136 ERROR(F(
"Track out of bounds (") << offset <<
')', 0xBA41);
138 ERROR(F(
"Line out of bounds (") <<
line <<
')', 0xBA42);
143 strncpy(buffer, text, 6);
174 for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
An interface for elements that draw to a display.
DisplayInterface & display
An interface for displays.
virtual void setTextColor(uint16_t color)=0
Set the text color.
virtual void setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y)=0
Set the cursor position.
virtual void setTextSize(uint8_t size)=0
Set the text size.
Displays the text of the Mackie Control Universal LCD screen for a single track.
bool getDirty() const override
Check if this DisplayElement has to be re-drawn.
LCDDisplay(DisplayInterface &display, LCD<> &lcd, uint8_t track, uint8_t line, PixelLocation loc, uint8_t textSize, uint16_t color)
LCDDisplay(DisplayInterface &display, LCD<> &lcd, uint8_t track, PixelLocation loc, uint8_t textSize, uint16_t color)
LCDDisplay(DisplayInterface &display, LCD<> &lcd, const OutputBank &bank, uint8_t track, uint8_t line, PixelLocation loc, uint8_t textSize, uint16_t color)
LCDDisplay(const LCDDisplay &)=delete
LCDDisplay(DisplayInterface &display, LCD<> &lcd, const OutputBank &bank, uint8_t track, PixelLocation loc, uint8_t textSize, uint16_t color)
void setLine(uint8_t line)
Set the line number of the LCD to display.
bool separateTracks() const
Check if the display contains a message for each track separately.
void draw() override
Draw this DisplayElement to the display buffer.
A class that represents the Mackie Control Universal LCD display and saves the text it receives.
const char * getText() const
Get a pointer to the null-terminated display text.
bool getDirty() const
Check if the text was updated since the last time the dirty flag was cleared.
void clearDirty()
Clear the dirty flag.
A class for changing the address of BankableMIDIOutputs.
int8_t getOffset() const
Get the address offset (number of banks times the index of the selected bank after applying the offse...
A simple struct representing a pixel with integer coordinates.