C++ API Reference¶
namespace pa¶
using real_t = double¶
Default floating point type.
enum LBFGSStepSize¶
Which method to use to select the L-BFGS step size.
enumerator BasedOnGradientStepSize¶
enumerator BasedOnCurvature¶
enumerator BasedOnGradientStepSize¶
enum PANOCStopCrit¶
enumerator ApproxKKT¶
Find a ε-approximate KKT point.
enumerator ProjGradNorm¶
∞-norm of the projected gradient with step size γ
enumerator ProjGradUnitNorm¶
∞-norm of the projected gradient with unit step size
enumerator FPRNorm¶
∞-norm of fixed point residual
enumerator ApproxKKT¶
enum SolverStatus¶
Exit status of a numerical solver such as ALM or PANOC.
enumerator Unknown¶
Initial value.
enumerator Converged¶
Converged and reached given tolerance.
enumerator MaxTime¶
Maximum allowed execution time exceeded.
enumerator MaxIter¶
Maximum number of iterations exceeded.
enumerator NotFinite¶
Intermediate results were infinite or not-a-number.
enumerator NoProgress¶
No progress was made in the last iteration.
enumerator Interrupted¶
Solver was interrupted by the user.
enumerator Unknown¶
inline const char *enum_name(PANOCStopCrit s)¶
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PANOCStopCrit s)¶
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<PANOCStats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<PANOCStats> &acc, const PANOCStats &s)¶
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<SecondOrderPANOCSolver::Stats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<SecondOrderPANOCSolver::Stats> &acc, const SecondOrderPANOCSolver::Stats &s)¶
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver::Stats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver::Stats> &acc, const StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver::Stats &s)¶
inline void minimize_update_anderson(LimitedMemoryQR &qr, rmat G, crvec rₖ, crvec rₖ₋₁, crvec gₖ, rvec γ_LS, rvec xₖ_aa)¶
Solve one step of Anderson acceleration to find a fixed point of a function g(x):
\( g(x^\star) - x^\star = 0 \)
Updates the QR factorization of \( \mathcal{R}_k = QR \), solves the least squares problem to find \( \gamma_\text{LS} \), computes the next iterate \( x_{k+1} \), and stores the current function value \( g_k \) in the matrix \( G \), which is used as a circular buffer.
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \mathcal{R}_k &= \begin{pmatrix} \Delta r_{k-m_k} & \dots & \Delta r_{k-1} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m_k} \\ \Delta r_i &= r_{i+1} - r_i \\ r_i &= g_i - x_i \\ g_i &= g(x_i) \\ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \gamma_\text{LS} &= \argmin_\gamma \left\| \mathcal{R}_k \gamma - r_k \right\|_2 \\ \alpha_i &= \begin{cases} \gamma_\text{LS}[0] & i = 0 \\ \gamma_\text{LS}[i] - \gamma_\text{LS}[i-1] & 0 < i < m_k \\ 1 - \gamma_\text{LS}[m_k - 1] & i = m_k \end{cases} \\ x_{k+1} &= \sum_{i=0}^{m_k} \alpha_i\,g_i \end{aligned} \end{split}\]
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<GAAPGASolver::Stats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<GAAPGASolver::Stats> &acc, const GAAPGASolver::Stats &s)¶
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<LBFGSBStats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<LBFGSBStats> &acc, const LBFGSBStats &s)¶
inline InnerStatsAccumulator<PGASolver::Stats> &operator+=(InnerStatsAccumulator<PGASolver::Stats> &acc, const PGASolver::Stats &s)¶
std::function<pa::Problem::f_sig> load_CasADi_objective(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"f")¶ Load an objective function generated by CasADi.
std::function<pa::Problem::grad_f_sig> load_CasADi_gradient_objective(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"grad_f")¶ Load the gradient of an objective function generated by CasADi.
std::function<pa::Problem::g_sig> load_CasADi_constraints(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"g")¶ Load a constraint function generated by CasADi.
std::function<pa::Problem::grad_g_prod_sig> load_CasADi_gradient_constraints_prod(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"grad_g")¶ Load the gradient-vector product of a constraint function generated by CasADi.
std::function<pa::Problem::hess_L_sig> load_CasADi_hessian_lagrangian(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"hess_L")¶ Load the Hessian of a Lagrangian function generated by CasADi.
std::function<pa::Problem::hess_L_prod_sig> load_CasADi_hessian_lagrangian_prod(const std::string &so_name, const std::string &fun_name =
"hess_L_prod")¶ Load the Hessian-vector product of a Lagrangian function generated by CasADi.
pa::Problem load_CasADi_problem(const std::string &filename, unsigned n, unsigned m, bool second_order = false)¶
Load a problem generated by CasADi (without parameters).
The file should contain functions with the names
. These functions evaluate the objective function, its gradient, the constraints, and the constraint gradient times a vector respecitvely. Ifsecond_order
is true, additional functionshess_L
should be provided to evaluate the Hessian of the Lagrangian and Hessian-vector products.- Parameters
filename – Filename of the shared library to load the functions from.
n – Number of decision variables ( \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)).
m – Number of general constraints ( \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)).
second_order – Load the additional functions required for second-order PANOC.
pa::ProblemWithParam load_CasADi_problem_with_param(const std::string &filename, unsigned n, unsigned m, bool second_order = false)¶
Load a problem generated by CasADi (with parameters).
The file should contain functions with the names
. These functions evaluate the objective function, its gradient, the constraints, and the constraint gradient times a vector respecitvely. Ifsecond_order
is true, additional functionshess_L
should be provided to evaluate the Hessian of the Lagrangian and Hessian-vector products.- Parameters
filename – Filename of the shared library to load the functions from.
n – Number of decision variables ( \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)).
m – Number of general constraints ( \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)).
second_order – Load the additional functions required for second-order PANOC.
pa::ProblemFull load_CasADi_problem_full(const char *filename, unsigned n, unsigned m1, unsigned m2, bool second_order = false)¶
Load a problem generated by CasADi (without parameters).
The file should contain functions with the names
. These functions evaluate the objective function, its gradient, the constraints, and the constraint gradient times a vector respecitvely. Ifsecond_order
is true, additional functionshess_L
should be provided to evaluate the Hessian of the Lagrangian and Hessian-vector products.- Parameters
filename – Filename of the shared library to load the functions from.
n – Number of decision variables ( \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)).
m1 – Number of ALM constraints ( \( g1(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m1 \)).
m2 – Number of quadratic penalty constraints ( \( g2(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m2 \)).
second_order – Load the additional functions required for second-order PANOC.
pa::ProblemFullWithParam load_CasADi_problem_full_with_param(const char *filename, unsigned n, unsigned m1, unsigned m2, bool second_order = false)¶
Load a problem generated by CasADi (with parameters).
The file should contain functions with the names
. These functions evaluate the objective function, its gradient, the constraints, and the constraint gradient times a vector respecitvely. Ifsecond_order
is true, additional functionshess_L
should be provided to evaluate the Hessian of the Lagrangian and Hessian-vector products.- Parameters
filename – Filename of the shared library to load the functions from.
n – Number of decision variables ( \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)).
m1 – Number of ALM constraints ( \( g1(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m1 \)).
m2 – Number of quadratic penalty constraints ( \( g2(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m2 \)).
second_order – Load the additional functions required for second-order PANOC.
template<class ObjFunT, class ObjGradFunT, class DirectionT>
inline PANOCStats panoc_impl(ObjFunT &ψ, ObjGradFunT &grad_ψ, const Box &C, rvec x, real_t ε, const PANOCParams ¶ms, vec_allocator &alloc, DirectionT &direction_provider)¶
template<class DirectionProviderT = LBFGS, class ObjFunT, class ObjGradFunT>
PANOCStats panoc(ObjFunT &ψ, ObjGradFunT &grad_ψ, const Box &C, rvec x, real_t ε, const PANOCParams ¶ms, PANOCDirection<DirectionProviderT> direction, vec_allocator &alloc)¶
template<class DirectionProviderT = LBFGS, class ObjFunT, class ObjGradFunT>
PANOCStats panoc(ObjFunT &ψ, ObjGradFunT &grad_ψ, const Box &C, rvec x, real_t ε, const PANOCParams ¶ms, PANOCDirection<DirectionProviderT> direction)¶
template<class Vec>
inline auto project(const Vec &v, const Box &box)¶ Project a vector onto a box.
\[ \Pi_C(v) \]- Parameters
v – [in] The vector to project
box – [in] The box to project onto
template<class Vec>
inline auto projecting_difference(const Vec &v, const Box &box)¶ Get the difference between the given vector and its projection.
\[ v - \Pi_C(v) \]Warning
Beware catastrophic cancellation!
