Control Surface main
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
No Matches
MIDI Tutorial

The MIDI protocol

This guide expects basic familiarity with the MIDI protocol and the different types of MIDI messages. You can find more information about MIDI on, the summary of MIDI messages can be especially handy.

MIDI interfaces

Control Surface supports sending and receiving MIDI messages in many different ways: over a standard 5-pin DIN MIDI cable, over USB, over Bluetooth, over WiFi ...
Each of those methods of transport is available as a “MIDI Interface” class in the code, you can find a full overview in the MIDI Interfaces module.

The interfaces you're most likely to use are:

  • USBMIDI_Interface : the Arduino will be recognized as a MIDI USB device when you plug it into your computer, and this interface allows you to send and receive MIDI messages to and from applications running on the computer.
  • USBDebugMIDI_Interface : prints all messages to the Arduino Serial Monitor in a human-readable format, and allows you to easily check that your code sends the correct messages. Also allows you to send messages to the Arduino from the Serial Monitor.
  • HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface : sends and receives MIDI over the TX and RX pins of the Arduino, can be used with standard 5-pin DIN MIDI.
  • BluetoothMIDI_Interface : makes the Arduino advertise itself as a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) MIDI peripheral, allowing you to send and receive MIDI messages wirelessly.

Other available interfaces are HairlessMIDI_Interface, SoftwareSerialMIDI_Interface, USBHostMIDI_Interface ...

Supported Arduino-compatible boards

Not all MIDI interfaces are supported on all Arduino boards. For example, not all Arduino boards support MIDI over USB natively. You can find an overview of boards that do support it on the MIDI over USB page. USB Host MIDI is currently only supported on the Teensy 3.6 and 4.1 boards.

MIDI over BLE is supported on the ESP32, the Raspberry Pi Pico W, and on boards supported by the ArduinoBLE library. More information can be found on the MIDI over BLE page.


The MIDI interfaces provide the following functionality:

  • Sending MIDI: You can send MIDI messages from your Arduino code to whatever device is connected on the other side of the interface.
  • Receiving MIDI: MIDI messages sent by the device on the other side can be read and inspected in your code, or you can register a callback that gets called whenever a message arrives through the interface.
  • Routing MIDI: Interfaces can be configured to automatically route MIDI messages from one interface to others, allowing you to filter or modify the messages as they travel between interfaces.

In the remainder of this tutorial, one section will be devoted to each of these functions.

Instantiating, initializing and updating a MIDI interface

The following code snippet demonstrates how to instantiate, initialize, and update a MIDI over USB interface. By “instantiate”, we mean that a variable is created that is an instance of the USBMIDI_Interface type.

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface with the name `midi`
// `midi` is the name of a variable of type `USBMIDI_Interface`
void setup() {
// Initialize the MIDI interface so it's ready to be used
void loop() {
// Continuously listen for incoming MIDI messages
The main header file that includes all Control-Surface header files.
void update() override
Poll the backend (if necessary) and invoke the callbacks for any received MIDI messages,...
void begin() override
A class for MIDI interfaces sending MIDI messages over a USB MIDI connection.

Note how the words USBMIDI_Interface, begin and update in the previous snippet are shown in different colors: these are links to the documentation for the relevant classes and functions. If you hover over them with your mouse pointer, you'll see a short description, and if you click on the link, it will take you to the detailed documentation.

The code above doesn't really do anything useful yet, it just sets up everything so we can start sending and receiving MIDI messages in the following sections.

You can of course replace USBMIDI_Interface by a different type, such as USBDebugMIDI_Interface if that's the MIDI interface you need for your application.

A class for debug MIDI interfaces sending and receiving human-readable MIDI messages over the USB CDC...

Some classes allow you to specify extra parameters: for example, USBDebugMIDI_Interface accepts an optional argument that specifies the baud rate to use when communicating with the Serial Monitor. The possible parameters can be found in the documentation for the constructor of the class in question, for example, see USBDebugMIDI_Interface::USBDebugMIDI_Interface(), it lists baud as an optional parameter. You can see that it's an optional parameter, because its name is followed by an equal sign (=) and a default value in the function signature.

