LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/AH/Hardware - FilteredAnalog.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: b8a30b4b7040ae1abf162fd0a258beaa2de43626 Lines: 39 39 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 21:28:55 Functions: 51 51 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #pragma once
       2             : 
       3             : #include <AH/Filters/EMA.hpp>
       4             : #include <AH/Filters/Hysteresis.hpp>
       5             : #include <AH/Hardware/ExtendedInputOutput/ExtendedInputOutput.hpp>
       6             : #include <AH/Hardware/Hardware-Types.hpp>
       7             : #include <AH/Math/IncreaseBitDepth.hpp>
       8             : #include <AH/Math/MinMaxFix.hpp>
       9             : #include <AH/STL/type_traits> // std::enable_if, std::is_constructible
      10             : #include <AH/STL/utility> // std::forward
      11             : #include <AH/Settings/SettingsWrapper.hpp>
      12             : 
      13             : BEGIN_AH_NAMESPACE
      14             : 
      15             : /**
      16             :  * @brief   Helper to determine how many of the remaining bits of the filter 
      17             :  *          data types can be used to achieve higher precision.
      18             :  */
      19             : template <uint8_t FilterShiftFactor, class FilterType, class AnalogType>
      20             : struct MaximumFilteredAnalogIncRes {
      21             :     constexpr static uint8_t value =
      22             :         min(sizeof(FilterType) * CHAR_BIT - ADC_BITS - FilterShiftFactor,
      23             :             sizeof(AnalogType) * CHAR_BIT - ADC_BITS);
      24             : };
      25             : 
      26             : /**
      27             :  * @brief   FilteredAnalog base class with generic MappingFunction.
      28             :  * 
      29             :  * @see FilteredAnalog
      30             :  */
      31             : template <class MappingFunction, uint8_t Precision = 10,
      32             :           uint8_t FilterShiftFactor = ANALOG_FILTER_SHIFT_FACTOR,
      33             :           class FilterType = ANALOG_FILTER_TYPE, class AnalogType = analog_t,
      34             :           uint8_t IncRes = MaximumFilteredAnalogIncRes<
      35             :               FilterShiftFactor, FilterType, AnalogType>::value>
      36             : class GenericFilteredAnalog {
      37             :   public:
      38             :     /**
      39             :      * @brief   Construct a new GenericFilteredAnalog object.
      40             :      *
      41             :      * @param   analogPin
      42             :      *          The analog pin to read from.
      43             :      * @param   mapFn
      44             :      *          The mapping function
      45             :      * @param   initial
      46             :      *          The initial value of the filter.
      47             :      */
      48          21 :     GenericFilteredAnalog(pin_t analogPin, MappingFunction mapFn,
      49             :                           AnalogType initial = 0)
      50          21 :         : analogPin(analogPin), mapFn(std::forward<MappingFunction>(mapFn)),
      51          21 :           filter(increaseBitDepth<ADC_BITS + IncRes, Precision, AnalogType,
      52          21 :                                   AnalogType>(initial)) {}
      53             : 
      54             :     /// @copydoc GenericFilteredAnalog::GenericFilteredAnalog(pin_t,MappingFunction,AnalogType)
      55             :     GenericFilteredAnalog(ArduinoPin_t analogPin, MappingFunction mapFn,
      56             :                           AnalogType initial = 0)
      57             :         : GenericFilteredAnalog(pin_t(analogPin),
      58             :                                 std::forward<MappingFunction>(mapFn), initial) {
      59             :     }
      60             : 
      61             :     /**
      62             :      * @brief   Reset the filter to the given value.
      63             :      * 
      64             :      * @param   value 
      65             :      *          The value to reset the filter state to.
      66             :      * 
      67             :      * @todo    Should the filter be initialized to the first value that is read
      68             :      *          instead of to zero? This would require adding a `begin` method.
