
     216           1 : PinStatus_t AnalogMultiplex<N>::digitalReadBuffered(pin_int_t pin) {
     217           1 :     return AnalogMultiplex<N>::digitalRead(pin);
     218             : }
     219             : 
     220             : template <uint8_t N>
     221          11 : analog_t AnalogMultiplex<N>::analogRead(pin_int_t pin) {
     222          11 :     prepareReading(static_cast<uint8_t>(pin));
     223          11 :     if (discardFirstReading_)
     224           8 :         (void)ExtIO::analogRead(analogPin); // Discard first reading
     225          11 :     analog_t result = ExtIO::analogRead(analogPin);
     226          11 :     afterReading();
     227          11 :     return result;
     228             : }
     229             : 
     230             : template <uint8_t N>
     231           1 : analog_t AnalogMultiplex<N>::analogReadBuffered(pin_int_t pin) {
     232           1 :     return AnalogMultiplex<N>::analogRead(pin);
     233             : }
     234             : 
     235             : template <uint8_t N>
     236          10 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::begin() {
     237          49 :     for (const pin_t &addressPin : addressPins)
     238          39 :         ExtIO::pinMode(addressPin, OUTPUT);
     239          10 :     if (enablePin != NO_PIN) {
     240           7 :         ExtIO::pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
     241           7 :         ExtIO::digitalWrite(enablePin, MUX_DISABLED);
     242             :     }
     243          10 : }
     244             : 
     245             : template <uint8_t N>
     246          14 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::setMuxAddress(uint8_t address) {
     247          14 :     uint8_t mask = 1;
     248          67 :     for (const pin_t &addressPin : addressPins) {
     249          53 :         ExtIO::digitalWrite(addressPin, (address & mask) != 0 ? HIGH : LOW);
     250          53 :         mask <<= 1;
     251             :     }
     252             : #if !defined(__AVR__) && defined(ARDUINO)
     253             :     delayMicroseconds(SELECT_LINE_DELAY);
     254             : #endif
     255          14 : }
     256             : 
     257             : template <uint8_t N>
     258          14 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::prepareReading(uint8_t address) {
     259          14 :     setMuxAddress(address);
     260          14 :     if (enablePin != NO_PIN)
     261           7 :         ExtIO::digitalWrite(enablePin, MUX_ENABLED);
     262          14 : }
     263             : 
     264             : template <uint8_t N>
     265          14 : void AnalogMultiplex<N>::afterReading() {
     266          14 :     if (enablePin != NO_PIN)
     267           7 :         ExtIO::digitalWrite(enablePin, MUX_DISABLED);
     268          14 : }
     269             : 
     270             : END_AH_NAMESPACE

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15