Control Surface
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
►NAH | PrintStream library |
►Ndetail | |
CIncrementor | Utility class that acts as a functor to return incremental values |
►NExtIO | A namespace with alternatives to the standard Arduino IO functions that can be used with extended IO pin numbers |
CCachedExtIOPin | |
Cpin_t | Type for storing pin numbers of Extended Input/Output elements |
CAnalogMultiplex | A class for reading multiplexed analog inputs |
CArray | An array wrapper for easy copying, comparing, and iterating |
CArraySlice | Class for a view on a slice of an array |
CBitArray | A class for arrays of bits |
►CButton | A class for reading and debouncing buttons and switches |
CInternalState | |
CButtonMatrix | A class that reads the states of a button matrix |
CDotBarDisplayLEDs | A class for LED bars |
CEMA | Exponential moving average filter |
CEMA_f | A class for single-pole infinite impulse response filters or exponential moving average filters |
CEulerAngles | Struct for Euler angles of floating point numbers |
CExtendedIOElement | An abstract base class for Extended Input/Output elements |
CFilteredAnalog | A class that reads and filters an analog input |
CFrequency | Type-safe class for frequency values |
Cfunction_traits | |
►Cfunction_traits< Return(Args...)> | |
Cargument | |
CGenericFilteredAnalog | FilteredAnalog base class with generic MappingFunction |
CHexDump | |
CHysteresis | A class for applying hysteresis to a given input |
CHysteresis< 0, T_in, T_out > | |
CIncrementButton | A class for buttons that increment some counter or setting |
CIncrementDecrementButtons | A class for buttons that increment and decrement some counter or setting |
CLEDs | A class for collections of LEDs that can display ranges |
►CMAX7219 | A class for LED outputs using the MAX7219 LED display driver |
CIndexMask | |
CMAX7219_Base | A base class for classes that control MAX7219 LED drivers |
CMAX7219SevenSegmentDisplay | A class for 8-digit 7-segment displays with a MAX7219 driver |
CMaximumFilteredAnalogIncRes | Helper to determine how many of the remaining bits of the filter data types can be used to achieve higher precision |
CMCP23017 | Class for MCP23017 I²C I/O expanders |
CMCP23017Encoders | Class for reading 8 rotary encoders using a MCP23017 I²C port expander |
CMultiPurposeButton | Class for detecting short/long button presses and double clicks |
CNormalUpdatable | |
CQuaternion | Type for quaternions of floating point numbers |
►CRegisterEncoders | Class for keeping track of the position of multiple rotary encoders |
CEncoder | Proxy to access a single encoder of the encoders managed by RegisterEncoders |
Cround_div_default | Divide by N using the default division operator, without explicit rounding This should be used for floating point types |
Cround_div_helper | Select the right rounding division operator, depending on whether T is an integer or not |
Cround_div_int | Select the right rounding division operator, depending on whether T is a signed or unsigned integer |
Cround_div_signed_int | Divide a signed integer by N, rounding the result |
Cround_div_unsigned_int | Divide an unsigned integer by N, rounding the result |
CSetbase | |
CSetbytesep | |
CSetprecision | |
CShiftRegisterOut | A class for serial-in/parallel-out shift registers, like the 74HC595 |
CShiftRegisterOutBase | A class for serial-in/parallel-out shift registers, like the 74HC595 |
CShiftRegisterOutRGB | A struct for setting the RGB mode for RGB shift registers |
CSPIShiftRegisterOut | A class for serial-in/parallel-out shift registers, like the 74HC595 that are connected to the SPI bus |
CStaticSizeExtendedIOElement | A class for ExtendedIOElements with a fixed size |
CTimer | A class for easily managing timed events |
CUpdatable | A super class for object that have to be updated regularly |
CUpdatableCRTP | A super class for object that have to be updated regularly |
CVec2f | Type for 2D vectors of floating point numbers |
CVec3f | Type for 3D vectors of floating point numbers |
NAH_pin_detail | |
Narduino_ble_midi | |
►NBankable | A namespace for MIDI elements that can be added to a Bank, to change their address or channel |
►NManyAddresses | |
CCCAbsoluteEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButtonMatrix | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCIncrementDecrementButtons | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of two momentary push buttons to increment or decrement a relative setting using relative MIDI Control Change events |
CCCPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events |
CCCRotaryEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events |
CDualManyAddresses | |
CManyAddresses | |
CManyMatrixAddresses | |
CNoteButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteButtonMatrix | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events |
CPBAbsoluteEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Pitch Bend events |
CPBPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events |
CPCButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Program Change events |
CCCAbsoluteEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButtonLatched | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Controller Change events |
CCCButtonLatching | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButtonMatrix | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCButtons | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Control Change events |
CCCIncrementDecrementButtons | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of two momentary push buttons to increment or decrement a relative setting using relative MIDI Control Change events |
CCCPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events |
CCCRotaryEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relative MIDI Control Change events |
CCCSmartPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 7-bit MIDI Control Change events |
CDefaultColorMapper | The default mapping from a 7-bit MIDI value to an RGB color, using the Novation Launchpad mapping |
CDualAddresses | |
CGenericMIDIAbsoluteEncoder | An abstract class for rotary encoders that send absolute MIDI events |
CGenericMIDIRotaryEncoder | An abstract class for rotary encoders that send MIDI events and that can be added to a Bank |
CMatrixAddress | |
