Nonconvex constrained optimization
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class  MPCController
class  Animation


namespace  hanging-chain-mpc


float Ts = 0.05
int N = 6
int dim = 2
 model = HangingChain(N, dim)
 f_d = model.dynamics(Ts)
list param = [0.03, 1.6, 0.033 / N]
int N_dist = 3
list u_dist = 3 else [-0.5, 0.5]
 y_dist = model.simulate(N_dist, y_null, u_dist, param)
int N_sim = 180
 y_sim = model.simulate(N_sim, y_dist[:, -1], u_null, param)
int N_horiz = 12
 L_cost = model.generate_cost_fun()
 y_init = cs.SX.sym("y_init", *y_null.shape)
 U = cs.SX.sym("U", dim * N_horiz)
 constr_param = cs.SX.sym("c", 3)
 mpc_param = cs.vertcat(y_init, model.params, constr_param)
 U_mat = model.input_to_matrix(U)
 mpc_sim = model.simulate(N_horiz, y_init, U_mat, model.params)
int mpc_cost = 0
 y_n = mpc_sim[:, n]
 u_n = U_mat[:, n]
 mpc_cost_fun = cs.Function('f_mpc', [U, mpc_param], [mpc_cost])
int g_constr = lambda c, x: c[0] * x**3 + c[1] * x**2 + c[2] * x
list constr = []
 yx_n = y_n[dim * i]
 yy_n = y_n[dim * i + dim - 1]
 mpc_constr_fun = cs.Function("g", [U, mpc_param], [cs.vertcat(*constr)])
list constr_coeff = [c, -3 * a * c, 3 * a * a * c + d]
int constr_lb = b - c * a**3 - d * a
 prob = pa.generate_and_compile_casadi_problem(mpc_cost_fun, mpc_constr_fun)
 n_state = y_n.shape[0]
 y_mpc = np.empty((n_state, N_sim))
 controller = MPCController(model, prob)
 x = np.linspace(-0.25, 1.25, 256)
 y = np.linspace(-2.5, 1, 256)
int Z = g_constr(constr_coeff, X) + constr_lb - Y
list fx = [patheffects.withTickedStroke(spacing=7, linewidth=0.8)]
 cgc = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, [0], colors='tab:green', linewidths=0.8)