- Parameters
v – [in] The vector to project
box – [in] The box to project onto
inline real_t dist_squared(crvec v, const Box &box)¶
Get the distance squared between the given vector and its projection.
\[ \left\| v - \Pi_C(v) \right\|_2^2 \]Warning
Beware catastrophic cancellation!
- Parameters
v – [in] The vector to project
box – [in] The box to project onto
inline real_t dist_squared(crvec v, const Box &box, crvec Σ)¶
Get the distance squared between the given vector and its projection in the Σ norm.
\[ \left\| v - \Pi_C(v) \right\|_\Sigma^2 = \left(v - \Pi_C(v)\right)^\top \Sigma \left(v - \Pi_C(v)\right) \]Warning
Beware catastrophic cancellation!
- Parameters
v – [in] The vector to project
box – [in] The box to project onto
Σ – [in] Diagonal matrix defining norm
inline EvalCounter &operator+=(EvalCounter &a, EvalCounter b)¶
inline EvalCounter operator+(EvalCounter a, EvalCounter b)¶
inline EvalCounterFull &operator+=(EvalCounterFull &a, EvalCounterFull b)¶
inline EvalCounterFull operator+(EvalCounterFull a, EvalCounterFull b)¶
const char *enum_name(SolverStatus s)¶
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, SolverStatus s)¶
constexpr size_t panoc_min_alloc_size = 10¶
struct ALMParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/decl/alm.hpp>
Parameters for the Augmented Lagrangian solver.
Public Members
real_t Δ_lower = 0.8¶
Factor to reduce ALMParams::Δ when inner convergence fails.
real_t Σ₀ = 1¶
Initial penalty parameter.
When set to zero (which is the default), it is computed automatically, based on the constraint violation in the starting point and the parameter ALMParams::σ₀.
real_t σ₀ = 20¶
Initial penalty parameter factor.
Active if ALMParams::Σ₀ is set to zero.
real_t Σ₀_lower = 0.6¶
Factor to reduce the initial penalty factor by if convergence fails in in the first iteration.
real_t ε₀_increase = 1.1¶
Factor to increase the initial primal tolerance if convergence fails in the first iteration.
real_t ρ_increase = 2¶
Factor to increase the primal tolerance update factor by if convergence fails.
unsigned int max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of outer ALM iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
unsigned max_num_initial_retries = 20¶
How many times can the initial penalty ALMParams::Σ₀ or ALMParams::σ₀ and the initial primal tolerance ALMParams::ε₀ be reduced.
unsigned max_num_retries = 20¶
How many times can the penalty update factor ALMParams::Δ and the primal tolerance factor ALMParams::ρ be reduced.
unsigned max_total_num_retries = 40¶
Combined limit for ALMParams::max_num_initial_retries and ALMParams::max_num_retries.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
bool preconditioning = true¶
Apply preconditioning to the problem, based on the gradients in the starting point.
bool single_penalty_factor = false¶
Use one penalty factor for all m constraints.
real_t Δ_lower = 0.8¶
template<class InnerSolverT = PANOCSolver<>>
class ALMSolver¶ - #include <panoc-alm/decl/alm.hpp>
Augmented Lagrangian Method solver.
Public Functions
inline ALMSolver(Params params, InnerSolver &&inner_solver)¶
inline ALMSolver(Params params, const InnerSolver &inner_solver)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
Abort the computation and return the result so far.
Can be called from other threads or signal handlers.
Public Members
InnerSolver inner_solver¶
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/decl/alm.hpp>
Public Members
unsigned outer_iterations = 0¶
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time¶
unsigned initial_penalty_reduced = 0¶
unsigned penalty_reduced = 0¶
unsigned inner_convergence_failures = 0¶
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
InnerStatsAccumulator<typename InnerSolver::Stats> inner¶
unsigned outer_iterations = 0¶
inline ALMSolver(Params params, InnerSolver &&inner_solver)¶
template<class InnerSolverT = PANOCSolverFull<>>
class ALMSolverFull¶ - #include <panoc-alm/decl/alm.hpp>
Public Functions
inline ALMSolverFull(Params params, InnerSolver &&inner_solver)¶
inline ALMSolverFull(Params params, const InnerSolver &inner_solver)¶
Stats operator()(const ProblemFull &problem, rvec y, rvec x)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
Abort the computation and return the result so far.
Can be called from other threads or signal handlers.
Public Members
InnerSolver inner_solver¶
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/decl/alm.hpp>
Public Functions
inline Stats(int m2)¶
Public Members
unsigned outer_iterations = 0¶
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time¶
unsigned initial_penalty_reduced = 0¶
unsigned penalty_reduced = 0¶
unsigned inner_convergence_failures = 0¶
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
InnerStatsAccumulator<typename InnerSolver::Stats> inner¶
inline Stats(int m2)¶
inline ALMSolverFull(Params params, InnerSolver &&inner_solver)¶
class AndersonAccel¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/anderson-acceleration.hpp>
Anderson Acceleration.
class AtomicStopSignal¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/atomic_stop_signal.hpp>
Public Functions
AtomicStopSignal() = default¶
inline AtomicStopSignal(const AtomicStopSignal&)¶
AtomicStopSignal &operator=(const AtomicStopSignal&) = delete¶
inline AtomicStopSignal(AtomicStopSignal&&)¶
inline AtomicStopSignal &operator=(AtomicStopSignal&&)¶
inline void stop()¶
inline bool stop_requested() const¶
AtomicStopSignal() = default¶
struct Box¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/box.hpp>
template<class IndexT = size_t>
struct CircularIndexIterator¶ - #include <panoc-alm/util/ringbuffer.hpp>
Public Types
using Indices = CircularIndices<Index>¶
using reference = value_type¶
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t¶
using pointer = void¶
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag¶
Public Functions
inline CircularIndexIterator()¶
inline CircularIndexIterator &operator++()¶
inline CircularIndexIterator &operator--()¶
inline CircularIndexIterator operator++(int)¶
inline CircularIndexIterator operator--(int)¶
template<class IndexT>
bool operator==(CircularIndexIterator<IndexT> a, CircularIndexIterator<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
template<class IndexT>
bool operator!=(CircularIndexIterator<IndexT> a, CircularIndexIterator<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
using Indices = CircularIndices<Index>¶
template<class IndexT = size_t>
struct CircularIndices¶ - #include <panoc-alm/util/ringbuffer.hpp>
template<class IndexT>
bool operator==(CircularIndices<IndexT> a, CircularIndices<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
template<class IndexT>
bool operator!=(CircularIndices<IndexT> a, CircularIndices<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
template<class IndexT>
template<class IndexT>
class CircularRange¶ - #include <panoc-alm/util/ringbuffer.hpp>
Public Types
using Indices = CircularIndices<Index>¶
using const_iterator = CircularIndexIterator<Index>¶
using iterator = const_iterator¶
using const_reverse_iterator = ReverseCircularIndexIterator<Index>¶
using reverse_iterator = const_reverse_iterator¶
Public Functions
inline const_iterator cbegin() const¶
inline const_iterator cend() const¶
inline reverse_iterator rbegin() const¶
inline reverse_iterator rend() const¶
inline const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const¶
inline const_reverse_iterator crend() const¶
using Indices = CircularIndices<Index>¶
struct GAAPGAParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/guarded-aa-pga.hpp>
Public Members
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
Parameters related to the Lipschitz constant estimate and step size.
unsigned limitedqr_mem = 10¶
Length of the history to keep in the limited-memory QR algorithm.
unsigned max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of inner iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
PANOCStopCrit stop_crit = PANOCStopCrit::ApproxKKT¶
What stopping criterion to use.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
unsigned max_no_progress = 10¶
Maximum number of iterations without any progress before giving up.
bool full_flush_on_γ_change = true¶
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
struct GAAPGAProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/guarded-aa-pga.hpp>
class GAAPGASolver¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/guarded-aa-pga.hpp>
Guarded Anderson Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm.
