void | pinMode (CachedExtIOPin pin, PinMode_t mode) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | digitalWrite (CachedExtIOPin pin, PinStatus_t val) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
PinStatus_t | digitalRead (CachedExtIOPin pin) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
analog_t | analogRead (CachedExtIOPin pin) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | analogWrite (CachedExtIOPin pin, analog_t val) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | analogWrite (CachedExtIOPin pin, int val) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | shiftOut (CachedExtIOPin dataPin, CachedExtIOPin clockPin, BitOrder_t bitOrder, uint8_t val) |
| An ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | pinModeBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin, PinMode_t mode) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | digitalWriteBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin, PinStatus_t val) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
PinStatus_t | digitalReadBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
analog_t | analogReadBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | analogWriteBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin, analog_t val) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.
void | analogWriteBuffered (CachedExtIOPin pin, int val) |
| A buffered ExtIO version of the Arduino function.