4. Architecture and Design Decisions
Pieter PTable of Contents list
The control loop of the motorized faders requires pretty tight timing, so
running it in the main loop is not really feasible if there are other slow
operations going on, such as updating displays or reading many potentiometers
through multiplexers. When moving the control loop
to an interrupt handler, this implies that the ADC has to be interrupt-driven
as well, which is incompatible with the main code using analogRead()
These factors make it hard to integrate motorized faders with the usual
To circumvent these issues, and to avoid having to port the architecture-specific interrupt and ADC code required for the control loops to all platforms supported by the Control Surface, I decided to implement the motorized fader code for the ATmega328P only. These chips are very popular, and Arduino Nano or Arduino Pro Mini clones can be found for under $5.
The ATmega328P motor controllers communicate with the main microcontroller over I²C. This allows multiple ATmega328P controllers to be used (with up to four faders each), using only two pins (SDA, SCL). The main microcontroller can write the setpoint for each fader, and can request the fader positions and touch status. Usually, the setpoint is updated based on the target sent over MIDI by the DAW, and the position and touch status is sent back to the DAW over MIDI. An example is included in MIDI-Controller.ino
Timer2 and Timer0 are used to generate up to four PWM channels at a rate of
One pin of the H-bridge motor driver is connected to a normal GPIO pin, the other to one of the four PWM outputs of the timers. In order to minimize the number of required IO pins, the motor driver's enable pins are permanently wired to Vcc. The motor is turned off by setting both outputs to the same level.
The direction of the motor is reversed by inverting the GPIO output and
inverting the PWM output by changing bit COM2B0
in the
It is important that the control loop runs at a regular interval. To do this, ADC conversions to measure the position of the faders are started in a timer interrupt.
The timer interrupts fire at a high rate, and we have to change the multiplexer channel before starting the next measurement (because we're reading the position of multiple faders), so we just set the “start conversion” bit in the timer interrupt service routine, without using the auto-triggering or free-running mode of the ADC.
Because the interrupt frequency is high (
constexpr uint8_t num_faders = 3;
constexpr uint8_t interrupt_divisor = 30;
constexpr uint8_t adc_start_count = interrupt_divisor / num_faders;
// Fires at a constant rate of 31,250 Hz:
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
static uint8_t counter = 0;
for (uint8_t fader = 0; fader < num_faders; ++fader) {
if (counter == fader * adc_start_count) {
if (counter == interrupt_divisor)
counter = 0;
In this example, the Timer2 frequency is divided by 30, so the sampling
rate of each of the three ADC channels
is counter == 0
the second when counter == 10
, and the third when
counter == 20
. If the number of faders doesn't divide the
interrupt counter divisor evenly, the result of adc_start_count
is floored. For example, if num_faders == 4
, the conversions
are started when counter == 0, 7, 14, 21
. This doesn't affect
the sampling rates.
The result of the ADC conversion is written to a variable in the ADC conversion ready interrupt.
Control loops
The PID controllers are updated in the main loop. They run whenever a new ADC measurement is available. This means that they are indirectly controlled by the rate of Timer2 as well:
Timer2 ISR starts ADC conversion → ADC conversion writes measurement to variable → main loop reads ADC measurement → PID controller runs → PWM duty cycle is updated
Capacitive touch sensing
The conductive knob of the fader can be seen as a small capacitive load
connected to the Arduino pin. When the knob is touched, the capacitance is
higher than when it is not being touched. The capacitance is not measured
directly, instead, a large resistor is added between
Let's say that we're using a resistor of
To determine whether the knob is being touched, we can just look at the state of the pin after the threshold time: if it's high, the RC-time is less than the threshold time, and the knob is not touched, if it's low, the RC-time is higher than the threshold time, and the knob is touched.
In practice, we just continuously charge and discharge the pin in the Timer2 interrupt. We simply start charging every 30 interrupts, then we count the number of interrupts to the threshold time (5 in this case), and we read the digital state of the pins. Then we switch the pin to output mode to discharge it for a couple of cycles, and then we start charging again.
// GPIO pin with the fader knob and pull-up resistor:
constexpr uint8_t touch_pin = 8;
// Frequency at which the Timer2 interrupt fires:
constexpr float interrupt_freq = 31'250;
// Interrupts per control loop period:
constexpr uint8_t interrupt_divisor = 30;
// Minimum RC-time to consider fader knob touched:
constexpr float touch_rc_time_threshold = 160e-6; // seconds
// Same threshold, but as a number of interrupts rather than seconds:
constexpr uint8_t touch_sense_thres = interrupt_freq * touch_rc_time_threshold;
static_assert(touch_sense_thres < interrupt_divisor, "RC-time too long");
volatile bool touched = false; // Whether the knob is touched or not
// Fires at a constant rate of 31,250 Hz:
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
static uint8_t counter = 0;
if (counter == 0) {
pinMode(touch_pin, INPUT); // start charging
} else if (counter == touch_sense_thres) {
touched = digitalRead(touch_pin) == LOW;
pinMode(touch_pin, OUTPUT); // start discharging
if (counter == interrupt_divisor)
counter = 0;
The only reason to wait 30 interrupt cycles before charging again is to synchronize with the ADC and the control loops. This is just for convenience, because in the actual implementation, both touch sensing and starting ADC conversions are handled in the same interrupt service routine. To minimize the overhead, all touch pins are on the same GPIO port, so touch sensing can be done very efficiently using direct port manipulation.
I²C (Wire)
The motor controller acts as an I²C slave. The master can read the fader positions and whether they are being touched or not, and the master can write the position setpoints.
The response contains the fader positions and touch status as follows (represented in binary):
0000 tttt
aaaa aaaa 00aa aaaa
bbbb bbbb 00bb bbbb
cccc cccc 00cc cccc
dddd dddd 00dd dddd
contains the touch status of up to four faders, the least
significant of the four bits is the first fader.
The length of the message depends on the
aaaa aaaa 00aa aaaa
encodes the
position of the first fader as a 16-bit Little-Endian integer,
bbbb bbbb 00bb bbbb
for the second
fader, and so on. By default,
these positions are 14-bit numbers (obtained by oversampling and averaging
the 10-bit ADC readings). The number of bits of the position values is
16 - Config::adc_ema_K
, so if the
constant changes,
the scale of the values changes as well.
To set the reference position, the master sends a message in the following format:
rrrr rrrr 00ff 00rr
rrrr rrrr 0000 00rr
is the 10-bit reference
position, encoded as a Little-Endian integer, and ff
is the
index of the fader to address (0 to 3).
UART (Serial)
Tuning parameters can be updated at runtime by sending them over the serial port, and it is possible to start experiments, logging the reference, actual position, and control signal. The SLIP protocol (RFC 1055) is used to handle packet framing.
The input format is explained here:
// ---------------------------------- Serial -------------------------------- //
// Read SLIP messages from the serial port that allow dynamically updating the
// tuning of the controllers. This is used by the Python tuning script.
// Message format: <command> <fader> <value>
// Commands:
// - p: proportional gain Kp
// - i: integral gain Ki
// - d: derivative gain Kd
// - c: derivative filter cutoff frequency f_c (Hz)
// - m: maximum absolute control output
// - s: start an experiment, using getNextExperimentSetpoint
// Fader index: up to four faders are addressed using the characters '0' - '3'.
// Values: values are sent as 32-bit little Endian floating point numbers.
// For example the message 'c0\x00\x00\x20\x42' sets the derivative filter
// cutoff frequency of the first fader to 40.
The outgoing messages are just SLIP packets containing the reference, the measured position and the control signal as three signed 16-bit Little-Endian integers.