To specify the baud rate using this parameter, you can replace the declaration of the midi variable in the previous snippet by the following:

// Instantiate a debug MIDI interface with a baud rate of 9600

Other interfaces might require multiple parameters. Consider HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface as an example. Have a look at the documentation of its constructor HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface::HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface(), you'll see that the first required parameter is the serial port to use, and the second (optional) parameter is the baud rate.

For example:

// Instantiate a hardware MIDI interface with Serial1 as its UART,
// using the default baud rate
A class for MIDI interfaces sending and receiving MIDI messages over a Hardware Serial port.
// Instantiate a hardware MIDI interface with Serial1 as its UART,
// using a baud rate of 115200
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midi {Serial1, 115200};

Sending MIDI messages

The functions for sending MIDI messages are all listed in the MIDI_Sender class. These functions are available for all MIDI interfaces.

Simple example

First, we'll give a simple example that just triggers a MIDI note every second:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
void setup() {
midi.begin(); // Initialize the MIDI interface
// Specify the MIDI note number to trigger, and the velocity with which to
// trigger it
const MIDIAddress note = MIDI_Notes::C[4]; // C4 is middle C
const uint8_t velocity = 127; // 127 is maximum velocity
void loop() {
// Send a MIDI Note On message for the given note to trigger it
midi.sendNoteOn(note, velocity);
// Send a MIDI Note Off message to turn it off again
midi.sendNoteOff(note, velocity);
A type-safe utility class for saving a MIDI address consisting of a 7-bit address,...
void sendNoteOn(MIDIAddress address, uint8_t velocity)
Send a MIDI Note On event.
void sendNoteOff(MIDIAddress address, uint8_t velocity)
Send a MIDI Note Off event.
void begin() override
Start the Serial interface at the predefined baud rate.
void update() override
Read the MIDI interface and call the callback if a message was received.
constexpr Note C
C (Do)
Definition Notes.hpp:56

First of all, compare this example to the code under Instantiating, initializing and updating a MIDI interface : you'll see that the instantiation, initialization and updating of the MIDI interface are exactly the same.

The second thing you'll notice are the two constants, note and velocity: these define the MIDI note number and the velocity (how hard the key is struck) to be used when sending the MIDI messages later.
The expression MIDI_Notes::C[4] gives you the note C in the fourth octave, or middle C. The velocity is a value between 1 and 127, with higher values being louder and harder.

The MIDIAddress data type is one of the most important types in the library, it specifies the destination of each MIDI message: in this case, it specifies the note we want to trigger. In a following section, we'll look into MIDIAddress in a bit more detail.

In the loop function, the note and velocity constants are then used to actually send the MIDI messages. This is done by calling the sendNoteOn() and sendNoteOff() member functions of the MIDI interface. You can find the documentation in the MIDI_Sender class mentioned earlier, or you can click the brown links in the code snippet.

MIDI addresses

To send a MIDI note message, you need to know the MIDI note number of the note you want to trigger, the MIDI channel to send it to, and the virtual cable to send it over. These three pieces of information are stored by the MIDIAddress type.

For MIDI messages other than Note On/Off, the note number might be replaced by a different type of address, such as the controller number for Control Change messages, or the patch/program number for Program Change messages, but the format remains the same:

  • The actual address, like the MIDI note number or the MIDI Control Change controller number, a number between 0 and 127
  • The MIDI Channel, between channel 1 and channel 16
  • The MIDI USB Virtual Cable Number, between cable 1 and cable 16

The MIDI USB Cable Number is only used on boards that have support for multiple virtual MIDI cables over a single USB connection. As far as I know, only Teensies support this. USB-capable boards that use the MIDIUSB library do not support multiple MIDI cables.
Serial (5-pin DIN) MIDI and MIDI over Bluetooth LE have no notion of cables.

