Pieter PThis is an installation guide for the Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu.
Install Java
Downloading Eclipse
Go to the Eclipse website and download the IDE. I prefer to use the portable version (without the installer).
The version of Eclipse that will be used in this guide is Eclipse Oxygen. It can be downloaded here.
Extracting and moving the downloaded files
When Eclipse has finished downloading, open a terminal (using CTRL+ALT+T
First, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the file to (by default, this is ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
Move the file to /tmp
and extract it:
Then move the extracted files to your software installation folder. I usemv eclipse-java-oxygen-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz /tmp/
cd /tmp
tar -xzf eclipse-java-oxygen-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
. If it doesn't exist, you
have to create the folder first.
mkdir -p ~/opt/
mv eclipse ~/opt/
Create desktop launcher
Right now, you can go to ~/opt/eclipse
and run Eclipse from there. However, that's pretty cumbersome, so we'll
link Eclipse to the ~/.local/bin
folder that's in the system's path. This allows you to execute Eclipse
from the terminal.
To check if everything works correctly, you can try to run Eclipse from the terminal:mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/
ln -s "$HOME/opt/eclipse/eclipse" "$HOME/.local/bin/"
The next step is to add the Eclipse icon to the system's icon cache:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/
ln -s "$HOME/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm" "$HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/eclipse.xpm"
gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor
Finally, create a desktop launcher, to be able to open Eclipse from the Dash, or pin it to the launcher.
echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=Eclipse Oxygen Comment=Eclipse Oxygen Exec=eclipse %F Icon=eclipse Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;" > ~/.local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
After logging out and back in, you should be able to find Eclipse in the Dash.