Control Surface main
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAHPrintStream library
 NBankableA namespace for MIDI elements that can be added to a Bank, to change their address or channel
 NMIDI_NotesMIDI note names
 CAHEncoderClass for reading quadrature encoders, heavily influenced by
 CAnyMIDIMessageMIDI message variant type (with timestamp)
 CArduinoBLEBackendArduinoBLE backend intended to be plugged into GenericBLEMIDI_Interface
 CAudioVUA VU meter that reads from an Audio stream using the Analyzer class
 CAudioVULEDsA VU meter that reads from an Audio stream using the AudioAnalyzePeak class, and displays it on an LED bar graph
 CBankA class that groups Bankable MIDI Output Elements and Bankable MIDI Input Elements, and allows the user to change the addresses of these elements
 CBankableMatchingMIDIInputElementSimilar to MatchingMIDIInputElement, but for Bankable MIDI Input Elements
 CBankableOneByteMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 1 data byte, such as Channel Pressure and Program Change
 CBankablePitchBendMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI Pitch Bend messages
 CBankableTwoByteMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure
 CBankableTwoByteRangeMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure
 CBankDisplayA class for displaying the setting of a Bank object
 CBankSettingChangeCallbackCallback class for Bankable objects that need to be notified when the active setting of their Bank changes
 CBaseBankConfigA struct for selecting the bank of BankableMIDIInputs and the bank type
 CBaseOutputBankConfigA struct for selecting the bank of BankableMIDIOutputs and the bank type
 CBitmapDisplayA class that displays a bitmap depending on the state of a MIDINote or any other object that has a getValue() method that returns true (or anything that evaluates to true) when the bitmap has to be displayed, as wel as a pair of getDirty()/clearDirty() methods to determine whether the display has to be updated
 CBLECharacteristicHandleRepresents a handle to a local GATT characteristic
 CBLEConnectionHandleRepresents a handle to the connection to another device
 CBLEDataGeneratorCallable that returns the next chunk of data from a BLE packet when called
 CBLEDataViewNon-owning, std::span-style read-only view of BLE data
 CBLEMIDIBackendDefault backend for the BluetoothMIDI_Interface class
 CBLEMIDIPacketBuilderClass for building MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy packets
 CBLEMIDIParserClass for parsing BLE-MIDI packets
 CBLERingBufCircular FIFO buffer for buffering BLE packet data
 CBLESettingsConfiguration options for the low-level BLE code
 CBluetoothMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection
 CBorrowedCCRotaryEncoderA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events
 CBresenhamLineLine rasterization algorithm for drawing lines to the display
 CBTstackBackgroundBackendRaspberry Pi Pico BTstack background backend intended to be plugged into GenericBLEMIDI_Interface
 CBufferedBLEMIDIParserFIFO buffer that you can push BLE packets into, and pop MIDI messages out of
 CBufferPuller_Helper to pull bytes or other objects out of a buffer
 CBulkRXReceives Bulk packets (OUT for device mode, IN for host mode)
 CBulkTXSends Bulk packets (IN for device mode, OUT for host mode)
 CCableA type-safe class for MIDI USB Cable numbers
 CCCAbsoluteEncoderA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Control Change events
 CCCButtonA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events
 CCCButtonLatchedA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Controller Change events
 CCCButtonLatchingA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events
 CCCButtonMatrixA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events
 CCCButtonsA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events
 CCCIncrementDecrementButtonsA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of two momentary push buttons to increment or decrement a relative setting using relative MIDI Control Change events
 CCCPotentiometerA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events
 CCCRotaryEncoderA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events
 CChannelA type-safe class for MIDI channels
 CColorA structure for RGB colors
 CContinuousCCSenderClass that sends continuous MIDI control change messages with a resolution of 7 bits
 CContinuousCCSender14Class that sends continuous MIDI control change messages with a resolution of 14 bits
 CControl_Surface_This class ensures initialization, updating, and interaction between all other classes, it's the glue that holds everything together
 CDefaultColorMapperThe default mapping from a 7-bit MIDI value to an RGB color, using the Novation Launchpad mapping
 CDigitalCCSenderClass that sends MIDI control change messages signifying either "on" or "off"
 CDigitalNoteSenderClass that sends MIDI note on and off messages
 CDisplayElementAn interface for elements that draw to a display
 CDisplayInterfaceAn interface for displays
 CDoublyLinkableA class that can be inherited from to allow inserting into a DoublyLinkedList
 CDoublyLinkedListA class for doubly linked lists
 CEmptySelectorCallbackA callback for the GenericSelector class that does nothing
 CEncoderPinListA struct for the pins of a rotary (quadrature) encoder without a switch
 CEncoderSelectorSelector that reads from a rotary encoder