      69             :      */
      70           1 :     void reset(AnalogType value = 0) {
      71             :         AnalogType widevalue = increaseBitDepth<ADC_BITS + IncRes, Precision,
      72           1 :                                                 AnalogType, AnalogType>(value);
      73           1 :         filter.reset(widevalue);
      74           1 :         hysteresis.setValue(widevalue);
      75           1 :     }
      76             : 
      77             :     /**
      78             :      * @brief   Reset the filtered value to the value that's currently being
      79             :      *          measured at the analog input.
      80             :      * 
      81             :      * This is useful to avoid transient effects upon initialization.
      82             :      */
      83           7 :     void resetToCurrentValue() {
      84           7 :         AnalogType widevalue = getRawValue();
      85           7 :         filter.reset(widevalue);
      86           7 :         hysteresis.setValue(widevalue);
      87           7 :     }
      88             : 
      89             :     /**
      90             :      * @brief   Specify a mapping function/functor that is applied to the analog
      91             :      *          value after filtering and before applying hysteresis.
      92             :      *
      93             :      * @param   fn
      94             :      *          This functor should have a call operator that takes the filtered
      95             :      *          value (of ADC_BITS + IncRes bits wide) as a parameter, 
      96             :      *          and returns a value of ADC_BITS + IncRes bits wide.
      97             :      * 
      98             :      * @note    Applying the mapping function before filtering could result in
      99             :      *          the noise being amplified to such an extent that filtering it
     100             :      *          afterwards would be ineffective.  
     101             :      *          Applying it after hysteresis would result in a lower resolution.  
     102             :      *          That's why the mapping function is applied after filtering and
     103             :      *          before hysteresis.
     104             :      */
     105           7 :     void map(MappingFunction fn) { mapFn = std::forward<MappingFunction>(fn); }
     106             : 
     107             :     /**
     108             :      * @brief   Get a reference to the mapping function.
     109             :      */
     110             :     MappingFunction &getMappingFunction() { return mapFn; }
     111             :     /**
     112             :      * @brief   Get a reference to the mapping function.
     113             :      */
     114             :     const MappingFunction &getMappingFunction() const { return mapFn; }
     115             : 
     116             :     /**
     117             :      * @brief   Read the analog input value, apply the mapping function, and
     118             :      *          update the average.
     119             :      *
     120             :      * @retval  true
     121             :      *          The value changed since last time it was updated.
     122             :      * @retval  false
     123             :      *          The value is still the same.
     124             :      */
     125          42 :     bool update() {
     126          42 :         AnalogType input = getRawValue(); // read the raw analog input value
     127          42 :         input = filter.filter(input);     // apply a low-pass EMA filter
     128          42 :         input = mapFnHelper(input);       // apply the mapping function
     129          42 :         return hysteresis.update(input);  // apply hysteresis, and return true
     130             :         // if the value changed since last time
     131             :     }
     132             : 
     133             :     /**
     134             :      * @brief   Get the filtered value of the analog input (with the mapping 
     135             :      *          function applied).
     136             :      * 
     137             :      * @note    This function just returns the value from the last call to
     138             :      *          @ref update, it doesn't read the analog input again.
     139             :      *
     140             :      * @return  The filtered value of the analog input, as a number
     141             :      *          of `Precision` bits wide.
     142             :      */
     143          65 :     AnalogType getValue() const { return hysteresis.getValue(); }
     144             : 
     145             :     /**
     146             :      * @brief   Get the filtered value of the analog input with the mapping 
     147             :      *          function applied as a floating point number from 0.0 to 1.0.
     148             :      * 
     149             :      * @return  The filtered value of the analog input, as a number
     150             :      *          from 0.0 to 1.0.
     151             :      */
     152          21 :     float getFloatValue() const {
     153          21 :         return getValue() * (1.0f / (ldexpf(1.0f, Precision) - 1.0f));
     154             :     }
     155             : 
     156             :     /**
     157             :      * @brief   Read the raw value of the analog input without any filtering or
     158             :      *          mapping applied, but with its bit depth increased by @c IncRes.
