Nonconvex constrained optimization
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CALMParamsParameters for the Augmented Lagrangian solver
 CALMSolverAugmented Lagrangian Method solver
 CAndersonAccelAnderson Acceleration
 CGAAPGASolverGuarded Anderson Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< GAAPGASolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< LBFGSBStats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCStats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PGASolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< PolymorphicInnerSolverWrapper::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< SecondOrderPANOCSolver::Stats >
 CInnerStatsAccumulator< StructuredPANOCLBFGSStats >
 CLBFGSLimited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm
 CLBFGSBSolverBox-constrained LBFGS solver for ALM
 CLBFGSParamsParameters for the LBFGS and SpecializedLBFGS classes
 CLBFGSSolverUnconstrained LBFGS solver for ALM
 CLimitedMemoryQRIncremental QR factorization using modified Gram-Schmidt with reorthogonalization
 CPANOCDirection< AndersonAccel >
 CPANOCDirection< LBFGS >
 CPANOCDirection< PolymorphicPANOCDirectionBase >
 CPANOCDirection< SpecializedLBFGS >
 CPANOCParamsTuning parameters for the PANOC algorithm
 CPANOCSolverPANOC solver for ALM
 CPGASolverStandard Proximal Gradient Algorithm without any bells and whistles
 CProblemProblem description for minimization problems
 CProblemOnlyDMoves the state constraints in the set C to the set D, resulting in an unconstraint inner problem
 CSecondOrderPANOCParamsTuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm
 CSecondOrderPANOCSolverSecond order PANOC solver for ALM
 CSpecializedLBFGSLimited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm that can handle updates of the γ parameter
 CStructuredPANOCLBFGSParamsTuning parameters for the second order PANOC algorithm
 CStructuredPANOCLBFGSSolverSecond order PANOC solver for ALM