3#include <AH/STL/utility>
16template <
class Value_t = Interfaces::IValue &>
39template <
class Value_t = Interfaces::IValue>
40using NoteBitmapDisplay [[deprecated(
"Use BitmapDisplay instead")]] =
A class that displays a bitmap depending on the state of a MIDINote or any other object that has a ge...
bool getDirty() const override
Check if this DisplayElement has to be re-drawn.
BitmapDisplay(DisplayInterface &display, Value_t &&value, const XBitmap &xbm, PixelLocation loc, uint16_t color)
void draw() override
Draw this DisplayElement to the display buffer.
An interface for elements that draw to a display.
DisplayInterface & display
An interface for displays.
virtual void drawXBitmap(int16_t x, int16_t y, const uint8_t bitmap[], int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color)=0
Draw a bitmap to the display.
A simple struct representing a pixel with integer coordinates.
A struct containing X Bitmap width, height and data.