Control Surface  1.1.1
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
Modules | Classes
MIDI Input Elements

All Elements that listen for incoming MIDI events.
This includes LEDs, VU meters, V-Pot LED rings, time displays ... More...

Collaboration diagram for MIDI Input Elements:


 Bankable MIDI Input Elements
 All Elements that listen for incoming MIDI events, and that can be banked.
This includes the bankable versions of pretty much all elements in MIDI Input Elements.
 MIDI Input Elements LEDs
 All MIDIInputElements that visualize their state using LEDs.


class  VPotRing
 A class for MIDI input elements that represent Mackie Control Universal V-Pots. More...
class  VU
 A class for MIDI input elements that represent Mackie Control Universal VU meters. More...
class  MIDIInputElementNote
 Class for objects that listen for incoming MIDI Note events. More...
class  MIDIInputElementSysEx
 Class for objects that listen for incoming MIDI SysEx events. More...
class  NoteRange< RangeLen >
 MIDI Input Element that listens to a range of notes and saves their velocity values. More...
class  NoteValue
 MIDI Input Element that listens to a single note and saves its velocity value. More...
class  CCRange< RangeLen >
 MIDI Input Element that listens to a range of controllers and saves their values. More...
class  CCValue
 MIDI Input Element that listens to a single controller and saves its value. More...

Detailed Description

All Elements that listen for incoming MIDI events.
This includes LEDs, VU meters, V-Pot LED rings, time displays ...