     159             :      */
     160          49 :     AnalogType getRawValue() const {
     161          49 :         AnalogType value = ExtIO::analogRead(analogPin);
     162             : #ifdef ESP8266
     163             :         if (value > 1023)
     164             :             value = 1023;
     165             : #endif
     166          49 :         return increaseBitDepth<ADC_BITS + IncRes, ADC_BITS, AnalogType>(value);
     167             :     }
     168             : 
     169             :     /**
     170             :      * @brief   Get the maximum value that can be returned from @ref getRawValue.
     171             :      */
     172             :     constexpr static AnalogType getMaxRawValue() {
     173             :         return (1ul << (ADC_BITS + IncRes)) - 1ul;
     174             :     }
     175             : 
     176             :     /**
     177             :      * @brief   Select the configured ADC resolution. By default, it is set to
     178             :      *          the maximum resolution supported by the hardware.
     179             :      * 
     180             :      * @see     @ref ADC_BITS "ADC_BITS"
     181             :      * @see     @ref ADCConfig.hpp "ADCConfig.hpp"
     182             :      */
     183           7 :     static void setupADC() {
     184             : #if HAS_ANALOG_READ_RESOLUTION
     185           7 :         analogReadResolution(ADC_BITS);
     186             : #endif
     187           7 :     }
     188             : 
     189             :   private:
     190             :     /// Helper function that applies the mapping function if it's enabled.
     191             :     /// This function is only enabled if MappingFunction is explicitly
     192             :     /// convertible to bool.
     193             :     template <typename M = MappingFunction>
     194             :     typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<bool, M>::value,
     195             :                             AnalogType>::type
     196          41 :     mapFnHelper(AnalogType input) {
     197          41 :         return bool(mapFn) ? mapFn(input) : input;
     198             :     }
     199             : 
     200             :     /// Helper function that applies the mapping function without checking if
     201             :     /// it's enabled.
     202             :     /// This function is only enabled if MappingFunction is not convertible to
     203             :     /// bool.
     204             :     template <typename M = MappingFunction>
     205             :     typename std::enable_if<!std::is_constructible<bool, M>::value,
     206             :                             AnalogType>::type
     207           1 :     mapFnHelper(AnalogType input) {
     208           1 :         return mapFn(input);
     209             :     }
     210             : 
     211             :   private:
     212             :     pin_t analogPin;
     213             :     MappingFunction mapFn;
     214             : 
     215             :     using EMA_t = EMA<FilterShiftFactor, AnalogType, FilterType>;
     216             : 
     217             :     static_assert(
     218             :         ADC_BITS + IncRes + FilterShiftFactor <= sizeof(FilterType) * CHAR_BIT,
     219             :         "Error: FilterType is not wide enough to hold the maximum value");
     220             :     static_assert(
     221             :         ADC_BITS + IncRes <= sizeof(AnalogType) * CHAR_BIT,
     222             :         "Error: AnalogType is not wide enough to hold the maximum value");
     223             :     static_assert(
     224             :         Precision <= ADC_BITS + IncRes,
     225             :         "Error: Precision is larger than the increased ADC precision");
     226             :     static_assert(EMA_t::supports_range(AnalogType(0), getMaxRawValue()),
     227             :                   "Error: EMA filter type doesn't support full ADC range");
     228             : 
     229             :     EMA_t filter;
     230             :     Hysteresis<ADC_BITS + IncRes - Precision, AnalogType, AnalogType>
     231             :         hysteresis;
     232             : };
     233             : 
     234             : /**
     235             :  * @brief   A class that reads and filters an analog input.
     236             :  *
     237             :  * A map function can be applied to the analog value (e.g. to compensate for
     238             :  * logarithmic taper potentiometers or to calibrate the range). The analog input
     239             :  * value is filtered using an exponential moving average filter. The default
     240             :  * settings for this filter can be changed in Settings.hpp.  
     241             :  * After filtering, hysteresis is applied to prevent flipping back and forth 
     242             :  * between two values when the input is not changing.
     243             :  * 
     244             :  * @tparam  Precision
     245             :  *          The number of bits of precision the output should have.
     246             :  * @tparam  FilterShiftFactor
     247             :  *          The number of bits used for the EMA filter.