Creating a MIDI address variable

Have a look at the documentation of MIDIAddress. (You can click the link in the previous sentence). If you scroll down to the Constructors section, you'll see that there are different ways to create a MIDIAddress.
This is the most important one: MIDIAddress::MIDIAddress(int, Channel, Cable)

MIDIAddress(int address,
Channel channel = Channel_1,
Cable cableNumber = Cable_1)
constexpr Cable Cable_1
Definition Cable.hpp:118
constexpr Channel Channel_1
Definition Channel.hpp:118
A type-safe class for MIDI USB Cable numbers.
Definition Cable.hpp:13
A type-safe class for MIDI channels.
Definition Channel.hpp:13

It allows you to specify all three of the fields explained above. The channel and the cable number have default values, so these parameters are optional. If you don't specify the channel and the cable number, it will use the first channel on the first cable.

For example:

// Address 16 on channel 1 and cable 1:
MIDIAddress myAddress = 16;
// Address 42 on channel 2 and cable 1:
MIDIAddress myAddress = {42, Channel_2};
// Address 111 on channel 2 and cable 3:
MIDIAddress myAddress = {111, Channel_2, Cable_3};
constexpr Cable Cable_3
Definition Cable.hpp:120
constexpr Channel Channel_2
Definition Channel.hpp:119

If you specify just a single argument, as in the first example, you don't have to use curly braces ({}). If you specify more than one argument, you need curly braces.

MIDI Note names

For entering MIDI note numbers, you can use the note names in the MIDI_Notes namespace:

// MIDI Note middle C (C in the fourth octave) on MIDI Channel 16:
constexpr Channel Channel_16
Definition Channel.hpp:133

If you look at the full list of note names in the MIDI_Notes namespace, you'll see that the sharps are missing: you can simply use the flats instead (e.g. instead of using G♯, you can use A♭).

MIDI Control Change names

Instead of specifying the controller number (address) as a number, you can also use the predefined constants in the MIDI_CC namespace:

// Control Change General Purpose Controller #1 on MIDI Channel 2:
constexpr uint8_t General_Purpose_Controller_1

MIDI Program Change names

Similar to the constants for controller numbers, you can find the constants for all General MIDI program numbers in the MIDI_PC namespace:

// Harpsichord voice on MIDI Channel 9.
constexpr Channel Channel_9
Definition Channel.hpp:126
constexpr uint8_t Harpsichord

More examples

Receiving MIDI messages

MIDI input is usually handled using callback functions. Whenever the MIDI interface receives a MIDI message, it calls the respective callback function that was specified by the user.

You can either use a callback for each specific message type (Note On, Note Off, Control Change ...), or a callback for each category of messages (Channel messages, System Exclusive message, System Common messages, Real-Time messages).

A third way is to poll the MIDI input manually, but this is not covered in this guide.

Simple example

The FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks class allows you to associate a callback function with each specific MIDI message type. The contents of the MIDI message (such as the channel, note number, velocity, etc.) are passed to the callback as arguments. For example:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming MIDI note messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks<MyMIDI_Callbacks> {
// Function that is called whenever a MIDI Note Off message is received.
void onNoteOff(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Note Off: " << channel << ", note " << note << ", velocity "
<< velocity << ", " << cable << endl;
// Function that is called whenever a MIDI Note On message is received.
void onNoteOn(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable) {
Serial << "Note On: " << channel << ", note " << note << ", velocity "
<< velocity << ", " << cable << endl;
} callback; // Instantiate a callback
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // For printing the messages
midi.begin(); // Initialize the MIDI interface
midi.setCallbacks(callback); // Attach the custom callback
void loop() {
midi.update(); // Continuously dispatch incoming MIDI input to the callbacks
void onNoteOff(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable)
void onNoteOn(Channel channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, Cable cable)
void setCallbacks(MIDI_Callbacks *cb)
Set the callbacks that will be called when a MIDI message is received.

The instantiation, initialization, and updating of the MIDI interface is the same as before. The first new component is the MyMIDI_Callbacks class: this class inherits from the FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks class that is provided by the library, and implements two of the callback functions, FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks::onNoteOff() and FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks::onNoteOn().
An instance of the MyMIDI_Callbacks class is created, and then this callback is attached to the MIDI interface in the setup function using MIDI_Interface::setCallbacks().

