To compile software for the Raspberry Pi, you need a cross-compilation toolchain. A cross-compilation toolchain is a collection of development files and programs that you can run on your computer or workstation, that produce binaries that can be executed on a different system with a possibly different architecture, such as a Raspberry Pi.

Downloading a pre-built toolchain

If you need the cross-compiled programs and libraries like Python and OpenCV, the toolchain will be included in the next step.

If, on the other hand, you just want the toolchain, without any of the additional programs and libraries, you can install the toolchain separately. The easiest way is to just download and extract the pre-built toolchains from GitHub. Pick the one for the Raspberry Pi you need:

mkdir -p ~/opt
wget -qO- | tar xJ -C ~/opt
mkdir -p ~/opt
wget -qO- | tar xJ -C ~/opt
mkdir -p ~/opt
wget -qO- | tar xJ -C ~/opt

For more details on how to select the correct one, and instructions for adding it to your PATH, see tttapa/docker-arm-cross-toolchain.

Building the toolchain yourself

If you want full control over the toolchain, customizing the compiler, debugger and other tools, the libc version, Linux version, etc., you can build the toolchain yourself, using crosstool-NG and the config files provided by tttapa/docker-arm-cross-toolchain.


As explained on the previous page, building the toolchain happens inside of a Docker container. This allows you to experiment in a sandbox-like environment. Starting from scratch is really easy, and you don't have to worry about messing up your main Linux installation. When you're done building, you can just delete the Docker containers and images.


A Dockerfile describes how the Docker image is built. In this project, we'll start from a standard Ubuntu image, install some build tools, and then compile the toolchain and the dependencies. Each step of the build process creates a new layer in the image. This is handy, because it means that if a build fails in one of the last steps, you can just fix it in your Dockerfile, and build it again. It'll then start from the last layer that was successfully built before, you don't have to start from the beginning (which would take a while, since we'll be building many large projects.)

The actual Dockerfiles used for the build can be found on GitHub at tttapa/docker-crosstool-ng-multiarch:Dockerfile and tttapa/docker-arm-cross-toolchain:Dockerfile, I'll briefly go over them on this page.

The following Dockerfile downloads, builds and installs crosstool-NG.


FROM ubuntu:bionic as ct-ng

# Install dependencies to build toolchain
RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
    apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends\
        gcc g++ gperf bison flex texinfo help2man make libncurses5-dev \
        python3-dev libtool automake libtool-bin gawk wget rsync git patch \
        unzip xz-utils bzip2 ca-certificates && \
    apt-get clean autoclean && \
    apt-get autoremove -y && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Add a user called `develop` and add him to the sudo group
RUN useradd -m develop && \
    echo "develop:develop" | chpasswd && \
    adduser develop sudo

USER develop
WORKDIR /home/develop

# Install autoconf
RUN wget -O- | tar xz && \
    cd autoconf-2.71 && \
    ./configure --prefix=/home/develop/.local && \
    make -j$(nproc) && \
    make install && \
    cd .. && \
    rm -rf autoconf-2.71
ENV PATH=/home/develop/.local/bin:$PATH

# Download and install the latest version of crosstool-ng
RUN git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1 \
WORKDIR /home/develop/crosstool-ng
RUN git show --summary && \
    ./bootstrap && \
    mkdir build && cd build && \
    ../configure --prefix=/home/develop/.local && \
    make -j$(($(nproc) * 2)) && \
    make install &&  \
    cd .. && rm -rf build

ENV PATH=/home/develop/.local/bin:$PATH
WORKDIR /home/develop 

# Patches
RUN wget -O- | \
    tar xJ debian/patches/129_multiarch_libpath.patch && \
    mkdir -p patches/binutils/2.40 && \
    mv debian/patches/129_multiarch_libpath.patch patches/binutils/2.40 && \
    rm -rf debian

You'll notice that the Dockerfile downloads a patch for the binutils package. This is done in order to support Debian Multiarch. Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu are both configured for Multiarch by default, so the toolchains we build must support this. To this end, we need to patch binutils. For more details, see this forum post.

Next, we build another Docker image, which actually builds the toolchain, using the crosstool-NG installation from the previous step.




WORKDIR /home/develop
RUN mkdir /home/develop/src
COPY ${HOST_TRIPLE}.defconfig defconfig
COPY ${HOST_TRIPLE}.env .env
RUN ls -lah

RUN ct-ng defconfig
    V=1 ct-ng build || { cat build.log && false; } && rm -rf .build

RUN chmod +w /home/develop/x-tools/${HOST_TRIPLE}
COPY cmake/Common.toolchain.cmake /home/develop/x-tools/${HOST_TRIPLE}/
COPY cmake/${HOST_TRIPLE}/* /home/develop/x-tools/${HOST_TRIPLE}/
RUN chmod -w /home/develop/x-tools/${HOST_TRIPLE}

ENV TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/home/develop/x-tools/${HOST_TRIPLE}
WORKDIR /home/develop

Different variants of the Raspberry Pi use different configuration files. These files have names that contain the full target triplet. They can be found on GitHub in same folder as the Dockerfile.

Building the crosstool-NG base image

This step is optional. It can be useful to build it yourself if you want the very latest version of crosstool-NG.

cd docker-crosstool-ng-multiarch
docker build . -t

If you skip this step, pull the image from GitHub:

docker pull

Upgrading and customizing the configurations

Next, we'll use crosstool-NG to update the configuration files and interactively customize the configuration. Here you can choose versions of the compiler and other tools, Linux and libc versions, and so on.

First, start a shell in the crosstool-NG container you built or pulled in the previous step. Mount the docker-arm-cross-toolchain folder containing the config files, so you can access them inside of the container.

cd ../docker-arm-cross-toolchain
docker run -it -v"$PWD:/mnt"

Now copy the configuration you need to a file named .config, update the configuration, make your changes, save the changes, and then overwrite the previous configuration with the new one. Here I'll use the aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu configuration, but you should use the correct one for your specific setup.

# Rename the old configuration
cp /mnt/aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu.config .config
# Upgrade the configuration
ct-ng upgradeconfig
# Customize the configuration
ct-ng menuconfig
# Overwrite the old configuration
cp .config /mnt/aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu.config

Building the toolchain

Finally, build the toolchain with the new config. Use the host triple that matches the configuration file name.

docker build . --build-arg=HOST_TRIPLE=aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu -t

Packaging and extracting the toolchain

Finally, create a tar archive of the toolchain, and copy it out of the Docker container so you can use it.

container=$(docker run -d bash -c "tar cJf x-tools.tar.xz x-tools")
docker wait $container
docker cp $container:/home/develop/x-tools.tar.xz x-tools-aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu.tar.xz
docker rm $container

Installing the toolchain

You can now simply extract the toolchain and install it somewhere on your system, e.g. in ~/opt:

mkdir -p ~/opt
tar xJf x-tools-aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu.tar.xz -C ~/opt

For more details on how to select the correct one, and instructions for adding it to your PATH, see tttapa/docker-arm-cross-toolchain.