Control Surface main
MIDI Control Surface library for Arduino
No Matches
MIDI Input Matchers

Detailed Description

Classes for matching incoming MIDI messages.

+ Collaboration diagram for MIDI Input Matchers:


struct  VPotMatcher
 MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VPot LED rings. More...
struct  BankableVPotMatcher< BankSize >
 MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VPot LED rings with bank support. More...
struct  VUMatcher
 MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VU meters. More...
struct  BankableVUMatcher< BankSize >
 MIDI Input matcher for Mackie Control Universal VU meters with bank support. More...
struct  OneByteMIDIMatcher
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 1 data byte, such as Channel Pressure and Program Change. More...
struct  TwoByteMIDIMatcher
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure (but not Pitch Bend). More...
struct  PitchBendMIDIMatcher
 Matcher for MIDI Pitch Bend messages. Matches a single address. More...
struct  TwoByteRangeMIDIMatcher
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure (but not Pitch Bend). More...
struct  BankableOneByteMIDIMatcher< BankSize >
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 1 data byte, such as Channel Pressure and Program Change. More...
struct  BankableTwoByteMIDIMatcher< BankSize >
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure. More...
struct  BankablePitchBendMIDIMatcher< BankSize >
 Matcher for MIDI Pitch Bend messages. More...
struct  BankableTwoByteRangeMIDIMatcher< BankSize >
 Matcher for MIDI messages with 2 data bytes, such as Note On/Off, Control Change, Key Pressure. More...