After the callback has been attached, every time you call midi.update() in the loop, the MIDI interface will check if any new messages have arrived, and if that's the case, it will call the corresponding callback function. For example, whenever a MIDI Note On message arrives, the onNoteOn() function of the callback object is called.

The example above is similar to the MIDI-Input-Fine-Grained.ino example. You can find the full list of available callbacks and their arguments in the documentation for FineGrainedMIDI_Callbacks, under MIDI Callback Functions, and in the MIDI-Input-Fine-Grained-All-Callbacks.ino example.

Customizable callbacks

While the fine-grained callbacks can be useful to easily handle most incoming MIDI messages, sometimes you need more flexibility. It's not always desirable to have an individual callback for each message type. The MIDI_Callbacks class allows you to specify a callback for each category of MIDI messages: Channel messages, System Exclusive messages, System Common messages and Real-Time messages. For example:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Custom MIDI callback that prints a simple message
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : MIDI_Callbacks {
// Callback for channel messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc.).
Serial.println("Channel message received");
} callback; // Instantiate a callback
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // For printing the messages
midi.begin(); // Initialize the MIDI interface
midi.setCallbacks(callback); // Attach the custom callback
void loop() {
midi.update(); // Continuously dispatch incoming MIDI input to the callbacks
void onChannelMessage(MIDI_Interface &, ChannelMessage msg) override
Callback for incoming MIDI Channel Messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc....
A class for callbacks from MIDI input.
An abstract class for MIDI interfaces.

The first argument of the callback function is a reference to the MIDI interface that received the message (this is not used in this simple example), and the second argument is the message itself.

Accessing the contents of the message

The previous example simply printed “Channel message received” whenever it received a channel message. This is not really that useful, so in this section we'll improve upon it by inspecting the contents of the messages and extracting the different components such as the channel, note number, velocity, and so on.

Have a look at the documentation for ChannelMessage. You'll notice that the message contains four fields: header, data1, data2 and cable. These correspond to the contents of channel messages as specified by the MIDI standard. Apart from these fields, there are also many utility functions to access different parts of the message, such as getMessageType() which will tell you what type of message it is (e.g. Note On, Note Off, Control Change), getChannel() which extracts the MIDI channel number from the header, hasTwoDataBytes() which tells you whether the message contains two data bytes (such as Note and Control Change messages) or just a single data byte (such as Program Change).

The following callback example simply checks how many bytes the message has, and then prints the contents to the serial port in hexadecimal.

// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming MIDI channel messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : MIDI_Callbacks {
// Callback for channel messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc.).
// Print the message
Serial << F("Received: ") << hex << msg.header << ' ' << msg.data1;
if (msg.hasTwoDataBytes())
Serial << ' ' << msg.data2;
Serial << dec << endl;
} callback; // Instantiate a callback
bool hasTwoDataBytes() const
Check whether this message has one or two data bytes.
uint8_t data2
First MIDI data byte.
uint8_t header
MIDI status byte (message type and channel).
uint8_t data1
First MIDI data byte.

If you send a Note On message on MIDI Channel 4 for note number 60 = 0x3C (middle C) with a velocity of 127 = 0x7F to the Arduino, you should see the following in the Serial monitor:

Received: 93 3c 7f

Listening for specific messages

In the following example, we'll create a callback that listens for MIDI Note On and Note Off messages specifically.

// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming MIDI note messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : MIDI_Callbacks {
// Callback for channel messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc.).
auto type = msg.getMessageType();
if (type == msg.NOTE_ON || type == msg.NOTE_OFF)
// Our own callback specifically for Note On and Note Off messages
void onNoteMessage(ChannelMessage msg) {
auto type = msg.getMessageType();
auto channel = msg.getChannel();
auto note = msg.getData1();
auto velocity = msg.getData2();
Serial << type << ": "
<< channel << ", Note " << note << ", Velocity " << velocity
<< endl;
} callback; // Instantiate a callback
MIDIMessageType getMessageType() const
Get the MIDI message type.
Channel getChannel() const
Get the MIDI channel of the message.
uint8_t getData1() const
Get the first data byte.
uint8_t getData2() const
Get the second data byte.