Vien V. Mai and Mikael Johansson, Anderson Acceleration of Proximal Gradient Methods. https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.08590v2
template<class InnerSolverStats>
struct InnerStatsAccumulator¶
- template<> Stats >
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/guarded-aa-pga.hpp>
struct InnerStatsAccumulator<LBFGSBStats>¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/lbfgspp.hpp>
struct InnerStatsAccumulator<PANOCStats>¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
- template<> Stats >
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/pga.hpp>
Public Members
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time
unsigned iterations = 0
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time
- template<> Stats >
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/second-order-panoc.hpp>
- template<> Stats >
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/structured-panoc-lbfgs.hpp>
class LBFGS¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/decl/lbfgs.hpp>
Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm.
Public Types
enum Sign¶
The sign of the vectors \( p \) passed to the LBFGS::update method.
enumerator Positive¶
\( p \sim \nabla \psi(x) \)
enumerator Negative¶
\( p \sim -\nabla \psi(x) \)
enumerator Positive¶
using Params = LBFGSParams¶
Public Functions
inline bool update(crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, Sign sign, bool forced = false)¶
Update the inverse Hessian approximation using the new vectors xₖ₊₁ and pₖ₊₁.
template<class Vec>
bool apply(Vec &&q, real_t γ)¶ Apply the inverse Hessian approximation to the given vector q.
template<class Vec, class IndexVec>
bool apply(Vec &&q, real_t γ, const IndexVec &J)¶ Apply the inverse Hessian approximation to the given vector q, applying only the columns and rows of the Hessian in the index set J.
inline void reset()¶
Throw away the approximation and all previous vectors s and y.
inline void resize(size_t n)¶
Re-allocate storage for a problem with a different size.
Causes a reset.
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline size_t n() const¶
Get the size of the s and y vectors in the buffer.
inline size_t history() const¶
Get the number of previous vectors s and y stored in the buffer.
inline size_t succ(size_t i) const¶
Get the next index in the circular buffer of previous s and y vectors.
inline auto s(size_t i)¶
inline auto s(size_t i) const¶
inline auto y(size_t i)¶
inline auto y(size_t i) const¶
Public Static Functions
static inline bool update_valid(LBFGSParams params, real_t yᵀs, real_t sᵀs, real_t pᵀp)¶
Check if the new vectors s and y allow for a valid BFGS update that preserves the positive definiteness of the Hessian approximation.
enum Sign¶
template<template<class> class LineSearchT = LBFGSpp::LineSearchBacktracking>
class LBFGSBSolver¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/lbfgspp.hpp>
Box-constrained LBFGS solver for ALM.
struct LBFGSBStats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/lbfgspp.hpp>
Public Members
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time¶
unsigned iterations = 0¶
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
struct LBFGSParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/decl/lbfgs.hpp>
Parameters for the LBFGS and SpecializedLBFGS classes.
Public Members
unsigned memory = 10¶
Length of the history to keep.
struct pa::LBFGSParams::[anonymous] cbfgs¶
Parameters in the cautious BFGS update condition.
\[ \frac{y^\top s}{s^\top s} \ge \epsilon \| g \|^\alpha \]
bool rescale_when_γ_changes = false¶
unsigned memory = 10¶
- LBFGSParams.cbfgs
template<template<class> class LineSearchT = LBFGSpp::LineSearchBacktracking>
class LBFGSSolver¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/lbfgspp.hpp>
Unconstrained LBFGS solver for ALM.
Public Functions
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/lbfgspp.hpp>
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z)¶
class LimitedMemoryQR¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/detail/limited-memory-qr.hpp>
Incremental QR factorization using modified Gram-Schmidt with reorthogonalization.
Computes A = QR while allowing efficient removal of the first column of A or adding new columns at the end of A.
Public Types
Public Functions
LimitedMemoryQR() = default¶
inline LimitedMemoryQR(size_t n, size_t m)¶
The maximum dimensions of Q are n×m and the maximum dimensions of R are m×m.
- Parameters
n – The size of the vectors, the number of rows of A.
m – The maximum number of columns of A.
inline size_t n() const¶
inline size_t m() const¶
inline void remove_column()¶
Remove the leftmost column.
template<class VecB, class VecX>
inline void solve_col(const VecB &b, VecX &x) const¶ Solve the least squares problem Ax = b.
template<class MatB, class MatX>
inline void solve(const MatB &B, MatX &X) const¶ Solve the least squares problem AX = B.
template<class Derived>
inline solve_ret_t<Derived> solve(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived> &B)¶ Solve the least squares problem AX = B.
inline const mat &get_raw_R() const¶
Get the full, raw storage for the upper triangular matrix R.
The columns of this matrix are permuted because it’s stored as a circular buffer for efficiently appending columns to the end and popping columns from the front.
inline mat get_full_R() const¶
Get the full storage for the upper triangular matrix R but with the columns in the correct order.
Meant for tests only, creates a permuted copy.
inline mat get_R() const¶
Get the matrix R such that Q times R is the original matrix.
Meant for tests only, creates a permuted copy.
inline mat get_Q() const¶
Get the matrix Q such that Q times R is the original matrix.
Meant for tests only, creates a copy.
inline size_t get_reorth_count() const¶
Get the number of MGS reorthogonalizations.
inline void clear_reorth_count()¶
Reset the number of MGS reorthogonalizations.
inline void reset()¶
Reset all indices, clearing the Q and R matrices.
inline void resize(size_t n, size_t m)¶
Re-allocate storage for a problem with a different size.
Causes a reset.
inline size_t num_columns() const¶
Get the number of columns that are currently stored.
inline size_t ring_head() const¶
Get the head index of the circular buffer (points to the oldest element).
inline size_t ring_tail() const¶
Get the tail index of the circular buffer (points to one past the most recent element).
inline size_t ring_next(size_t i) const¶
Get the next index in the circular buffer.
inline size_t ring_prev(size_t i) const¶
Get the previous index in the circular buffer.
inline CircularRange<size_t> ring_iter() const¶
Get iterators in the circular buffer.
inline ReverseCircularRange<size_t> ring_reverse_iter() const¶
Get reverse iterators in the circular buffer.
LimitedMemoryQR() = default¶
struct LipschitzEstimateParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/lipschitz.hpp>
Public Members
template<class DirectionProviderT>
struct PANOCDirection¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/decl/panoc-direction-update.hpp>
Public Static Functions
static void initialize(DirectionProviderT &dp, crvec x₀, crvec x̂₀, crvec p₀, crvec grad₀) = delete¶
static bool update(DirectionProviderT &dp, crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁, const Box &C, real_t γₖ₊₁) = delete¶
static bool apply(DirectionProviderT &dp, crvec xₖ, crvec x̂ₖ, crvec pₖ, real_t γ, rvec qₖ) = delete¶
Apply the direction estimation in the current point.
