Nonconvex constrained optimization
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CALMParamsParameters for the Augmented Lagrangian solver
 CALMSolver< InnerSolverT >Augmented Lagrangian Method solver
 CAndersonAccelAnderson Acceleration
 Cattr_setter_fun_t< T >
 CCasADiFun_1Vi1SoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 1 vector input, scalar output
 CCasADiFun_1Vi1VoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 1 vector input, 1 vector output
 CCasADiFun_2Vi1MoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 2 vector inputs, 1 matrix output
 CCasADiFun_2Vi1SoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 2 vector inputs, scalar output
 CCasADiFun_2Vi1VoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 2 vector inputs, 1 vector output
 CCasADiFun_3Vi1MoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 3 vector inputs, 1 matrix output
 CCasADiFun_3Vi1VoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 3 vector inputs, 1 vector output
 CCasADiFun_4Vi1VoWrapper for CasADiFunctionEvaluator with 4 vector inputs, 1 vector output
 CCasADiFunctionEvaluator< N_in, N_out >Class for evaluating CasADi functions, allocating the necessary workspace storage in advance for allocation-free evaluations
 CCircularIndexIterator< IndexT >
 CCircularIndexIterator< size_t >
 CCircularIndices< IndexT >
 CCircularIndices< Index >
 CCircularRange< IndexT >
 CCUTEstProblemWrapper for CUTEst problems loaded from an external shared library
 CGAAPGASolverGuarded Anderson Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< InnerSolverStats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< GAAPGASolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< LBFGSBStats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCStats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PGASolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PolymorphicInnerSolverWrapper::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< SecondOrderPANOCSolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< StructuredPANOCLBFGSStats >
 CLBFGSLimited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm
 CLBFGSBSolver< LineSearchT >Box-constrained LBFGS solver for ALM
 CLBFGSParamsParameters for the LBFGS and SpecializedLBFGS classes
 CLBFGSSolver< LineSearchT >Unconstrained LBFGS solver for ALM
 CLimitedMemoryQRIncremental QR factorization using modified Gram-Schmidt with reorthogonalization
 CPANOCDirection< DirectionProviderT >
 CPANOCDirection< AndersonAccel >
 CPANOCDirection< LBFGS >
 CPANOCDirection< PolymorphicPANOCDirectionBase >
 CPANOCDirection< SpecializedLBFGS >
 CPANOCParamsTuning parameters for the PANOC algorithm
 CPANOCSolver< DirectionProviderT >PANOC solver for ALM
 CPGASolverStandard Proximal Gradient Algorithm without any bells and whistles
 CProblemProblem description for minimization problems
 CCUTEstProblem::ReportThe report generated by CUTEst
 CCUTEstProblem::Report.callsFunction call counters
 CReverseCircularIndexIterator< IndexT >
 CReverseCircularRange< IndexT >
 CSecondOrderPANOCParamsTuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm
 CSecondOrderPANOCSolverSecond order PANOC solver for ALM
 CSpecializedLBFGSLimited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm that can handle updates of the γ parameter
 CALMSolver< InnerSolverT >::Stats
 CLBFGSSolver< LineSearchT >::Stats
 CStructuredPANOCLBFGSParamsTuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm
 CStructuredPANOCLBFGSSolverSecond order PANOC solver for ALM