If you send MIDI note messages to the Arduino, you should see output like this in the Serial monitor:

NOTE_ON: Channel 1, Note 18, Velocity 112
NOTE_OFF: Channel 1, Note 18, Velocity 127

You can go even further, for example, matching only a specific note on a specific MIDI channel:

// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming MIDI note messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : MIDI_Callbacks {
// Callback for channel messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc.).
auto type = msg.getMessageType();
auto channel = msg.getChannel();
auto note = msg.getData1();
auto velocity = msg.getData2();
// Check if it's a note message:
bool note_msg = type == msg.NOTE_ON || type == msg.NOTE_OFF;
// Check if it's the specific note and channel we're looking for
bool our_note = channel == Channel_1 && note == MIDI_Notes::C[4];
// If both conditions are satisfies, print the message
if (note_msg && our_note)
Serial << type << " middle C on Channel 1 with velocity "
<< velocity << endl;
} callback; // Instantiate a callback

The snippet above only prints output if it receives a Note On/Off event for middle C on MIDI channel 1. All other incoming MIDI messages are ignored. Possible output in the Serial monitor could be:

NOTE_ON middle C with velocity 120
NOTE_OFF middle C with velocity 127

The previous example can be simplified by using the MIDIAddress type like in the previous section, and extracting the address from the incoming note message using the ChannelMessage::getAddress() function:

// Custom MIDI callback that prints incoming MIDI note messages.
struct MyMIDI_Callbacks : MIDI_Callbacks {
// Callback for channel messages (notes, control change, pitch bend, etc.).
auto type = msg.getMessageType();
auto velocity = msg.getData2();
// Check if it's a note message:
bool note_msg = type == msg.NOTE_ON || type == msg.NOTE_OFF;
// Define the address we're interested in
const MIDIAddress our_special_note = {MIDI_Notes::C[4], Channel_1};
// If it's a note message that matches our specific address, print it
if (note_msg && msg.getAddress() == our_special_note)
Serial << type << " middle C on Channel 1 with velocity "
<< velocity << endl;
} callback; // Instantiate a callback
MIDIAddress getAddress() const
Get the MIDI address of this message, using data1 as the address.

More examples

Routing MIDI messages

Default routing

Let's start with a very simple example:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface with the name `midi_usb`
NoteButton button {2, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
NoteLED led {13, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
void setup() {
// Initialize everything, including MIDI interfaces and default routes
void loop() {
Control_Surface_ & Control_Surface
A predefined instance of the Control Surface to use in the Arduino sketches.
void begin()
Initialize the Control_Surface.
void loop()
Update all MIDI elements, send MIDI events and read MIDI input.
A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a momentary push button or switch,...
Generic base class for classes that listen for MIDI Note, Control Change and Key Pressure events on a...

When you call Control_Surface.begin(), it will automatically create a default route for you, which is shown in the following figure.

Two pipes are created, one for MIDI output (pipe_tx in the figure), and one for MIDI input (pipe_rx). These pipes are used to connect the Control_Surface part of the code to the MIDI interface defined on line 4 (midi_usb).

In the main loop of the program, Control_Surface checks if the button was pressed, and if that's the case, a MIDI message is sent by Control_Surface: The message travels over the MIDI output pipe (pipe_tx) to the MIDI interface (midi_usb), which will then send it to the computer over the USB connection.

Similarly, when a MIDI message from the computer arrives on the USB connection, the MIDI interface (midi_usb) will send it over the MIDI input pipe (pipe_rx) to the Control_Surface code, which will then check whether it's a MIDI Note On/Off message that matches the address of the LED, and turn on/off the LED accordingly.

