Control Surface pin-t-adl
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
Namespaces | Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
PrintStream.cpp File Reference
#include "PrintStream.hpp"
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namespace  AH
 PrintStream library


#define FLUSH


enum  : char { LOWERCASE = 0x7F , UPPERCASE = 0x5F }


template<class T >
Print & printIntegral (Print &printer, T i)
Print & endl (Print &printer)
Print & uppercase (Print &printer)
Print & nouppercase (Print &printer)
Print & showbase (Print &printer)
Print & noshowbase (Print &printer)
Print & flush (Print &printer)
Print & hex (Print &printer)
Print & bin (Print &printer)
Print & dec (Print &printer)
Print & boolalpha (Print &printer)
Print & noboolalpha (Print &printer)
Print & leadingzeros (Print &printer)
Print & noleadingzeros (Print &printer)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, const __FlashStringHelper *s)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, const String &s)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, const char s[])
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, char c)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, unsigned char i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, int i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, unsigned int i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, int8_t i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, long i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, unsigned long i)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, double d)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, float f)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, const Printable &p)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, bool b)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, manipulator pf)
Setbase setbase (uint8_t base)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, Setbase f)
Setbytesep setbytesep (char bytesep)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, Setbytesep f)
Setprecision setprecision (int n)
Print & operator<< (Print &printer, Setprecision f)
static char nibble_to_hex (uint8_t nibble)
template<class T >
void printHex (Print &printer, T val)
template<class T >
void printBin (Print &printer, T val)
Print & operator<< (Print &p, HexDump h)


uint8_t formatPrintStream = DEC
bool boolalphaPrintStream = false
bool leadingZerosPrintStream = false
uint8_t precisionPrintStream = 2
char byteSeparatorPrintStream = '\0'
enum AH:: { ... }  casePrintStream = LOWERCASE
bool showbasePrintStream = false

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FLUSH

Definition at line 9 of file PrintStream.cpp.