- Parameters
dp – [in] Direction provider (e.g. LBFGS, Anderson Acceleration).
xₖ – [in] Current iterate.
x̂ₖ – [in] Result of proximal gradient step in current iterate.
pₖ – [in] Proximal gradient step between x̂ₖ and xₖ.
γ – [in] H₀ = γI for L-BFGS
qₖ – [out] Resulting step.
static void changed_γ(DirectionProviderT &dp, real_t γₖ, real_t old_γₖ) = delete¶
static void initialize(DirectionProviderT &dp, crvec x₀, crvec x̂₀, crvec p₀, crvec grad₀) = delete¶
struct PANOCDirection<AndersonAccel>¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/anderson-acceleration.hpp>
struct PANOCDirection<SpecializedLBFGS>¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/specialized-lbfgs.hpp>
Public Static Functions
static inline bool update(SpecializedLBFGS &lbfgs, crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁, const Box &C, real_t γ)¶
static inline bool apply(SpecializedLBFGS &lbfgs, crvec xₖ, crvec x̂ₖ, crvec pₖ, real_t γ, rvec qₖ)¶
static inline void changed_γ(SpecializedLBFGS &lbfgs, real_t γₖ, real_t old_γₖ)¶
static inline bool update(SpecializedLBFGS &lbfgs, crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁, const Box &C, real_t γ)¶
struct PANOCFullProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
struct PANOCParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
Tuning parameters for the PANOC algorithm.
Public Members
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
Parameters related to the Lipschitz constant estimate and step size.
unsigned max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of inner PANOC iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
PANOCStopCrit stop_crit = PANOCStopCrit::ApproxKKT¶
What stopping criterion to use.
unsigned max_no_progress = 10¶
Maximum number of iterations without any progress before giving up.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
bool update_lipschitz_in_linesearch = true¶
bool alternative_linesearch_cond = false¶
LBFGSStepSize lbfgs_stepsize = LBFGSStepSize::BasedOnCurvature¶
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
struct PANOCProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
template<class DirectionProviderT>
class PANOCSolver¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
PANOC solver for ALM.
Public Types
using Params = PANOCParams¶
using DirectionProvider = DirectionProviderT¶
using Stats = PANOCStats¶
using ProgressInfo = PANOCProgressInfo¶
Public Functions
inline PANOCSolver(Params params, PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> &&direction_provider)¶
inline PANOCSolver(Params params, const PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> &direction_provider)¶
Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z, std::chrono::microseconds time_remaining = std::chrono::microseconds(0))¶
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
Σ – [in] Constraint weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Tolerance \( \varepsilon \)
always_overwrite_results – [in] Overwrite
even if not convergedx – [inout] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [inout] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
err_z – [out] Slack variable error \( g(x) - z \)
time_remaining – [in] Time remaining
inline PANOCSolver &set_progress_callback(std::function<void(const ProgressInfo&)> cb)¶
std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
Public Members
PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> direction_provider¶
using Params = PANOCParams¶
template<class DirectionProviderT>
class PANOCSolverFull¶ - #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
Public Types
using Params = PANOCParams¶
using DirectionProvider = DirectionProviderT¶
using Stats = PANOCStats¶
using ProgressInfo = PANOCFullProgressInfo¶
Public Functions
inline PANOCSolverFull(Params params, PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> &&direction_provider)¶
inline PANOCSolverFull(Params params, const PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> &direction_provider)¶
Stats operator()(const ProblemFull &problem, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z1, rvec err_z2, std::chrono::microseconds time_remaining = std::chrono::microseconds(0))¶
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
Σ1 – [in] Constraint weights \( \Sigma \)
Σ2 – [in] Constraint weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Tolerance \( \varepsilon \)
always_overwrite_results – [in] Overwrite
even if not convergedx – [inout] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [inout] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
err_z1 – [out] Slack variable error \( g(x) - z \)
err_z2 – [out] Slack variable error \( g(x) - z \)
time_remaining – [in] Time remaining
inline PANOCSolverFull &set_progress_callback(std::function<void(const ProgressInfo&)> cb)¶
std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
Public Members
PANOCDirection<DirectionProvider> direction_provider¶
using Params = PANOCParams¶
struct PANOCStats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/panoc.hpp>
struct PGAParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/pga.hpp>
Public Members
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
Parameters related to the Lipschitz constant estimate and step size.
unsigned max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of inner iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
PANOCStopCrit stop_crit = PANOCStopCrit::ApproxKKT¶
What stop criterion to use.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
struct PGAProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/pga.hpp>
class PGASolver¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/pga.hpp>
Standard Proximal Gradient Algorithm without any bells and whistles.
Public Functions
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec λ, rvec err_z)¶
inline PGASolver &set_progress_callback(std::function<void(const ProgressInfo&)> cb)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/pga.hpp>
Public Members
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
std::chrono::microseconds elapsed_time¶
unsigned iterations = 0¶
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::Unknown¶
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec λ, rvec err_z)¶
class Problem¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Problem description for minimization problems.
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) &&&& f : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \\ & \text{subject to} & & \underline{x} \le x \le \overline{x} \\ &&& \underline{z} \le g(x) \le \overline{z} &&&& g : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m \end{aligned} \end{split}\]Subclassed by ProblemOnlyD, ProblemWithCounters, ProblemWithParam
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g_sig = void(crvec x, rvec gx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the constraints \( g(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
gx – [out] Value of the constraints \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_gxy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the constraints times a vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_gxy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_gi_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_gi)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific constraints \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m \)
grad_gi – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Functions
Problem() = default¶
inline Problem(unsigned int n, unsigned int m)¶
inline Problem(unsigned n, unsigned int m, Box C, Box D, std::function<f_sig> f, std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f, std::function<g_sig> g, std::function<grad_g_prod_sig> grad_g_prod, std::function<grad_gi_sig> grad_gi, std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod, std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L)¶
Public Members
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m¶
Number of constraints, dimension of g(x) and z.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g_prod_sig> grad_g_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_gi_sig> grad_gi¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
class ProblemFull¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Problem description for minimization problems.
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) &&&& f : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \\ & \text{subject to} & & \underline{x} \le x \le \overline{x} \\ &&& \underline{z} \le g(x) \le \overline{z} &&&& g : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m \end{aligned} \end{split}\]Subclassed by ProblemFullWithParam
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g1_sig = void(crvec x, rvec g1x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the ALM constraints \( g1(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
g1x – [out] Value of the constraints \( g1(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g1_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_g1xy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the ALM constraints times a vector \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m1 \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_g1xy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_g1i_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_g1i)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific ALM constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m1 \)
grad_g1i – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g2_sig = void(crvec x, rvec g2x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the quadratic penalty constraints \( g2(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
g2x – [out] Value of the constraints \( g2(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g2_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_g2xy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the quadratic penalty constraints times a vector \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_g2xy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_g2i_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_g2i)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific quadratic penalty constraints \( \nabla g2_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m2 \)
grad_g2i – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g2_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Functions
ProblemFull() = default¶
inline ProblemFull(unsigned int n, unsigned int m1, unsigned int m2)¶
inline ProblemFull(unsigned n, unsigned int m1, unsigned int m2, Box C, Box D1, Box D2, std::function<f_sig> f, std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f, std::function<g1_sig> g1, std::function<grad_g1_prod_sig> grad_g1_prod, std::function<grad_g1i_sig> grad_g1i, std::function<g2_sig> g2, std::function<grad_g2_prod_sig> grad_g2_prod, std::function<grad_g2i_sig> grad_g2i, std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod, std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L)¶
Public Members
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m1¶
Number of ALM constraints, dimension of g1(x) and z1.
unsigned int m2¶
Number of quadratic penalty constraints, dimension of g2(x) and z2.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g1_prod_sig> grad_g1_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_g1i_sig> grad_g1i¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \).