If you have multiple MIDI interfaces, you should explicitly set the default interface in your setup function before calling Control_Surface.begin(), using the MIDI_Interface::setAsDefault() function:

HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midi_din {Serial1};
void setup() {
void setAsDefault()
Set this MIDI interface as the default interface.

Manual routing

As a first exercise, we'll define the same pipes and routing ourselves, without relying on Control_Surface.begin() to do it automagically.

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate the two pipes to connect the interface to Control_Surface
MIDI_Pipe pipe_tx, pipe_rx;
NoteButton button {2, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
NoteLED led {13, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
void setup() {
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the MIDI interface
Control_Surface >> pipe_tx >> midi_usb;
// Manually route MIDI output from the MIDI interface to Control_Surface
Control_Surface << pipe_rx << midi_usb;
// Initialize everything
void loop() {
Class that routes MIDI messages from a MIDI_Source to a MIDI_Sink.

As you can see, the shift operators >> and << are used to define the routes between Control Surface and the MIDI interface. Note how they correspond to the arrows in the figure above.

You can specify the two endpoints in any order you like (left-to-right or right-to-left). For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent and define the same connection:

Control_Surface << pipe_rx << midi_usb;
midi_usb >> pipe_rx >> Control_Surface;

It is important to specify the routing before you call Control_Surface.begin(). In that case, Control Surface detects that it is already connected to a MIDI interface, so it won't change anything to the manual routing we specified earlier.
If you call Control_Surface.begin() first, it will create its default routing as discussed earlier, and if you then later add your manual connections on top of that, your code might not work as expected.

Bidirectional MIDI pipes

There are many situations where you want to connect both the MIDI input and output of two endpoints together. It's a bit cumbersome to have to define a separate connection for each of the two directions. Luckily, the library includes bidirectional MIDI pipes, which makes this process a bit more terse.

The following sketch does exactly the same as the previous two, just using a bidirectional pipe as a shorthand.

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate the pipe to connect the interface to Control_Surface
NoteButton button {2, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
NoteLED led {13, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
void setup() {
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the MIDI interface,
// and the MIDI output from the MIDI interface to Control_Surface
Control_Surface | pipe_txrx | midi_usb;
// Initialize everything
void loop() {
std::pair< MIDI_Pipe, MIDI_Pipe > BidirectionalMIDI_Pipe
A bidirectional pipe consists of two unidirectional pipes.

Connections to bidirectional pipes are made using the “vertical pipe” operator (|).

Multiple MIDI interfaces

If you only have a single MIDI interface, you don't really need to worry about pipes, as you saw in the Default routing section, you can just call Control_Surface.begin() and it will automatically set everything up for you.

MIDI pipes really shine in scenarios where you have multiple MIDI interfaces in a single program, they allow you to fully customize the routes between them. In the following example, we'll add an extra serial MIDI interface, and route it as follows:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate a MIDI over Serial interface using `Serial1`
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midi_ser = Serial1;
// Instantiate the three pipes to connect the interfaces to Control_Surface
MIDI_Pipe pipe_tx_u, pipe_rx_u, pipe_tx_s;
NoteButton button {2, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
NoteLED led {13, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
void setup() {
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the USB MIDI interface
Control_Surface >> pipe_tx_u >> midi_usb;
// Manually route MIDI output from the USB MIDI interface to Control_Surface
Control_Surface << pipe_rx_u << midi_usb;
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the Serial MIDI interface
Control_Surface >> pipe_tx_s >> midi_ser;
// Initialize everything
void loop() {

MIDI pipe factories

If you want to keep adding new connections, you need a new pipe for each one. For large numbers of pipes this is cumbersome, so the library includes a pipe factory that gives you a new pipe every time you use it.

Using the factory, the previous example can be simplified as follows:

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate a MIDI over Serial interface using `Serial1`
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midi_ser = Serial1;
// Instantiate a factory that can produce three pipes
NoteButton button {2, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
NoteLED led {13, MIDI_Notes::C[4]};
void setup() {
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the USB MIDI interface
Control_Surface >> pipes >> midi_usb;
// Manually route MIDI output from the USB MIDI interface to Control_Surface
Control_Surface << pipes << midi_usb;
// Manually route MIDI output from Control_Surface to the Serial MIDI interface
Control_Surface >> pipes >> midi_ser;
// Initialize everything
void loop() {
Class that produces multiple MIDI_Pipes.

