A namespace for MIDI elements that can be added to a Bank, to change their address or channel.
class | CCAbsoluteEncoder |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCButton |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCButtonLatched |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Controller Change events. More...
class | CCButtonLatching |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCButtonMatrix |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCButtons |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCIncrementDecrementButtons |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of two momentary push buttons to increment or decrement a relative setting using relative MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCPotentiometer |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCRotaryEncoder |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events. More...
class | CCSmartPotentiometer |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events. More...
struct | DefaultColorMapper |
| The default mapping from a 7-bit MIDI value to an RGB color, using the Novation Launchpad mapping. More...
class | DualAddresses |
class | GenericMIDIAbsoluteEncoder |
| An abstract class for rotary encoders that send absolute MIDI events. More...
class | GenericMIDIRotaryEncoder |
| An abstract class for rotary encoders that send MIDI events and that can be added to a Bank. More...
class | MatrixAddress |
class | MIDIButton |
| An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events. More...
class | MIDIButtonLatched |
| A class for momentary buttons and switches that send MIDI events. More...
class | MIDIButtonLatching |
| A class for latching buttons and switches that send MIDI events. More...
class | MIDIButtonMatrix |
| MIDIButtonMatrix. More...
class | MIDIButtons |
| An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events. More...
class | MIDIChordButton |
| An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send multiple MIDI events. More...
class | MIDIFilteredAnalog |
| A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events and can be added to a Bank. More...
class | MIDIIncrementDecrementButtons |
| An abstract class for two buttons that send incremental MIDI events. More...
class | NoteButton |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | NoteButtonLatched |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | NoteButtonLatching |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | NoteButtonMatrix |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | NoteButtons |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | NoteCCKPLED |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value. More...
class | NoteCCKPLEDBar |
| Class that turns on a different number of LEDs depending on the received MIDI velocity, key pressure or Control Change value. More...
class | NoteCCKPLEDPWM |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and turn on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the MIDI value. More...
class | NoteCCKPRange |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and save their values. More...
class | NoteCCKPRangeFastLED |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turns on the corresponding LED in a FastLED strip with a color that depends both on the active bank, the index in the range, and the value of the incoming MIDI message. More...
class | NoteCCKPRangeLEDs |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turn on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold. More...
class | NoteCCKPValue |
| Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value. More...
class | NoteChordButton |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events. More...
class | PBAbsoluteEncoder |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class | PBPotentiometer |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class | PBSmartPotentiometer |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events. More...
class | PBValue |
| Class that listens for MIDI Pitch Bend events on a single address and saves their value. More...
class | PCButton |
| A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Program Change events. More...
class | ProgramChanger |
class | SingleAddress |
class | SingleAddressMultipleBanks |
class | SmartMIDIFilteredAnalog |
| A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events. More...
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | NoteLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | CCLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | KPLED = NoteCCKPLED<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs> |
using | NoteLEDBar = NoteCCKPLEDBar<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize, NumLEDs> |
| Class that listens for Note events and displays the velocity on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the velocity.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs> |
using | CCLEDBar |
| Class that listens for Control Change events and displays the value on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t NumLEDs> |
using | KPLEDBar |
| Class that listens for Key Pressure events and displays the pressure on an LED Bar Graph, turning on a different number of LEDs depending on the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | NoteLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the velocity.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | CCLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the value.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | KPLEDPWM = NoteCCKPLEDPWM<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the pressure.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | NoteRangeFastLED |
| MIDI Input Element that listens across banks for MIDI Note messages in a given range, and displays their values using a FastLED LED strip.
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | NoteValueFastLED = NoteRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper> |
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | CCRangeFastLED |
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | CCValueFastLED = CCRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper> |
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | KPRangeFastLED |
template<uint8_t BankSize, class ColorMapper = DefaultColorMapper> |
using | KPValueFastLED = KPRangeFastLED<BankSize, 1, ColorMapper> |
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | NoteRangeLEDs |
| Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the velocity is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | CCRangeLEDs |
| Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | KPRangeLEDs |
| Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on the corresponding LED when the pressure is higher than a threshold.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | NoteRange = NoteCCKPRange<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize, RangeLen> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | CCRange |
| Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize, uint8_t RangeLen> |
using | KPRange = NoteCCKPRange<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize, RangeLen> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and saves their values.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | NoteValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::NoteOn, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Note events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | CCValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::ControlChange, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Control Change events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t BankSize> |
using | KPValue = NoteCCKPValue<MIDIMessageType::KeyPressure, BankSize> |
| Class that listens for MIDI Key Pressure events on a single address and saves their value.
template<uint8_t NumBanks, class BankAddress , class Sender > |
using | MIDIAbsoluteEncoder |
template<uint8_t NumBanks, class BankAddress , class Sender > |
using | BorrowedMIDIAbsoluteEncoder |
template<class BankAddress , class Sender > |
using | MIDIRotaryEncoder |
template<class BankAddress , class Sender > |
using | BorrowedMIDIRotaryEncoder |