std::function<grad_g2_prod_sig> grad_g2_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_g2i_sig> grad_g2i¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g2_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
class ProblemFullWithParam : public ProblemFull¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g1_sig = void(crvec x, rvec g1x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the ALM constraints \( g1(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
g1x – [out] Value of the constraints \( g1(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g1_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_g1xy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the ALM constraints times a vector \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m1 \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_g1xy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_g1i_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_g1i)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific ALM constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m1 \)
grad_g1i – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g2_sig = void(crvec x, rvec g2x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the quadratic penalty constraints \( g2(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
g2x – [out] Value of the constraints \( g2(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g2_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_g2xy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the quadratic penalty constraints times a vector \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_g2xy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_g2i_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_g2i)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific quadratic penalty constraints \( \nabla g2_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m2 \)
grad_g2i – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g2_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Functions
Public Members
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m1¶
Number of ALM constraints, dimension of g1(x) and z1.
unsigned int m2¶
Number of quadratic penalty constraints, dimension of g2(x) and z2.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g1_prod_sig> grad_g1_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g1(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_g1i_sig> grad_g1i¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g1_i(x) \).
std::function<grad_g2_prod_sig> grad_g2_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g2(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_g2i_sig> grad_g2i¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g2_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
class ProblemOnlyD : public Problem¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Moves the state constraints in the set C to the set D, resulting in an unconstraint inner problem.
The new constraints function g becomes the concatenation of the original g function and the identity function. The new set D is the cartesian product of the original D × C.
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g_sig = void(crvec x, rvec gx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the constraints \( g(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
gx – [out] Value of the constraints \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_gxy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the constraints times a vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_gxy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_gi_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_gi)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific constraints \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m \)
grad_gi – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Members
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m¶
Number of constraints, dimension of g(x) and z.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g_prod_sig> grad_g_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_gi_sig> grad_gi¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
class ProblemWithCounters : public Problem¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g_sig = void(crvec x, rvec gx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the constraints \( g(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
gx – [out] Value of the constraints \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_gxy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the constraints times a vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_gxy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_gi_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_gi)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific constraints \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m \)
grad_gi – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Functions
ProblemWithCounters() = delete¶
ProblemWithCounters(const ProblemWithCounters&) = delete¶
ProblemWithCounters(ProblemWithCounters&&) = delete¶
ProblemWithCounters &operator=(const ProblemWithCounters&) = delete¶
ProblemWithCounters &operator=(ProblemWithCounters&&) = delete¶
Public Members
EvalCounter evaluations¶
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m¶
Number of constraints, dimension of g(x) and z.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g_prod_sig> grad_g_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_gi_sig> grad_gi¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
class ProblemWithParam : public Problem¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/problem.hpp>
Public Types
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the cost \( f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_f_sig = void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function \( \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using g_sig = void(crvec x, rvec gx)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the constraints \( g(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
gx – [out] Value of the constraints \( g(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
using grad_g_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_gxy)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of the constraints times a vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Vector \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \) to multiply the gradient by
grad_gxy – [out] Gradient of the constraints \( \nabla g(x)\ y \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
using grad_gi_sig = void(crvec x, unsigned i, rvec grad_gi)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the gradient of one specific constraints \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
i – [in] Which constraint \( 0 \le i \lt m \)
grad_gi – [out] Gradient of the constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \mathbb{R}^n \)
using hess_L_prod_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec v, rvec Hv)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y)\ v \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply by \( v \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \)
using hess_L_sig = void(crvec x, crvec y, rmat H)¶
Signature of the function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian \( \nabla_{xx}^2L(x, y) \).
- Parameters
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \in \mathbb{R}^n \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \in \mathbb{R}^m \)
H – [out] Hessian \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} \)
Public Functions
Public Members
unsigned int n¶
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
unsigned int m¶
Number of constraints, dimension of g(x) and z.
std::function<grad_f_sig> grad_f¶
Gradient of the cost function \( \nabla f(x) \).
std::function<grad_g_prod_sig> grad_g_prod¶
Gradient of the constraint function times vector \( \nabla g(x)\ y \).
std::function<grad_gi_sig> grad_gi¶
Gradient of a specific constraint \( \nabla g_i(x) \).
std::function<hess_L_prod_sig> hess_L_prod¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function times vector \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y)\ v \).
std::function<hess_L_sig> hess_L¶
Hessian of the Lagrangian function \( \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \).
using f_sig = real_t(crvec x)¶
template<class IndexT = size_t>
struct ReverseCircularIndexIterator¶ - #include <panoc-alm/util/ringbuffer.hpp>
Public Types
using ForwardIterator = CircularIndexIterator<IndexT>¶
using Index = typename ForwardIterator::Index¶
using Indices = typename ForwardIterator::Indices¶
using reference = value_type¶
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t¶
using pointer = void¶
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag¶
Public Functions
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator()¶
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator(ForwardIterator forwardit)¶
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator &operator++()¶
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator &operator--()¶
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator operator++(int)¶
inline ReverseCircularIndexIterator operator--(int)¶
Public Members
ForwardIterator forwardit¶
template<class IndexT>
bool operator==(ReverseCircularIndexIterator<IndexT> a, ReverseCircularIndexIterator<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
template<class IndexT>
bool operator!=(ReverseCircularIndexIterator<IndexT> a, ReverseCircularIndexIterator<IndexT> b)¶ Note
Only valid for two indices in the same range.
using ForwardIterator = CircularIndexIterator<IndexT>¶
template<class IndexT>
class ReverseCircularRange¶ - #include <panoc-alm/util/ringbuffer.hpp>
Public Types
using ForwardRange = CircularRange<IndexT>¶
using Index = typename ForwardRange::Index¶
using Indices = typename ForwardRange::Indices¶
using const_iterator = typename ForwardRange::const_reverse_iterator¶
using iterator = typename ForwardRange::reverse_iterator¶
using const_reverse_iterator = typename ForwardRange::const_iterator¶
using reverse_iterator = typename ForwardRange::iterator¶
Public Functions
inline ReverseCircularRange(const ForwardRange &forwardrange)¶
inline const_iterator cbegin() const¶
inline const_iterator cend() const¶
inline reverse_iterator rbegin() const¶
inline reverse_iterator rend() const¶
inline const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const¶
inline const_reverse_iterator crend() const¶
using ForwardRange = CircularRange<IndexT>¶
struct SecondOrderPANOCParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/second-order-panoc.hpp>
Tuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm.
Public Members
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
Parameters related to the Lipschitz constant estimate and step size.
unsigned max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of inner PANOC iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
PANOCStopCrit stop_crit = PANOCStopCrit::ApproxKKT¶
What stopping criterion to use.
unsigned max_no_progress = 10¶
Maximum number of iterations without any progress before giving up.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
bool update_lipschitz_in_linesearch = true¶
bool alternative_linesearch_cond = false¶
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
class SecondOrderPANOCSolver¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/second-order-panoc.hpp>
Second order PANOC solver for ALM.
Public Types
using Params = SecondOrderPANOCParams¶
Public Functions
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z)¶
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
Σ – [in] Constraint weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Tolerance \( \varepsilon \)
always_overwrite_results – [in] Overwrite
even if not convergedx – [inout] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [inout] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
err_z – [out] Slack variable error \( g(x) - z \)
inline SecondOrderPANOCSolver &set_progress_callback(std::function<void(const ProgressInfo&)> cb)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
struct ProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/second-order-panoc.hpp>
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/second-order-panoc.hpp>
using Params = SecondOrderPANOCParams¶
class SpecializedLBFGS¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/directions/decl/specialized-lbfgs.hpp>
Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm that can handle updates of the γ parameter.