 CEncoderSelectorLEDsSelector that reads from a rotary encoder. This version displays the setting using LEDs
 CEncoderStateClass to keep track of relative position changes of rotary encoders
 CEncoderSwitchPinListA struct for the pins of a rotary (quadrature) encoder with a switch
 CESP32BLEBackendESP32 backend intended to be plugged into GenericBLEMIDI_Interface
 CFortySevenEffectsMIDI_InterfaceClass that wraps the FortySevenEffects MIDI library
 CFortySevenEffectsMIDI_ParserWrapper class for the FortySevenEffects MIDI parser
 CGenericBLEMIDI_InterfaceBluetooth Low Energy MIDI Interface
 CGenericMIDIAbsoluteEncoderAn abstract class for rotary encoders that send absolute MIDI events
 CGenericMIDIRotaryEncoderAn abstract class for rotary encoders that send MIDI events
 CGenericUSBMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection
 CHairlessMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI Interfaces sending and receiving data over the USB Serial CDC connection for the use with the Hairless MIDI<->Serial Bridge
 CHardwareSerialDebugMIDI_InterfaceA class for debug MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over a HardwareSerial port
 CHardwareSerialDebugMIDI_OutputA class for debug MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over a HardwareSerial port
 CHardwareSerialMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over a Hardware Serial port
 Chas_method_begin< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin())> >
 CHexPullerClass that parses hexadecimal ASCII text to bytes
 CIncrementDecrementSelectorSelector with two buttons (one to increment, one to decrement)
 CIncrementDecrementSelectorLEDsSelector with two buttons (one to increment, one to decrement). This version displays the setting using LEDs
 CIncrementSelectorSelector with one button that increments the selection
 CIncrementSelectorLEDsSelector with one button that increments the selection. This version displays the setting using LEDs
 Cinterrupt_atomicWrapper that provides atomic access to variables shared between the main program and interrupt handlers, by inserting the appropriate compile-time fences
 CLambdaPuller_Helper to turn a lambda function into a puller
 CManyAddresses_BaseA base class for all MIDIOutputElements that can have one of many addresses
 CManyButtonsSelectorSelector that reads from \( N \) buttons
 CManyButtonsSelectorLEDsSelector that reads from \( N \) buttons. This version displays the setting using LEDs
 CMatchingMIDIInputElementThe MIDIInputElement base class is very general: you give it a MIDI message, and it calls the updateWith() method with that message
 CMIDI_CallbacksA class for callbacks from MIDI input
 CMIDI_InterfaceAn abstract class for MIDI interfaces
 CMIDI_ParserBase class for MIDI parsers
 CMIDI_PipeClass that routes MIDI messages from a MIDI_Source to a MIDI_Sink
 CMIDI_PipeFactoryClass that produces multiple MIDI_Pipes
 CMIDI_SenderStatically polymorphic template for classes that send MIDI messages
 CMIDI_SinkReceives MIDI messages from a MIDI pipe
 CMIDI_SourceClass that can send MIDI messages to a MIDI pipe
 CMIDIAddressA type-safe utility class for saving a MIDI address consisting of a 7-bit address, a 4-bit channel, and a 4-bit cable number
 CMIDIBLEInstanceDefines the interface for callback functions registered by the low-level BLE code
 CMIDIButtonAn abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events
 CMIDIButtonLatchedA class for momentary buttons and switches that send MIDI events
 CMIDIButtonLatchingA class for latching buttons and switches that send MIDI events
 CMIDIButtonsAn abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events
 CMIDIChannelCableA class for saving a MIDI channel and cable number
 CMIDIChordButtonAn abstract class for momentary push buttons that send multiple MIDI events
 CMIDIFilteredAnalogA class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events
 CMIDIIncrementDecrementButtonsAn abstract class for two buttons that send incremental MIDI events
 CMIDIInputElementA class for objects that listen for incoming MIDI events
 CMIDIStallerStruct that can cause a MIDI_Pipe to be stalled
 CNoteButtonA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events
 CNoteButtonLatchedA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events
 CNoteButtonLatchingA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Note events
 CNoteButtonMatrixA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events
 CNoteButtonsA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events
 CNoteCCKPLEDGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and turns on an LED when the value is higher than a threshold
 CNoteCCKPLEDBarClass that turns on a different number of LEDs depending on the received MIDI velocity, key pressure or Control Change value
 CNoteCCKPLEDBarDriverCallback class that drives a LED dot/bar display based on a note or control change value
 CNoteCCKPLEDPWMGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and turn on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the MIDI value
 CNoteCCKPRangeGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and save their values
 CNoteCCKPRangeFastLEDGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turns on the corresponding LED in a FastLED strip with a color that depends both on the index in the range and the value of the incoming MIDI message
 CNoteCCKPRangeLEDsGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turn on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold
 CNoteCCKPValueGeneric base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value
 CNoteChordButtonA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events
 COneByteMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 1 data byte, such as Channel Pressure and Program Change
 COutputBankA class for changing the address of BankableMIDIOutputs
 COutputBankableMIDIAddressA base class for all MIDIOutputElements that can be banked
 COutputBankableMIDIAddress_BaseClass for keeping track of the active bank, and allows locking of the bank setting
 CPBAbsoluteEncoderA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Pitch Bend events
 CPBPotentiometerA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events
 CPBValueClass that listens for MIDI Pitch Bend events on a single address and saves their value
 CPCButtonA class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Program Change events
 CPitchBendMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI Pitch Bend messages. Matches a single address
 CPitchBendSenderClass that sends continuous MIDI pitch bend messages with a resolution of 14 bits
 CPixelLocationA simple struct representing a pixel with integer coordinates
 CPollingBLEMIDISenderClass that buffers MIDI BLE packets
 CPrintDebugMIDI_BaseA class that implements MIDI debug send functions
 CProgramChangeSelectorSelector that listens for MIDI Program Change events on a given MIDI Channel, and uses the program number as its selection
 CProgramChangeSelectorLEDsSelector that listens for MIDI Program Change events on a given MIDI Channel, and uses the program number as its selection. This version displays the setting using LEDs
 CProgramChangeSenderClass that sends MIDI program change messages
 CRelativeCCSenderClass that sends relative/incremental MIDI control change messages
 CRelativeMIDIAddressA class for saving an offset to a MIDI address
 CSelectorA Selector with an empty callback
 CSelectorBaseBase class for all Selectors exposing the get method, so it can be used by display elements etc, without having to provide the full generic type
 CSelectorDisplayA class for displaying the setting of a Selector object
 CSerialDebugMIDI_InterfaceA wrapper class for debug MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over a Serial port of class T
 CSerialDebugMIDI_OutputA wrapper class for debug MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over a Serial port of class T
 CSerialMIDI_InterfaceA wrapper class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over a Serial port of generic class S
 CSerialMIDI_ParserParser for Serial MIDI streams (and BLE-MIDI)
 CSoftwareSerialDebugMIDI_InterfaceA class for debug MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over a SoftwareSerial interface
 CSoftwareSerialDebugMIDI_OutputA class for debug MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over a SoftwareSerial interface
 CSoftwareSerialMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over a SoftwareSerial interface
 CSSD1306_DisplayInterfaceThis class creates a mapping between the Adafruit_SSD1306 display driver and the general display interface used by the Control Surface library
 CStreamDebugMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over a Stream
 CStreamDebugMIDI_OutputA class for MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over a Stream
 CStreamMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over a Stream
 CStreamPullerHelper that pulls bytes out of an Arduino stream
 CSwitchSelectorSelector that selects one of two settings, based on the state of a toggle or momentary switch
 CSwitchSelectorLEDSelector that selects one of two settings, based on the state of a toggle or momentary switch. This version displays the setting using LEDs
 CSysExBufferHelper for storing the System Exclusive messages being received by a MIDI parser
 CTeensyHostMIDITeensy USB Host MIDI driver
 CThreadedBLEMIDISenderClass that manages a background thread that sends BLE packets asynchronously
 CTransposerClass for transposing the address of NoteButton and other MIDI elements
 CTrueMIDI_SinkSourceA struct that is both a TrueMIDI_Sink and a TrueMIDI_Source
 CTwoByteMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure (but not Pitch Bend)
 CTwoByteRangeMIDIMatcherMatcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure (but not Pitch Bend)
 CUSBDebugMIDI_InterfaceA class for debug MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over the USB CDC connection
 CUSBDebugMIDI_OutputA class for debug MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over the USB CDC connection
 CUSBHostMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages to a MIDI USB device connected to a Teensy's USB host port
 CUSBHostMIDI_Interface_BigBufferA class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages to a MIDI USB device connected to a Teensy's USB host port
 CUSBHostMIDIBackendMIDI over USB backend for the Teensy USBHost_t36 library
 CUSBMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection
 CUSBMIDI_ParserParser for MIDI over USB packets
 CUSBMIDI_SenderA class for sending MIDI USB messages
 CUSBSerialMIDI_InterfaceA class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over the Serial port of the USB connection
 CVolumeControlA class for controlling the volume of AudioMixer4 objects using a potentiometer
 CXBitmapA struct containing X Bitmap width, height and data