CMIDIButton | An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events |
CMIDIButtonLatched | A class for momentary buttons and switches that send MIDI events |
CMIDIButtonLatching | A class for latching buttons and switches that send MIDI events |
CMIDIButtonMatrix | MIDIButtonMatrix |
CMIDIButtons | An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send MIDI events |
CMIDIChordButton | An abstract class for momentary push buttons that send multiple MIDI events |
CMIDIFilteredAnalog | A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events and can be added to a Bank |
CMIDIIncrementDecrementButtons | An abstract class for two buttons that send incremental MIDI events |
CNoteButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteButtonLatched | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteButtonLatching | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a latching push button or toggle switch, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteButtonMatrix | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input from a matrix of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteButtons | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a collection of momentary push buttons or switches, and send out MIDI Note events |
CNoteCCKPLED | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value |
CNoteCCKPLEDBar | Class that turns on a different number of LEDs depending on the received MIDI velocity, key pressure or Control Change value |
CNoteCCKPLEDPWM | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and turn on an LED with a brightness/duty cycle proportional to the MIDI value |
CNoteCCKPRange | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and save their values |
CNoteCCKPRangeFastLED | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turns on the corresponding LED in a FastLED strip with a color that depends both on the active bank, the index in the range, and the value of the incoming MIDI message |
CNoteCCKPRangeLEDs | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a range of addresses and turn on the corresponding LED when the value is higher than a threshold |
CNoteCCKPValue | Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a single address and save their value |
CNoteChordButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Note events |
CPBAbsoluteEncoder | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out absolute MIDI Pitch Bend events |
CPBPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events |
CPBSmartPotentiometer | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the analog input from a potentiometer or fader, and send out 14-bit MIDI Pitch Bend events |
CPBValue | Class that listens for MIDI Pitch Bend events on a single address and saves their value |
CPCButton | A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch, and send out MIDI Program Change events |
CProgramChanger | |
CSingleAddress | |
CSingleAddressMultipleBanks | |
CSmartMIDIFilteredAnalog | A class for potentiometers and faders that send MIDI events |
NBankableMIDIMatcherHelpers | |
NBass | Predefined Chord constants with bass notes |
►Nble_backend | |
CESP32BluedroidBLE | |
CESP32NimBLE | |
NChords | Predefined Chord constants |
►Ncompat | |
Cin_place_t | |
Cin_place_type_t | |
Cremove_cvref | |
►Ncs | |
Nmidi_ble_btstack | |
►Nmidi_ble_nimble | |
NDebugMIDIMessageNames | |
►NInterfaces | |
►NMCU | |
CIVPot | |
CIVU | An abstract interface for VU meters |
CIValue | Abstract interface for MIDI input elements that receive and store a 7-bit value |
CIValue14 | Abstract interface for MIDI input elements that receive and store a 14-bit value |
NIntervals | |
►NMCU | |
►NBankable | |
CVPotRing | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VPot ring |
CVPotRingLEDs | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VPot ring and displays its value using LEDs |
CVU | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VU meter |
CVULEDs | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VU meter and displays its value using LEDs |
NVUDecay | VU Decay time constants |
CAnalogVUDisplay | |
CAssignmentDisplay | Class that receives and stores the text for the Mackie Control Universal 7-segment assignment display |
CBankableVPotMatcher | MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VPot LED rings with bank support |
►CBankableVUMatcher | MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VU meters with bank support |
CResult | Output data of the matcher/parser |
CLCD | A class that represents the Mackie Control Universal LCD display and saves the text it receives |
CLCDCounter | Counts the number of instances of the LCD class |
CLCDDisplay | Displays the text of the Mackie Control Universal LCD screen for a single track |
CSevenSegmentDisplay | Class that receives and saves the text of a Mackie Control Universal 7-segment display like the assignment display and the time display |
CTimeDisplay | Class that receives and stores the text of the Mackie Control Universal 7-segment time display |
CTimeDisplayDisplay | Displays the MCU time code display |
CVPotDisplay | Displays the position of a MCU V-Pot |
CVPotMatcher | MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VPot LED rings |
CVPotRing | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VPot ring |
CVPotRingLEDs | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VPot ring and displays it using LEDs |
CVPotRingLEDsDriver | |
CVPotState | Struct that keeps track of the value and overload indicator of a Mackie Control Universal VPot LED ring |
CVU | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VU meter |
CVUDisplay | Displays a MCU level meter |
CVULEDs | A MIDI input element that represents a Mackie Control Universal VU meter and displays its value using LEDs |
CVULEDsDriver | Small helper to display the VU meters on an LED bar display |
►CVUMatcher | MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VU meters |
CResult | Output data of the matcher/parser |
CVUState | Struct that keeps track of the value and overload indicator of a Mackie Control Universal VU meter |
NMIDI_CC | Names and values for all MIDI Control Change Controller Numbers |
►NMIDI_Notes | MIDI note names |
CNote | |
NMIDI_PC | Names and values for all MIDI Control Change Controller Numbers |
NXBM | A namespace containing XBitmap definitions |