Public Types
using Params = LBFGSParams¶
Public Functions
inline bool standard_update(crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁)¶
Standard L-BFGS update without changing the step size γ.
inline bool full_update(crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ_old_γ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁, const Box &C, real_t γ)¶
L-BFGS update when changing the step size γ, recomputing everything.
inline bool update(crvec xₖ, crvec xₖ₊₁, crvec pₖ, crvec pₖ₊₁, crvec gradₖ₊₁, const Box &C, real_t γ)¶
Update the inverse Hessian approximation using the new vectors xₖ₊₁ and pₖ₊₁.
template<class Vec>
void apply(Vec &&q)¶ Apply the inverse Hessian approximation to the given vector q.
inline void initialize(crvec x₀, crvec grad₀)¶
Initialize with the starting point x₀ and the gradient in that point.
inline void reset()¶
Throw away the approximation and all previous vectors s and y.
inline void resize(size_t n, size_t history)¶
Re-allocate storage for a problem with a different size.
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline size_t n() const¶
Get the size of the s, y, x and g vectors in the buffer.
inline size_t history() const¶
Get the number of previous vectors s, y, x and g stored in the buffer.
inline size_t succ(size_t i) const¶
Get the next index in the circular buffer of previous s, y, x and g vectors.
inline size_t pred(size_t i) const¶
Get the previous index in the circular buffer of previous s, y, x and g vectors.
inline auto s(size_t i)¶
inline auto s(size_t i) const¶
inline auto y(size_t i)¶
inline auto y(size_t i) const¶
inline auto x(size_t i)¶
inline auto x(size_t i) const¶
inline auto g(size_t i)¶
inline auto g(size_t i) const¶
inline auto p()¶
inline auto p() const¶
inline auto w()¶
inline auto w() const¶
using Params = LBFGSParams¶
struct StructuredPANOCLBFGSParams¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/structured-panoc-lbfgs.hpp>
Tuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm.
Public Members
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
Parameters related to the Lipschitz constant estimate and step size.
unsigned max_iter = 100¶
Maximum number of inner PANOC iterations.
std::chrono::microseconds max_time = std::chrono::minutes(5)¶
Maximum duration.
real_t nonmonotone_linesearch = 0¶
Factor used in update for exponentially weighted nonmonotone line search.
Zero means monotone line search.
PANOCStopCrit stop_crit = PANOCStopCrit::ApproxKKT¶
What stopping criterion to use.
unsigned max_no_progress = 10¶
Maximum number of iterations without any progress before giving up.
unsigned print_interval = 0¶
When to print progress.
If set to zero, nothing will be printed. If set to N != 0, progress is printed every N iterations.
bool update_lipschitz_in_linesearch = true¶
bool alternative_linesearch_cond = false¶
bool hessian_vec_finited_differences = true¶
bool full_augmented_hessian = true¶
LBFGSStepSize lbfgs_stepsize = LBFGSStepSize::BasedOnCurvature¶
LipschitzEstimateParams Lipschitz¶
struct StructuredPANOCLBFGSProgressInfo¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/structured-panoc-lbfgs.hpp>
class StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/structured-panoc-lbfgs.hpp>
Second order PANOC solver for ALM.
Public Types
using Params = StructuredPANOCLBFGSParams¶
using ProgressInfo = StructuredPANOCLBFGSProgressInfo¶
Public Functions
inline StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver(Params params, LBFGSParams lbfgsparams)¶
inline Stats operator()(const Problem &problem, crvec Σ, real_t ε, bool always_overwrite_results, rvec x, rvec y, rvec err_z)¶
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
Σ – [in] Constraint weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Tolerance \( \varepsilon \)
always_overwrite_results – [in] Overwrite
even if not convergedx – [inout] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [inout] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
err_z – [out] Slack variable error \( g(x) - z \)
inline StructuredPANOCLBFGSSolver &set_progress_callback(std::function<void(const ProgressInfo&)> cb)¶
inline std::string get_name() const¶
inline void stop()¶
struct Stats¶
- #include <panoc-alm/inner/decl/structured-panoc-lbfgs.hpp>
using Params = StructuredPANOCLBFGSParams¶
class vec_allocator¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/alloc.hpp>
Public Functions
inline vec_allocator(size_t num_vec, Eigen::Index n)¶
vec_allocator(const vec_allocator&) = delete¶
vec_allocator(vec_allocator&&) = delete¶
vec_allocator &operator=(const vec_allocator&) = delete¶
vec_allocator &operator=(vec_allocator&&) = delete¶
inline auto alloc()¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper alloc_raii()¶
inline size_t size() const¶
inline size_t used_space() const¶
inline Eigen::Index vector_size() const¶
inline size_t highwater() const¶
struct alloc_raii_wrapper¶
- #include <panoc-alm/util/alloc.hpp>
Public Functions
inline alloc_raii_wrapper(real_t *dptr, Eigen::Index n, vec_allocator *alloc)¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper(mvec &&v, vec_allocator *alloc)¶
inline ~alloc_raii_wrapper()¶
alloc_raii_wrapper(const alloc_raii_wrapper&) = delete¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper(alloc_raii_wrapper &&o)¶
alloc_raii_wrapper &operator=(const alloc_raii_wrapper&) = delete¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper &operator=(alloc_raii_wrapper &&o)¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper &operator=(crvec v)¶
inline alloc_raii_wrapper(real_t *dptr, Eigen::Index n, vec_allocator *alloc)¶
inline vec_allocator(size_t num_vec, Eigen::Index n)¶
namespace detail¶
inline void update_penalty_weights(const ALMParams ¶ms, real_t Δ, bool first_iter, rvec e, rvec old_e, real_t norm_e, real_t old_norm_e, crvec Σ_old, rvec Σ)¶
inline void initialize_penalty(const ProblemFull &p, const ALMParams ¶ms, crvec x0, rvec Σ1, rvec Σ2)¶
inline void apply_preconditioning(const Problem &problem, Problem &prec_problem, crvec x, real_t &prec_f, vec &prec_g)¶
inline real_t calc_ψ_ŷ(const Problem &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec ŷ)¶
Calculate both ψ(x) and the vector ŷ that can later be used to compute ∇ψ.
\[ \psi(x^k) = f(x^k) + \frac{1}{2} \text{dist}_\Sigma^2\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y,\;D\right) \]\[ \hat{y} \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
ŷ – [out] \( \hat{y} \)
inline real_t calc_ψ_ŷ(const ProblemFull &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, rvec ŷ1, rvec ŷ2)¶
Calculate both ψ(x) and the vector ŷ that can later be used to compute ∇ψ.
\[ \psi(x^k) = f(x^k) + \frac{1}{2} \text{dist}_\Sigma^2\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y,\;D\right) \]\[ \hat{y} \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_1 \)
Σ2 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_2 \)
ŷ1 – [out] \( \hat{y}_1 \)
ŷ2 – [out] \( \hat{y}_2 \)
inline void calc_grad_ψ_from_ŷ(const Problem &p, crvec x, crvec ŷ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n)¶
Calculate ∇ψ(x) using ŷ.
- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
ŷ – [in] \( \hat{y} \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
inline void calc_grad_ψ_from_ŷ(const ProblemFull &p, crvec x, crvec ŷ1, crvec ŷ2, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n)¶
Calculate ∇ψ(x) using ŷ.
- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
ŷ1 – [in] \( \hat{y} \)
ŷ2 – [in] \( \hat{y} \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
inline real_t calc_ψ_grad_ψ(const Problem &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m)¶
Calculate both ψ(x) and its gradient ∇ψ(x).
\[ \psi(x^k) = f(x^k) + \frac{1}{2} \text{dist}_\Sigma^2\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y,\;D\right) \]\[ \nabla \psi(x) = \nabla f(x) + \nabla g(x)\ \hat{y}(x) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
work_m – Dimension m
inline real_t calc_ψ_grad_ψ(const ProblemFull &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m1, rvec work_m2)¶
Calculate both ψ(x) and its gradient ∇ψ(x).
\[ \psi(x^k) = f(x^k) + \frac{1}{2} \text{dist}_\Sigma^2\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y,\;D\right) \]\[ \nabla \psi(x) = \nabla f(x) + \nabla g(x)\ \hat{y}(x) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_1 \)
Σ2 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_2 \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
work_m1 – Dimension m1
work_m2 – Dimension m2
inline void calc_grad_ψ(const Problem &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m)¶
Calculate the gradient ∇ψ(x).
\[ \nabla \psi(x) = \nabla f(x) + \nabla g(x)\ \hat{y}(x) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
work_m – Dimension m
inline void calc_grad_ψ(const ProblemFull &p, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m1, rvec work_m2)¶
Calculate the gradient ∇ψ(x).
\[ \nabla \psi(x) = \nabla f(x) + \nabla g(x)\ \hat{y}(x) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_1 \)
Σ2 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_2 \)
grad_ψ – [out] \( \nabla \psi(x) \)
work_n – Dimension n
work_m1 – Dimension m_1
work_m2 – Dimension m_2
- inline void calc_err_z (const Problem &p, crvec x̂, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec err_z)
Calculate the error between ẑ and g(x).
\[ \hat{z}^k = \Pi_D\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y\right) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x̂ – [in] Decision variable \( \hat{x} \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
err_z – [out] \( g(\hat{x}) - \hat{z} \)
- inline void calc_err_z (const ProblemFull &p, crvec x̂, crvec y, crvec Σ1, rvec err_z1, rvec err_z2)
Calculate the error between ẑ and g(x).
\[ \hat{z}^k = \Pi_D\left(g(x^k) + \Sigma^{-1}y\right) \]- Parameters
p – [in] Problem description
x̂ – [in] Decision variable \( \hat{x} \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_1 \)
err_z1 – [out] \( g_1(\hat{x}) - \hat{z}_1 \)
err_z2 – [out] \( g_2(\hat{x}) - \hat{z}_2 \)
inline auto projected_gradient_step(const Box &C, real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ)¶
Projected gradient step.
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \hat{x}^k &= T_{\gamma^k}\left(x^k\right) \\ &= \Pi_C\left(x^k - \gamma^k \nabla \psi(x^k)\right) \\ p^k &= \hat{x}^k - x^k \\ \end{aligned} \end{split}\]- Parameters
C – [in] Set to project onto
γ – [in] Step size
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
grad_ψ – [in] \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
- template<typename ProblemT> inline void calc_x̂ (const ProblemT &prob, real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x̂, rvec p)
- Parameters
prob – [in] Problem description
γ – [in] Step size
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
grad_ψ – [in] \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
x̂ – [out] \( \hat{x}^k = T_{\gamma^k}(x^k) \)
p – [out] \( \hat{x}^k - x^k \)
inline real_t calc_error_stop_crit(PANOCStopCrit crit, crvec pₖ, real_t γ, crvec xₖ, crvec grad_̂ψₖ, crvec grad_ψₖ, const Box &C)¶
- \[ \left\| \gamma_k^{-1} (x^k - \hat x^k) + \nabla \psi(\hat x^k) - \nabla \psi(x^k) \right\|_\infty \]
- Parameters
crit – [in] What stoppint criterion to use
pₖ – [in] Projected gradient step \( \hat x^k - x^k \)
γ – [in] Step size
xₖ – [in] Current iterate
grad_̂ψₖ – [in] Gradient in \( \hat x^k \)
grad_ψₖ – [in] Gradient in \( x^k \)
C – [in] Feasible set \( C \)
inline real_t descent_lemma(const Problem &problem, real_t rounding_tolerance, real_t L_max, crvec xₖ, real_t ψₖ, crvec grad_ψₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec x̂ₖ, rvec pₖ, rvec ŷx̂ₖ, real_t &ψx̂ₖ, real_t &norm_sq_pₖ, real_t &grad_ψₖᵀpₖ, real_t &Lₖ, real_t &γₖ)¶
Increase the estimate of the Lipschitz constant of the objective gradient and decrease the step size until quadratic upper bound or descent lemma is satisfied:
The projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \) and step \( p^k \) are updated with the new step size \( \gamma^k \), and so are other quantities that depend on them, such as \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k \) and \( \|p\|^2 \). The intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k) \) can be used to compute the gradient \( \nabla\psi(\hat x^k) \) or to update the Lagrange multipliers.\[ \psi(x + p) \le \psi(x) + \nabla\psi(x)^\top p + \frac{L}{2} \|p\|^2 \]- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
rounding_tolerance – [in] Tolerance used to ignore rounding errors when the function \( \psi(x) \) is relatively flat or the step size is very small, which could cause \( \psi(x^k) < \psi(\hat x^k) \), which is mathematically impossible but could occur in finite precision floating point arithmetic.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz constant estimate (prevents infinite loop if function or derivatives are discontinuous, and keeps step size bounded away from zero).
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
ψₖ – [in] Objective function \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψₖ – [in] Gradient of objective \( \nabla\psi(x^k) \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
x̂ₖ – [out] Projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \)
pₖ – [out] Projected gradient step \( p^k \)
ŷx̂ₖ – [out] Intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k) \)
ψx̂ₖ – [inout] Objective function \( \psi(\hat x^k) \)
norm_sq_pₖ – [inout] Squared norm of the step \( \left\| p^k \right\|^2 \)
grad_ψₖᵀpₖ – [inout] Gradient of objective times step \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k\)
Lₖ – [inout] Lipschitz constant estimate \( L_{\nabla\psi}^k \)
γₖ – [inout] Step size \( \gamma^k \)
- Returns
The original step size, before it was reduced by this function.
inline real_t descent_lemma(const ProblemFull &problem, real_t rounding_tolerance, real_t L_max, crvec xₖ, real_t ψₖ, crvec grad_ψₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, rvec x̂ₖ, rvec pₖ, rvec ŷx̂ₖ1, rvec ŷx̂ₖ2, real_t &ψx̂ₖ, real_t &norm_sq_pₖ, real_t &grad_ψₖᵀpₖ, real_t &Lₖ, real_t &γₖ)¶
Increase the estimate of the Lipschitz constant of the objective gradient and decrease the step size until quadratic upper bound or descent lemma is satisfied:
The projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \) and step \( p^k \) are updated with the new step size \( \gamma^k \), and so are other quantities that depend on them, such as \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k \) and \( \|p\|^2 \). The intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k) \) can be used to compute the gradient \( \nabla\psi(\hat x^k) \) or to update the Lagrange multipliers.\[ \psi(x + p) \le \psi(x) + \nabla\psi(x)^\top p + \frac{L}{2} \|p\|^2 \]- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
rounding_tolerance – [in] Tolerance used to ignore rounding errors when the function \( \psi(x) \) is relatively flat or the step size is very small, which could cause \( \psi(x^k) < \psi(\hat x^k) \), which is mathematically impossible but could occur in finite precision floating point arithmetic.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz constant estimate (prevents infinite loop if function or derivatives are discontinuous, and keeps step size bounded away from zero).