     248             :  *          The pole location is
     249             :  *          @f$ 1 - \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\text{FilterShiftFactor}} @f$.  
     250             :  *          A lower shift factor means less filtering (@f$0@f$ is no filtering),
     251             :  *          and a higher shift factor means more filtering (and more latency).
     252             :  * @tparam  FilterType
     253             :  *          The type to use for the intermediate types of the filter.  
     254             :  *          Should be at least 
     255             :  *          @f$ \text{ADC_BITS} + \text{IncRes} + 
     256             :  *          \text{FilterShiftFactor} @f$ bits wide.
     257             :  * @tparam  AnalogType
     258             :  *          The type to use for the analog values.  
     259             :  *          Should be at least @f$ \text{ADC_BITS} + \text{IncRes} @f$ 
     260             :  *          bits wide.
     261             :  * @tparam  IncRes
     262             :  *          The number of bits to increase the resolution of the analog reading
     263             :  *          by.
     264             :  * 
     265             :  * @ingroup AH_HardwareUtils
     266             :  */
     267             : template <uint8_t Precision = 10,
     268             :           uint8_t FilterShiftFactor = ANALOG_FILTER_SHIFT_FACTOR,
     269             :           class FilterType = ANALOG_FILTER_TYPE, class AnalogType = analog_t,
     270             :           uint8_t IncRes = MaximumFilteredAnalogIncRes<
     271             :               FilterShiftFactor, FilterType, AnalogType>::value>
     272             : class FilteredAnalog
     273             :     : public GenericFilteredAnalog<AnalogType (*)(AnalogType), Precision,
     274             :                                    FilterShiftFactor, FilterType, AnalogType,
     275             :                                    IncRes> {
     276             :   public:
     277             :     /**
     278             :      * @brief   Construct a new FilteredAnalog object.
     279             :      *
     280             :      * @param   analogPin
     281             :      *          The analog pin to read from.
     282             :      * @param   initial 
     283             :      *          The initial value of the filter.
     284             :      */
     285          17 :     FilteredAnalog(pin_t analogPin, AnalogType initial = 0)
     286             :         : GenericFilteredAnalog<AnalogType (*)(AnalogType), Precision,
     287             :                                 FilterShiftFactor, FilterType, AnalogType,
     288          17 :                                 IncRes>(analogPin, nullptr, initial) {}
     289             : 
     290             :     /// @copydoc FilteredAnalog(pin_t,AnalogType)
     291             :     FilteredAnalog(ArduinoPin_t analogPin, AnalogType initial = 0)
     292             :         : FilteredAnalog(pin_t(analogPin), initial) {}
     293             : 
     294             :     /**
     295             :      * @brief   Construct a new FilteredAnalog object.
     296             :      * 
     297             :      * **This constructor should not be used.**  
     298             :      * It is just a way to easily create arrays of FilteredAnalog objects, and
     299             :      * initializing them later. Trying to update a default-constructed or 
     300             :      * uninitialized FilteredAnalog object will result in a fatal runtime error.
     301             :      */
     302             :     FilteredAnalog() : FilteredAnalog(NO_PIN) {}
     303             : 
     304             :     /// A function pointer to a mapping function to map analog values.
     305             :     /// @see    map()
     306             :     using MappingFunction = AnalogType (*)(AnalogType);
     307             : 
     308             :     /**
     309             :      * @brief   Invert the analog value. For example, if the precision is 10 
     310             :      *          bits, when the analog input measures 1023, the output will be 0,
     311             :      *          and when the analog input measures 0, the output will be 1023.
     312             :      * 
     313             :      * @note    This overrides the mapping function set by the `map` method.
     314             :      */
     315           3 :     void invert() {
     316           3 :         constexpr AnalogType maxval = FilteredAnalog::getMaxRawValue();
     317          16 :         this->map([](AnalogType val) -> AnalogType { return maxval - val; });
     318           3 :     }
     319             : };
     320             : 
     321             : END_AH_NAMESPACE

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15