The number of pipes that the factory can produce is specified between angle brackets (<>). If you try to use more pipes than specified, you will get an error at run time, which is indicated by a blinking on-board LED.

Instead of specifying a specific pipe when doing the routing in the setup function, you can now just use the pipes factory, it will give you a new pipe each time you use it.

If you need bidirectional pipes, you can use the BidirectionalMIDI_PipeFactory class instead.

Routing between MIDI interfaces

Up to now, we've only created connections between Control_Surface itself and a MIDI interface, but you can also create routes between MIDI interfaces. This is demonstrated in the following example, where we connect a debug MIDI interface to a MIDI over USB interface.

In this case, all messages that arrive on the midi_dbg interface are sent to the midi_usb interface, and all messages that arrive on midi_usb are sent to midi_dbg.

Now that we're no longer using Control_Surface.begin() and Control_Surface.loop(), we have to take care of initializing and updating the MIDI interfaces ourselves.

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface
// Instantiate a debug MIDI interface for debugging in the Serial Monitor
// Instantiate the pipe to connect the two interfaces
void setup() {
// Manually route MIDI input from the debug interface to the USB interface,
// and the MIDI input from the USB interface to the debug interface
midi_dbg | pipes | midi_usb;
// Initialize the MIDI interfaces
void loop() {
// Continuously poll all interfaces and route the traffic between them
static void updateAll()
Update all enabled instances of this class.
static void beginAll()
Begin all enabled instances of this class.

If you have an Arduino with native MIDI over USB support, you can try out this example yourself:
Open your favorite MIDI monitor and select the MIDI over USB port of the Arduino. Then open the Serial Monitor, set the line ending to “Newline”, and then enter a MIDI message, e.g. 90 3C 7F. You should see the message arrive in the MIDI monitor as a Note On message for note C4 on channel 1 with a velocity of 127. Similarly, if you send a message to the Arduino using the MIDI monitor, it will be printed in the Serial Monitor, because we used a bidirectional pipe.

If you only want to print MIDI messages, you can use the USBDebugMIDI_Output class instead of USBDebugMIDI_Interface. USBDebugMIDI_Output uses less memory, and one of the issues of having multiple USBDebugMIDI_Interfaces is that input cannot work (some of the characters you type in are sent to one of the interfaces, some to the others), USBDebugMIDI_Output doesn't have this issue.

In the following example, Control Surface works normally, using the USB MIDI interface: you can try sending note on/off messages for note C4 and it'll turn on/off the on-board LED, and if you press/release the button on pin 2 you'll receive note on/off messages.
Additionally, all MIDI input that arrives on the MIDI over USB interface is routed to a secondary MIDI debug output, allowing you to use the Serial Monitor to inspect the messages being sent to the Arduino.

// The primary MIDI interface used by Control Surface.
// A secondary interface to print incoming messages
// on the primary interface to the serial monitor.
USBDebugMIDI_Output midimon { 115200 };
// Pipe to route messages from midi to midimon.
MIDI_Pipe mpipe;
// You can add normal Control Surface MIDI elements:
NoteButton btn { 2, MIDI_Notes::C[4] };
NoteLED led { 13, MIDI_Notes::C[4] };
void setup() {
midi.setAsDefault(); // Make this the primary interface.
midi >> mpipe >> midimon; // Route messages from midi to midimon.
void loop() {
A class for debug MIDI outputs sending human-readable MIDI messages over the USB CDC connection.

Filtering or modifying messages passing through a pipe

It is possible to create custom MIDI pipes that can filter out certain MIDI messages, or even modify the MIDI messages that pass through them (for instance, to change the channel of certain messages). This is done by inheriting from the MIDI_Pipe class and overriding the MIDI_Pipe::mapForwardMIDI functions. See MIDI_Pipes-Filter.ino for more details.

More examples