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
ψₖ – [in] Objective function \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψₖ – [in] Gradient of objective \( \nabla\psi(x^k) \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_1 \)
Σ2 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma_2 \)
x̂ₖ – [out] Projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \)
pₖ – [out] Projected gradient step \( p^k \)
ŷx̂ₖ1 – [out] Intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k)1 \)
ŷx̂ₖ2 – [out] Intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k)2 \)
ψx̂ₖ – [inout] Objective function \( \psi(\hat x^k) \)
norm_sq_pₖ – [inout] Squared norm of the step \( \left\| p^k \right\|^2 \)
grad_ψₖᵀpₖ – [inout] Gradient of objective times step \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k\)
Lₖ – [inout] Lipschitz constant estimate \( L_{\nabla\psi}^k \)
γₖ – [inout] Step size \( \gamma^k \)
- Returns
The original step size, before it was reduced by this function.
template<class ParamsT, class DurationT>
inline SolverStatus check_all_stop_conditions(const ParamsT ¶ms, DurationT time_elapsed, unsigned iteration, const AtomicStopSignal &stop_signal, real_t ε, real_t εₖ, unsigned no_progress)¶ Check all stop conditions (required tolerance reached, out of time, maximum number of iterations exceeded, interrupted by user, infinite iterate, no progress made)
- Parameters
params – [in] Parameters including `max_iter`, `max_time` and `max_no_progress`
time_elapsed – [in] Time elapsed since the start of the algorithm
iteration – [in] The current iteration number
stop_signal – [in] A stop signal for the user to interrupt the algorithm
ε – [in] Desired primal tolerance
εₖ – [in] Tolerance of the current iterate
no_progress – [in] The number of successive iterations no progress was made
inline void calc_augmented_lagrangian_hessian(const Problem &problem, crvec xₖ, crvec ŷxₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec g, mat &H, rvec work_n)¶
Compute the Hessian matrix of the augmented Lagrangian function.
\[ \nabla^2_{xx} L_\Sigma(x, y) = \Big. \nabla_{xx}^2 L(x, y) \Big|_{\big(x,\, \hat y(x, y)\big)} + \sum_{i\in\mathcal{I}} \Sigma_i\,\nabla g_i(x) \nabla g_i(x)^\top \]- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
ŷxₖ – [in] Intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k) \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
g – [out] The constraint values \( g(x^k) \)
H – [out] Hessian matrix \( H(x, y) \)
work_n – Dimension n
inline void calc_augmented_lagrangian_hessian_prod_fd(const Problem &problem, crvec xₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ, crvec grad_ψ, crvec v, rvec Hv, rvec work_n1, rvec work_n2, rvec work_m)¶
Compute the Hessian matrix of the augmented Lagrangian function multiplied by the given vector, using finite differences.
\[ \nabla^2_{xx} L_\Sigma(x, y)\, v \approx \frac{\nabla_x L_\Sigma(x+hv, y) - \nabla_x L_\Sigma(x, y)}{h} \]- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
grad_ψ – [in] Gradient \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
v – [in] Vector to multiply with the Hessian
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product
work_n1 – Dimension n
work_n2 – Dimension n
work_m – Dimension m
inline real_t initial_lipschitz_estimate(const Problem &problem, crvec xₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t ε, real_t δ, real_t L_min, real_t L_max, real_t &ψ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n1, rvec work_n2, rvec work_n3, rvec work_m)¶
Estimate the Lipschitz constant of the gradient \( \nabla \psi \) using finite differences.
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Finite difference step size relative to xₖ
δ – [in] Minimum absolute finite difference step size
L_min – [in] Minimum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
ψ – [out] \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψ – [out] Gradient \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
work_n1 – Dimension n
work_n2 – Dimension n
work_n3 – Dimension n
work_m – Dimension m
inline real_t initial_lipschitz_estimate(const Problem &problem, crvec xₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t ε, real_t δ, real_t L_min, real_t L_max, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n1, rvec work_n2, rvec work_n3, rvec work_m)¶
Estimate the Lipschitz constant of the gradient \( \nabla \psi \) using finite differences.
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Finite difference step size relative to xₖ
δ – [in] Minimum absolute finite difference step size
L_min – [in] Minimum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
grad_ψ – [out] Gradient \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
work_n1 – Dimension n
work_n2 – Dimension n
work_n3 – Dimension n
work_m – Dimension m
inline real_t initial_lipschitz_estimate(const ProblemFull &problem, crvec xₖ, crvec y, crvec Σ1, crvec Σ2, real_t ε, real_t δ, real_t &ψ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n1, rvec work_n2, rvec work_n3, rvec work_m1, rvec work_m2)¶
- Parameters
problem – [in] Problem description
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers \( y \)
Σ1 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
Σ2 – [in] Penalty weights \( \Sigma \)
ε – [in] Finite difference step size relative to xₖ
δ – [in] Minimum absolute finite difference step size
ψ – [out] \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψ – [out] Gradient \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
work_n1 – Dimension n
work_n2 – Dimension n
work_n3 – Dimension n
work_m1 – Dimension m1
work_m2 – Dimension m2
template<class ObjFunT, class ObjGradFunT>
real_t initial_lipschitz_estimate(const ObjFunT &ψ, const ObjGradFunT &grad_ψ, crvec xₖ, real_t ε, real_t δ, real_t L_min, real_t L_max, real_t &ψₖ, rvec grad_ψₖ, vec_allocator &alloc)¶ Estimate the Lipschitz constant of the gradient \( \nabla \psi \) using finite differences.
- Parameters
ψ – [in] Objective
grad_ψ – [in] Gradient of
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
ε – [in] Finite difference step size relative to xₖ
δ – [in] Minimum absolute finite difference step size
L_min – [in] Minimum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz estimate.
ψₖ – [out] \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψₖ – [out] Gradient \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
alloc – [in]
- inline void calc_x̂ (real_t γ, crvec x, const Box &C, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x̂, rvec p)
- Parameters
γ – [in] Step size
x – [in] Decision variable \( x \)
C – [in] Box constraints \( C \)
grad_ψ – [in] \( \nabla \psi(x^k) \)
x̂ – [out] \( \hat{x}^k = T_{\gamma^k}(x^k) \)
p – [out] \( \hat{x}^k - x^k \)
template<class ObjFunT>
real_t descent_lemma(const ObjFunT &ψ, const Box &C, real_t rounding_tolerance, real_t L_max, crvec xₖ, real_t ψₖ, crvec grad_ψₖ, rvec x̂ₖ, rvec pₖ, real_t &ψx̂ₖ, real_t &norm_sq_pₖ, real_t &grad_ψₖᵀpₖ, real_t &Lₖ, real_t &γₖ)¶ Increase the estimate of the Lipschitz constant of the objective gradient and decrease the step size until quadratic upper bound or descent lemma is satisfied:
The projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \) and step \( p^k \) are updated with the new step size \( \gamma^k \), and so are other quantities that depend on them, such as \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k \) and \( \|p\|^2 \). The intermediate vector \( \hat y(x^k) \) can be used to compute the gradient \( \nabla\psi(\hat x^k) \) or to update the Lagrange multipliers.\[ \psi(x + p) \le \psi(x) + \nabla\psi(x)^\top p + \frac{L}{2} \|p\|^2 \]- Parameters
ψ – [in] Objective.
C – [in] Box constraints.
rounding_tolerance – [in] Tolerance used to ignore rounding errors when the function \( \psi(x) \) is relatively flat or the step size is very small, which could cause \( \psi(x^k) < \psi(\hat x^k) \), which is mathematically impossible but could occur in finite precision floating point arithmetic.
L_max – [in] Maximum allowed Lipschitz constant estimate (prevents infinite loop if function or derivatives are discontinuous, and keeps step size bounded away from zero).
xₖ – [in] Current iterate \( x^k \)
ψₖ – [in] Objective function \( \psi(x^k) \)
grad_ψₖ – [in] Gradient of objective \( \nabla\psi(x^k) \)
x̂ₖ – [out] Projected gradient iterate \( \hat x^k \)
pₖ – [out] Projected gradient step \( p^k \)
ψx̂ₖ – [inout] Objective function \( \psi(\hat x^k) \)
norm_sq_pₖ – [inout] Squared norm of the step \( \left\| p^k \right\|^2 \)
grad_ψₖᵀpₖ – [inout] Gradient of objective times step \( \nabla\psi(x^k)^\top p^k\)
Lₖ – [inout] Lipschitz constant estimate \( L_{\nabla\psi}^k \)
γₖ – [inout] Step size \( \gamma^k \)
- Returns
The original step size, before it was reduced by this function.
inline void update_penalty_weights(const ALMParams ¶ms, real_t Δ, bool first_iter, rvec e, rvec old_e, real_t norm_e, real_t old_norm_e, crvec Σ_old, rvec Σ)¶
namespace vec_util¶
using real_t = double¶