Arduino IDE
Pieter PThis is an installation guide for the Arduino IDE on Ubuntu.
Pick a version
Version: ..
Download and extract the Arduino IDE
Either download it from the Arduino website, or use Wget to download it
Then extract the archive to ~/opt
cd /tmp
mkdir -p ~/opt/
tar -xf arduino--linux64.tar.xz -C ~/opt/
Install the Arduino IDE
The default installation folder is ~/.local
There seems to be a bug in the installation script that expects
to be present, so we'll have to
create that directory first.
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor
cd $HOME/opt/arduino-
You'll get a warning Removing symlink failed. Hope that's OK. If not
then rerun as root with sudo.
You can safely ignore it, because we'll
make the right symlink ourself:
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s ../../opt/arduino-/arduino ~/.local/bin/
ln -s ../../opt/arduino-/arduino-builder ~/.local/bin/
If ~/.local/bin
is not already in your path, add it:
echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
Add your user to the dialout
Your user needs access to the serial ports of you computer in order to
upload sketches to the Arduino.
You can either add your user to the group manually, using the following
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Alternatively, you can run the
script to
do it for you. It'll also handle udev rules for some Arduinos and
programmers, and fixes some modemmanager problems.
./ $USER
Start the Arduino IDE
You should now be able to start the Arduino IDE from the start menu, by
double-clicking an .ino
file, or from the terminal:
Tested on
- Ubuntu 18.04 - Arduino 1.8.9