Editable Install / Development Mode

Editable Install / Development Mode#

During development, you often want changes to the Python source files to take effect immediately, without having to reinstall the package under development. This can be done using Pip’s --editable/-e flag:

pip install -e .

py-build-cmake provides three different modes for editable installs: wrapper, hook, and symlink. Selecting the mode can be done in pyproject.toml, for example:

mode = "symlink"

Alternatively, you can add it to your local configuration, py-build-cmake.local.toml:

mode = "hook"

Note: by default, only Python files are made “editable”. You’ll still have to run pip install -e . again to rebuild your C extension modules if you modify any C/C++/Fortran source files.
To automatically rebuild C extension modules, set editable.mode = "symlink" and editable.build_hook = true in the configuration. See the Build hooks section below for details.

mode = "symlink"
build_hook = true

The following sections go into the details of the different editable installation modes.


The wrapper mode installs all files generated using CMake, but not the Python source files in your package. To make these Python files available, a wrapper __init__.py file is installed that adds the source directory of your package to the submodule_search_locations path of the package, and then loads the actual __init__.py script (the one in your source directory).
Additionally, a .pth file is installed, containing the path to your source directory, so external tools and IDEs can locate the necessary files as well, without actually executing the wrapper script (although not all tools support packages spread out over multiple folders, see the symlink mode below).

The file structure after installation is the following:

  ├── pyproject.toml
  ├── src
  │   └── my_package
  │       ├── __init__.py      (actual)
  │       └── my_module.py
  └── ...
  ├── my_package.pth
  ├── my_package
  │   ├── __init__.py          (wrapper)
  │   ├── _my_c_extension.pyi
  │   └── _my_c_extension.so
  ├── my_package-1.2.3.dist-info
  │   └── ...
  └── ...

The __init__.py wrapper file contains something along the lines of:

# First extend the search path with the development folder
__spec__.submodule_search_locations.insert(0, '/full/path/to/my_project/src/my_package')
# Now manually import the development __init__.py
from importlib import util as _util
_spec = _util.spec_from_file_location("my_package",
_mod = _util.module_from_spec(_spec)
# After importing, add its symbols to our global scope
_vars = _mod.__dict__.copy()
for _k in ['__builtins__','__cached__','__file__','__loader__','__name__','__package__','__path__','__spec__']: _vars.pop(_k)
# Clean up
del _k, _spec, _mod, _vars, _util

And the my_package.pth file contains the path to the source directory:



The hook mode uses a .pth file to point to the source directory. For pure-Python packages, this suffices, but for packages that contain C extension modules, an extra step is required. The reason for this is that the package will be split up into two directories, the source directory where the Python source files live, and a directory in Python’s site-packages directory where the C extension modules and other generated files are installed. To be able to locate these generated files, hook mode inserts a “path finder” hook into sys.meta_path. For more information, see https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html#the-meta-path.

The advantage of hook mode is that does not install a “fake” __init__.py wrapper file that might confuse some tools. The disadvantage is that the installed package does not include an __init__.py file at all, which might confuse some other tools.

The file structure after installation is the following:

  ├── pyproject.toml
  ├── src
  │   └── my_package
  │       ├── __init__.py
  │       └── my_module.py
  └── ...
  ├── my_package.pth
  ├── my_package               (no __init__.py here)
  │   ├── _my_c_extension.pyi
  │   └── _my_c_extension.so
  ├── my_package_editable_hook
  │   └── __init__.py
  ├── my_package-1.2.3.dist-info
  │   └── ...
  └── ...

The my_package_editable_hook/__init__.py file is responsible for actually adding the path finder to Python’s meta path:

import sys, inspect, os
from importlib.machinery import PathFinder

class EditablePathFinder(PathFinder):
    def __init__(self, name, extra_path):
        self.name = name
        self.extra_path = extra_path
    def find_spec(self, name, path=None, target=None):
        if name.split('.', 1)[0] != self.name:
            return None
        if path is None:
            path = []
        return super().find_spec(name, path, target)

def install(name: str):
    source_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(EditablePathFinder))
    source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_path)
    installed_path = os.path.join(source_dir, '..', name)
    sys.meta_path.insert(0, EditablePathFinder(name, installed_path))


This file is loaded by the my_package.pth file, which contains:

import my_package_editable_hook

Build hooks#

During development, py-build-cmake can be configured to automatically recompile any C extension modules that changed. This is done by setting the editable.build_hook option to true. Under the hood, this will cause a hook to be installed in the meta path, which will invoke cmake --build and cmake --install when your package is first imported.

Modern build systems like Ninja are very fast at figuring out whether anything has to be recompiled, so the overhead of this hook is relatively low when no files changed.

Keep in mind that C extension modules cannot be unloaded or reloaded after they have been imported once. You need to restart the Python interpreter for any changes to take effect. This is why the build is only carried out during the first import (and before the module is first loaded).

To avoid depending on packages in Pip’s temporary build directory or virtual environment, you can use the --no-build-isolation flag:

pip install -e . --no-build-isolation

This requires you to install any dependencies into your environment beforehand.

The only mode that is currently supported is symlink. This is because symlink mode installs the extension modules into a hidden folder inside of the project folder, whereas the hook and wrapper modes include the extension modules in the package. In such a case, the build hook would have to install its artifacts into the Python site-packages directory directly. This comes with the risk of installing files that were not included in the original package’s RECORD (e.g. if the user modifies any CMake code or options), and these files would not be cleaned up when uninstalling the package. Files left behind by old packages could cause all kinds of issues that are hard to debug, so py-build-cmake simply does not allow this.

(*) Specifically, to create symbolic links on Windows without administrator rights, you need to enable Developer Mode. Otherwise, you’ll see OSError: symbolic link privilege not held or [WinError 1314] A required privilege is not held by the client. If you cannot change the privilege, you can override the editable mode in a py-build-cmake.local.toml file as described above.