47 int16_t speedMultiply = 1, uint8_t pulsesPerStep = 4)
90 int16_t speedMultiply = 1,
91 uint8_t pulsesPerStep = 4)
Class for reading quadrature encoders, heavily influenced by http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Encod...
A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relat...
BorrowedCCRotaryEncoder(AHEncoder &encoder, MIDIAddress address, int16_t speedMultiply=1, uint8_t pulsesPerStep=4)
Construct a new CCRotaryEncoder object with the given pins, address, channel, speed factor,...
A class of MIDIOutputElements that read the input of a quadrature (rotary) encoder and send out relat...
CCRotaryEncoder(AHEncoder &&encoder, MIDIAddress address, int16_t speedMultiply=1, uint8_t pulsesPerStep=4)
Construct a new CCRotaryEncoder object with the given pins, address, channel, speed factor,...
An abstract class for rotary encoders that send MIDI events.
A type-safe utility class for saving a MIDI address consisting of a 7-bit address,...
Class that sends relative/incremental MIDI control change messages.