Control Surface main
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
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Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs
Bankable Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

A namespace for MIDI elements that can be added to a Bank, to change their address or channel.


namespace  ManyAddresses


class  CCAbsoluteEncoder
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCButton
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCButtonLatched
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Controller Change events. More...
class  CCButtonLatching
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCButtonMatrix
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCButtons
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCIncrementDecrementButtons
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of two momentary push buttons to increment or decrement a relative setting using relative MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCPotentiometer
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCRotaryEncoder
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events. More...
class  CCSmartPotentiometer
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events. More...
struct  DefaultColorMapper
 The default mapping from a 7-bit MIDI value to an RGB color, using the Novation Launchpad mapping. More...
class  DualAddresses
class  GenericMIDIAbsoluteEncoder
 An abstract class for rotary encoders that send absolute MIDI events. More...
class  GenericMIDIRotaryEncoder
 An abstract class for rotary encoders that send MIDI events and that can be added to a Bank. More...
class  MatrixAddress
class  MIDIButton
 An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events. More...
class  MIDIButtonLatched
 A class for momentary buttons and switches that send MIDI events. More...
class  MIDIButtonLatching
 A class for latching buttons and switches that send MIDI events. More...
class  MIDIButtonMatrix
 MIDIButtonMatrix. More...
class  MIDIButtons
 An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events. More...
class  MIDIChordButton
 An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send multiple MIDI events. More...
class  MIDIFilteredAnalog
 A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events and can be added to a Bank. More...
class  MIDIIncrementDecrementButtons
 An abstract class for two buttons that send incremental MIDI events. More...
class  NoteButton
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  NoteButtonLatched
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  NoteButtonLatching
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  NoteButtonMatrix
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  NoteButtons
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  NoteCCKPLED
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value. More...
class  NoteCCKPLEDBar
 Class that turns on a different number of LEDs depending on the received MIDI velocity, key pressure or Control Change value. More...
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and turn on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the MIDI value. More...
class  NoteCCKPRange
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and save their values. More...
class  NoteCCKPRangeFastLED
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turns on the corresponding LED in a FastLED strip with a color that depends both on the active bank, the index in the range, and the value of the incoming MIDI message. More...
class  NoteCCKPRangeLEDs
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turn on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold. More...
class  NoteCCKPValue
 Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value. More...
class  NoteChordButton
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class  PBAbsoluteEncoder
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class  PBPotentiometer
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class  PBSmartPotentiometer
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class  PBValue
 Class that listens for MIDI Pitch Bend events on a single address and saves their value. More...
class  PCButton
 A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Program Change events. More...
class  ProgramChanger
class  SingleAddress
class  SingleAddressMultipleBanks
class  SmartMIDIFilteredAnalog
 A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events. More...


template<uint8_t BankSize>
using NoteLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using CCLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using KPLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs>
using NoteLEDBar = NoteCCKPLEDBar<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize, NumLEDs>
 Class that listens for Note events and displays the velocity on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the velocity.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs>
using CCLEDBar
 Class that listens for Control Change events and displays the value on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs>
using KPLEDBar
 Class that listens for Key Pressure events and displays the pressure on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using NoteLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the velocity.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using CCLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using KPLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the pressure.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using NoteRangeFastLED
 MIDI Input Element that listens across banks for MIDI Note messages in a given range, and displays their values using a FastLED LED strip.
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using NoteValueFastLED = NoteRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper>
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using CCRangeFastLED
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using CCValueFastLED = CCRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper>
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using KPRangeFastLED
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper>
using KPValueFastLED = KPRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper>
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using NoteRangeLEDs
 Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the velocity is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using CCRangeLEDs
 Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using KPRangeLEDs
 Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the pressure is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using NoteRange = NoteCCKPRange<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize, RangeLen>
 Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using CCRange
 Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen>
using KPRange = NoteCCKPRange<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize, RangeLen>
 Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using NoteValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using CCValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t BankSize>
using KPValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize>
 Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t NumBanks, class BankAddress , class Sender >
using MIDIAbsoluteEncoder
template<uint8_t NumBanks, class BankAddress , class Sender >
using BorrowedMIDIAbsoluteEncoder
template<class BankAddress , class Sender >
using MIDIRotaryEncoder
template<class BankAddress , class Sender >
using BorrowedMIDIRotaryEncoder

Typedef Documentation

◆ MIDIAbsoluteEncoder

template<uint8_t NumBanks, class BankAddress , class Sender >
using MIDIAbsoluteEncoder
Initial value:
An array wrapper for easy copying, comparing, and iterating.
Definition Array.hpp:32

Definition at line 103 of file Bankable/Abstract/MIDIAbsoluteEncoder.hpp.

◆ BorrowedMIDIAbsoluteEncoder

◆ MIDIRotaryEncoder

◆ BorrowedMIDIRotaryEncoder