Arduino Filters master
Filter library for Arduino


This examples shows how to filter an analog input, so you can get the position of a knob or fader without noise.

AVR, AVR USB, Nano Every, Nano 33 IoT, Nano 33 BLE, Due, Teensy 3.x, ESP8266, ESP32


Connect the left terminal of the potentiometer to ground, and the right one to VCC.


A simpler version of this example can be found in 1.FilteredAnalog.ino.

Written by PieterP, 2019-10-10

// Include the library
#include <Filters.h>
// Create a filtered analog object on pin A0:
FilteredAnalog<10, // Output precision in bits
2, // The amount of filtering
uint16_t, // The integer type for the filter calculations
analog_t // The integer type for the upscaled analog values
analog = A0;
// If you want more filtering, you can increase the filter shift factor.
// The number of bits required for the intermediate calculations increases if
// you do so, so you have to use a larger type as well.
FilteredAnalog<10, // Output precision in bits
6, // The amount of filtering
uint32_t // The integer type for the filter calculations
moreFiltering = A0;
// If you don't care about the specific settings, and just want a
// default that works, you can use the following:
FilteredAnalog<> simpleAnalog = A0;
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
// Select the correct ADC resolution
// If you want, you can add mapping functions to invert the input, for example
// Initialize the filter to whatever the value on the input is right now
// (otherwise, the filter is initialized to zero and you get transients)
void loop() {
// Read the analog input every millisecond, and print if the value has changed
static Timer<millis> timer = 1; // ms
if (timer && analog.update())
// Explanation:
// analog.update() reads the analog input, applies the filters,
// saves the value, and returns true if the value has changed.
// You can then retreive the new value using analog.getValue().
// Timer is just a "Blink Without Delay" wrapper, it returns true
// every time the specified amount of time has passed.
Dummy header file for Arduino builder.
uint16_t analog_t
The type returned from analogRead and similar functions.
A class that reads and filters an analog input.
A class for easily managing timed events.